Sentences with phrase «water use as»

Hilton is also using Home2Suites to introduce its LightStay system, which will measure energy and water use as well as the carbon output of its properties.
Growth of domestic water use as stimulated by income growth was found to be dominant (Alcamo et al., 2007).
Via:: Access North Georgia, «Scientist cautions against gray water use as drought drags on» Image credit:: Beach Cast, Fecal Coliform
Planning decisions not only affect building energy consumptions and GHG emissions, but transportation energy consumption and water use as well, both of which have large environmental implications.
Thus, biomass plants raise similar, but not identical, concerns about air emissions and water use as fossil fuel plants.
Experts say the conflict is just one sign of rising tensions over water use as supplies of the vital resource dwindle and shift with changes in climate.
Outdoor water restrictions are a common water conservation strategy in the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries to address water use as it relates to maintaining lawns and greenspace.
The group notes that the lead levels in some wells fluctuated during continued water use as particulate lead was mobilized.
«You see different approaches to monitoring and controlling water use as you look across the High Plains,» she said.
We will apply adaptive management to continually improve the efficiency and effectiveness of environmental water use and we will consider any opportunity to diversify our range of water uses as knowledge and modelling improves.
When water used as a coolant is returned to the natural environment at a higher temperature, the change in temperature impacts organisms by (a) decreasing oxygen supply, and (b) affecting ecosystem composition.
The article shows that bone stock made according to a standard recipe and not concentrated further contained just over ten times the concentration of lead as tap water used as a control (9.5 micrograms of lead per Killogram of liquid stock versus 0.89 per Killogramkillogram of water).
Use it on hair and scalp 1/4 cup of ACV mixed with 2 cups of water used as a rinse after you shampoo and condition closes the hairs cuticle, adds shine, clarifies the hair and scalp and helps with the pH balance of the scalp.

Not exact matches

Mosquitoes locate their hosts using receptors on their antennae and mouthparts that pick up on cues that hosts emit, such as CO2 and water vapor in our breath, and chemicals in our sweat such as lactic acid, butyric acid and fatty acids.
Highly inefficient water users — such as Egypt, Ethiopia, and Iran — use as much as 95 %.
However, communities such as Mount Pleasant that straddle the basin boundary can withdraw Great Lakes water for public use.
It's also known as one of the most eco-friendly, thanks to the company's inventive use of natural materials like merino wool, tree fibers, and recycled water bottles.
Surfers addressed that problem as best they could by using the buddy system and carrying cheap, disposable film cameras that came with a waterproof housing and glorified rubber - band wrist strap — but that usually ended with the cameras banging them on the head or getting lost in the water.
One unique challenge that the German market presents is the Reinheitsgebot — sometimes called the «German Beer Purity Law» — that has been on the books for centuries and says for a product to be marketed as a beer, it can only use four ingredients: water, yeast, malt and hops.
In northwest Louisiana, as the production rush began in the Haynesville Shale in 2009, the state water agency ordered oil and gas companies to stop pulling groundwater from the local aquifer that also supplied homes and businesses, and use surface water instead.
As it happens, EnCana itself has invested in a specialized $ 10 - million plant near its Peace River, B.C., operations that treats «sour» water from a saline aquifer for use in its shale drilling.
New social media platforms pop up on a regular basis, and as we all hop in to test the water and see how we can use each, we undoubtedly upload a profile picture in the process.
The water - efficient and nitrogent - efficient maize projects in Africa are using plant - breeding methods, as well, but genetic engineering can provide further boosts to productivity.
In the Slingshot's current form (soon to be updated in a beta stage), it can deliver around 800 litres of clean drinking water daily — enough for about 300 people — and uses as much electricity in an hour as a basic hair dryer.
And annual operations and management costs can be crippling, as well as highly variable depending on the size of the plant and the systems used to take in water and distribute it to customers.
Kamen's device got serious backing in 2012 when Coca - Cola signed a partnership agreement (for undisclosed terms) and pledged to help deliver the Slingshot to rural communities as part of its goal to become «water neutral» by 2020 — replenishing «every drop» of water used in the creation of the company's products.
While developing a dialysis machine that could use distilled water, Kamen (who's perhaps best known as the inventor of the Segway) discovered the process of vapour - compressed distillation, or VCD, which is central to the Slingshot's operation.
From water - and snow - resistant parkas made from skins worn by hunters in polar regions to garments fabricated using woven straw, such as the ancient Japanese
When I pierced my nose, I used it to mix hot water with epsom salt to act as a disinfectant.
From water - and snow - resistant parkas made from skins worn by hunters in polar regions to garments fabricated using woven straw, such as the ancient Japanese mino, people have long sought ways to remain dry while outside in wet weather.
Now we usually find it in tonic water, though it's still used in drugs that treat malaria as well.
As the OpenROV moves through the water, it shoots images back above ground using a forward - facing HD USB webcam and LED lights.
CLIN can then be used to make in - app purchases for things like active - wear, water bottles, and additional services, such as a chatbot that reminds users to take their medication.
Using water as a means of stealth is crucial.
Newer SAGD plants such as Connacher Oil and Gas's Great Divide have managed to nearly eliminate fresh water use — they use non-potable water from aquifers and recycle it — and reduce GHG emissions by about 20 % compared to the industry average through more efficient burning of natural gas, cogeneration of electricity and reduced heat loss on the steam's journey underground.
«Xfinity Mobile could be seen as «testing the waters» as Comcast will use the knowledge gained, and level of success (or lack of success), in determining next steps in the inevitable convergence of content and wireless distribution,» he writes.
Still, the National Institutes of Health says that nasal irrigation is generally safe, so it can't hurt to try it — as long as you use the right type of water.
Poloz used his speech to challenge the old cliché of Canadians as «hewers of wood and drawers of water
(The Mission Creek, once used as a water source by soldiers, flows through the building's basement.)
This beast of a machine, as big as a shipping container, uses a closed loop of evaporation and condensation to turn contaminated water into distilled - quality H2O.
Experienced financial cheats test the water by starting with elementary games such as using cookie jars to increase or decrease current liabilities and to alter revenue.
Freeman boiled water to sterilize a couple shoelaces in order to use them as clamps.
If mold grew as a result of that water damage and then ruined something you owned, you should be able to use your renters policy to have the objects replaced.
You can either use filtered water such as from a brita or you can boil some water and let it cool down to a warm temperature.
Though calculations of the environmental impact of Dr Post's lab - grown meat have yet to be published, early indications suggest that cultured meat could reduce the need for land and water by as much as 90 % and overall energy use by up to 70 %.
Future Ready Singapore, 12 February 2015: As the international corporate community rethinks the way it conducts business to address global challenges, solving water scarcity and managing water use could be the top untapped opportunity that will have the biggest positive impact on societies.
I roast chicken backs and parts or use leftover chicken or turkey bones then use a electric instapot style pressure cooker set on chicken / high temp for an hour then let it naturally depressurize let cool then refrigerate overnight take the grease layer off following day as it will congel on top its easy to remove then warm it back up to liquify and put it into ice cube trays mix 17 ice cubes (1 cup) too 1 or 2 cups water depending on strength you want the best stock on earth
You may not think much about this, but a tremendous amount of global resources — such as energy, minerals, chemicals and water — are used to make a single item of clothing, electronic gadget, or household item.
High Efficiency Turbo Blowers are used in a variety of water and wastewater treatments, as well as industrial applications, meeting a wide spectrum of our customers» needs.
Its efforts over the last few years, including a pledge to replenish all the water it uses globally via Coca - Cola products, are as much about margins as they are about the environment.
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