Sentences with phrase «water runoff into»

Changes in water runoff into rivers and streams are another expected consequence of climate change by the late 21st Century.
We haven't built the capability to divert some of this additional water runoff into our depleting groundwater aquifers (underwater storage of water), so most of it goes into the ocean or evaporates.
One project she touted was the plan to stop untreated water runoffs into the Hudson River.

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In addition, water collection systems channel rain and irrigation runoff water back into the ground.
The agreement to buy Toohey Park permits a certain amount of water runoff from the Sunny Ridge site to flow into a pond at the park, but parks officials said they want to ensure that the project doesn't send too much water into the park.
The stabilization project started after officials found that storm water runoff was eroding the banks of the stream and depositing pollutants into existing wetlands, according to the Park District.
Currently, BPA - contaminated water such as industrial waste or landfill runoff may or may not be treated before it's released into the environment or to wastewater treatment plants.
Under state and federal mandate, East Hampton Town must design and implement a comprehensive program to deal with stormwater runoff, ensuring that it does not transport pollutants into water bodies such as...
The Thompson campaign has pointed out throughout the city comptroller's run for mayor that he has worked hard on environmental efforts, including attempting to stop natural gas drilling within or near the city's upstate watershed, which provides drinking water to the city's residents; calling for the preservation of wildlife space in the Ridgewood Reservoir; and issuing a report documenting the impact of airport congestion at the city's three major airports; and the rise in airport runoff, especially the flow from Kennedy Airport into marshes in Jamaica Bay.
It's the next phase in the $ 87 million consent decree, a water and sewer separation project that is mandated by the state and federal governments to prevent future sewage runoff into Lake Ontario.
Combined, these two adjustments would keep runoff water from overwhelming the city's aged sewer system, which today leads to raw waste being flushed into the river during storms.
Steve: When nutrients, it's usually phosphates, get into the waters of the Everglades, it really just disrupts the whole system — these are runoffs from mostly the sugar plantations, right?
That's why it's important to prevent contaminants from getting into the source water in the first place, for instance by installing wood chip bioreactors on farms to reduce nitrates in runoff water, says Michelle Soupir, a water quality engineer at Iowa State University in Ames.
-- John Eckerle, Jupiter, FL Motor oil leaked from individual vehicles — or outright dumped by homeowners and commercial garages — constitutes a significant chunk of storm water runoff, the fallen precipitation that runs off of roads and parking lots and inevitably finds its way into local water bodies.
Rain water is shunted into storm drains, pushing the contaminated sediment downstream and delivering a fresh load of toxic runoff and snowmelt from city streets to Little Black Creek.
New York's Mayor Michael Bloomberg has committed city funds to converting some of the area's black tar and stone roofs into highly reflective white roofs, which reduce temperatures on roofs and cooling costs but fail to address the storm water runoff problem.
Otherwise, storm runoff gets contaminated with benzene and other harmful chemicals and can infiltrate into adjacent soil patches or form stormwater that may end up in natural bodies of water
As a result, rainwater bounces off and collects as runoff, picking up impurities — including infectious bacteria from animal waste as well as harmful pesticides and fertilizers — on the way to municipal storm sewers, which in turn eventually empty out into local bodies of water.
The hardening prevents water from soaking into the soil, promoting flash floods and polluted runoff.
Once applied to the land, antibiotics can infiltrate water supplies as it seeps through the soil into aquifers or spills into surface water due to runoff, explained Dolliver.
Less rainfall to the area will mean reduced runoff into water basins that feed irrigated fields.
The city has committed $ 1.5 billion to erecting green infrastructure — green roofs, street and sidewalk plantings, porous pavements, cisterns, rain barrels — that will control and absorb storm water and prevent polluted runoff from flowing into waterways by capturing it and filtering it naturally through the soil.
The scientists estimated that the amount of contaminated water flowing into the ocean from this brackish groundwater source below the sandy beaches is as large as the input from two other known sources: ongoing releases and runoff from the nuclear power plant site itself, and outflow from rivers that continue to carry cesium from the fallout on land in 2011 to the ocean on river - borne particles.
«A sort of grand problem in Earth science is to understand the water cycle — evaporation from the ocean, clouds, rain, the formation of ice, the runoff from the land back into the sea,» said Eric Lindstrom, Aquarius program scientist at NASA.
Location, location, location — Pick a site for your garden where runoff from your driveway or roof gutters can be diverted into it or that tends to collect water.
