Sentences with phrase «water under the bridge now»

Anyhow, it is water under the bridge now.
Thankfully thats all water under the bridge now.
I think there's too much water under the bridge now, to be honest.
Mr Wenger failed to stock properly during the transfer window but its water under the bridge now.
But hey, is water under the bridge now.
(Of course, there was that little bump in the relationship road when King challenged Cuomo in the 2006 AG's race, but he ended up dropping out and backing Cuomo, so that's all water under the bridge now).
Whatever, all water under the bridge now... Your cheerful outfit more than makes up for it all.
The easy answer was regular heartworm preventive medicine before this happened, and that's water under the bridge now.
However over the last couple of years the franchise have taken a turn for the «worse» with all the hate the last release got, but that is water under the bridge now as we get to head back into the RE universe with the release of Resident Evil: Revelations.
It's all water under the bridge now, but this whole exchange does demonstrate the serious collateral damage that can be caused by relatively minor mistakes.
But all of that is water under the bridge now.
Water under the bridge now: — RRB - I have some of the «real» stuff, and love it, but would also like to try making my own «cuz I'm too cheap / poor to buy more.

Not exact matches

All this is now past history and — if one may be whimsical about so serious a matter — «bridges under the water
I'm glad it's all water under the bridge or whatever now.
Both managers insist it is now water under the bridge, but tonight's game is expected to be a wholehearted affair nonetheless between two sides desperate for all three points.
Revisiting them now would, I think, be... er the water is under the bridge
Kindergarten is now water under the bridge (though some states are still arguing over whether it should be half - day or full - day) but much the same lesson applies to one of today's liveliest areas of education - policy debate, namely the «universal preschool» movement.
There's plenty of water to go under the bridge yet before the GS comes to Australia and all we have to go on right now is the three model line - up for the Middle East.
The rest of you, well, it's now water under the bridge.
I do regret the foolish purchases for comsumables that resulted in this debt and my lack of financial awareness in my 20s and early 30s, but that's water under the bridge and right now it is just satisfying to keep on my financial plan successfully from month to month and meet my obligations.
Much water has passed under the bridge since the California Coastal Sanctuary was created 23 years ago, and, as intended, NO NEW LEASES have been issued in State waters; additionally, one of the exemptions to the Sanctuary has become essentially moot now that the Ellwood leases have been quitclaimed to the State.
With a little water under the bridge, and the second episode of story content on the way, we figured that now would be a good time to catch up with him and see what the reaction to the game has been like, and how it's affected the way the game's development is continuing:
It also helped, I'm sure, that the ABCA claimed it was applying the SCC's own words in Walker Estate v. York Finch Hospital, in declaring that the Athey material contribution test applied, not the but for test, but that's likely water under the bridge, at least for now.
On the one hand, «les neiges» are now water under the bridge, done and dusted, yesterday's news, or, to return to our metaphor, Schnee von gestern (yesterday's snow) as the Germans might say.
The Court noted that no one had challenged the budget when it was set and it was now «water under the bridge».
Now you simply can not take tings lightly any more, because the water is under the bridge!
But it's all water under the bridge (for now!)
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