Local runoff and imported water from the Colorado River did not pick up arsenic as it percolated into the recharge stations.
For instance, during extreme weather events, sewage pipes overflow with added storm water runoff, resulting in wastewater dumping into local bodies of water or the ocean.
Plastics can enter into the marine environment a number of ways: through ineffective or improper waste management, intentional or accidental dumping and littering on shorelines or at sea, or through storm water runoff.
In addition, water collection systems channel rain and irrigation runoff water back into the ground.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), «When pet waste is improperly disposed of, it can be picked up by storm - water runoff and washed into storm drains or nearby water bodies --[it] carries bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can threaten the health of humans and wildlife.»
Besides being inconsiderate, leaving your pet's waste behind can pollute water sources when runoff washes into streams and lakes.
Which leads me to another question — the melting glacial / Greenland / Antarctic ice water is depleted in CO2 (check out the bubbles in your ice cubes)-- how much additional CO2 is being sequestered by this runoff into the oceans, and what happens to CO2 increase when we run out of glaciers?
Furthermore, changes in runoff routing through the Arctic Ocean can regulate the extent to which Arctic tDOM is incorporated into North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and distributed in the global ocean.
Well - known for her «living sculptures» which she calls «biosculptures,» the work of ecological artist Jackie Brookner is a collaborative and cross-disciplinary effort to create water remediation art projects that are public in nature - reclaiming wetlands, rivers, streams and stormwater runoff into revitalized environments - and bringing to awareness the gift of life that water brings.
Runoff from steep ice - cliffs, or through subglacial flow driven by water percolating through pores or fractures, will convert a high fraction of melting into ablation.
As I read reports about the release of more than 11,000 tons of radiation - laced water into the sea from the damaged nuclear plant in Japan, I recalled reporting I did more than a decade ago on the many uses of silt barriers — essentially curtains suspended in water — to hold back everything from oil slicks to the bursts of polluted runoff flowing into coastal waters from city storm drains after heavy storms (the water can be pumped and treated once the system is not overloaded).
This is part way into a question I asked at RC... QUESTION: Do these experiments take into account any heat added to the water by underwater volcanic activity or fumeroles or even fresh water runoff from rain?
As his office announced plans Tuesday of the beach tour, Assemblyman John McKeon (D - Essex) criticized Christie for his veto of legislation to control pollution flowing into Barnegat Bay via storm water runoff and for his pulling the state out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
Changing land use and the expansion of urban areas are reducing water infiltration into the soil and increasing surface runoff.
They grow tomatoes, potatoes and papaya in holes designed to slow rainy runoff and percolate water back into the river.
The water quality at our beaches is threatened by pollution from urban and agricultural runoff, sewage spills and overflows, and waste discharged into the ocean by industry, sewage treatment plants and power plants.
runoff water (from precipitation or irrigation) that does not evaporate or seep into the soil but flows into rivers, streams, or lakes, and may carry sediment
More abundant rainfall can lead to flash flooding, as large volumes of water runoff feeds into streams and rivers, causing them to overflow.
Moreover, carbon makes its way into the ocean by a variety of other processes such as continental runoff, in which case the 14C levels of the estuary reflect a mix between ocean waters and freshwater.
Green roofs help to prevent water - runoff and pollution problems — water feeds plants, instead of running into sewers — as well as heating and cooling problems, since the roofs absorb solar heat.
Improved road maintenance and construction practices reduce or eliminate runoff and fine sediment being delivered into streams, which can degrade water quality and fish habitat.
The pits are huge, circular, moonscape scars in the earth with shaley slopes that dump runoff water into green crater lakes where no plant dares grow and no bird dares swim.
Losses from surface melting, water runoff, the breakup of glaciers into the ocean (calving), and the transformation of solid ice into water vapor (sublimation) exceed any gains through snowfall.2, 3,4,5 The Greenland ice sheet loses most of its mass on the perimeter, through a dozen fast - moving glaciers, including Helheim.5, 6
The Greenland ice sheet is shrinking.2, 3,4,5 Ice sheets grow through snowfall, and shrink through surface melting, water runoff, breakup into the ocean (calving), and direct transformation into water vapor (sublimation).
We find a close agreement between the CESM - based hindcasts and the Markov model, indicating that the largest contribution to the predictive skill of soil water on interannual to decadal timescales in CESM can be attributed to the damped persistence, which is partly governed by the evapotranspiration (Delworth and Manabe 1988), the total runoff, and the diffusion of soil moisture into the deeper soil levels as shown in the Eq.
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