Sentences with phrase «wave event»

Both confirmed gravitational wave events likely came from merging black holes.
The distance to the merger makes the source both the closest gravitational wave event detected so far and also one of the closest gamma - ray burst sources ever seen.
In the next few years, more gravitational wave events will be observed, and they will reveal astounding details about massive object.
Taking into account the disastrous effects of the 2003 and 2010 heat wave events in Europe, and those of 2011 and 2012 in the USA, results show that we may be facing a serious risk of adverse impacts over larger and densely populated areas if mitigation strategies for reducing global warming are not implemented.
The most important discovery in astronomy in 2017 was the groundbreaking discovery of a gravitational wave event GW170817 due to the merger of two neutron stars as well as its associated short GRB (gamma ray burst) 170817A and other electromagnetic counterpart emissions in multi-wavelength.
While the blocking pattern associated with the 2010 event was unusually intense and persistent, its major features were similar to atmospheric patterns associated with prior extreme heat wave events in the region since 1880, the researchers found.
Black hole heavyweights triggered gravity wave event.
Related paper: Ultrahigh - energy neutrino follow - up of gravitational wave events GW150914 and GW151226 with the Pierre Auger Observatory A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration), Phys.
The gravitational wave event from August still has surprises in store.
Most individual wave events are too faint by the time they reach Earth for astronomers to make them out from background gravitational - wave noise.
They analysed the impact of one - in - thirty - year drought, flood and heat - wave events on each of the countries, focusing on two 30 - year time slices: 1971 — 2000 and 2071 — 2100.
Because LIGO was able to detect two of these gravitational wave events within its first few months of running, scientists are confident that these sorts of black hole collisions are actually pretty common in our neighborhood.
The unpolarized macronova associated with the gravitational wave event GW 170817.
«That will be invaluable, especially for researchers trying to calculate the nature and number of gravitational wave events expected from galaxy cores.
Several different teams of scientists used Hubble over the two weeks following the gravitational wave event alert to observe NGC 4993.
On 17 August 2017 the Laser Interferometer Gravitational - Wave Observatory (LIGO) and the Virgo Interferometer both alerted astronomical observers all over the globe about the detection of a gravitational wave event named GW170817 [1].
«Gravitational waves detected for a second time: Physicists contribute to identification of second gravitational wave event using data from Advanced LIGO detectors.»
«We saw ultraviolet light resulting from this gravitational - wave event as part of Swift observations of almost 750 different locations in the sky.
But the CSU team now suspects that the reduction of sea ice and strong wave events in the Drake Passage could also play a role in rapid collapse events, such as the dramatic collapse of the Larsen A ice shelf in 1995 and, perhaps, the ongoing fracturing of the Larsen C ice shelf.
Such black holes are possibly responsible for the gravitational wave events observed by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational - Wave Observatory.
Subsequent camera snapshots of a measured rogue wave event.
The Swift discovery is spectacular because it is associated with a gravitational wave event which makes this a bona - fide double neutron star merger, said Peter Mészáros, Eberly Chair of Astronomy and Astrophysics and professor of physics, Penn State, who has studied gamma ray bursts and gravitational waves extensively.
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In situ measurements of an energetic wave event in the Arctic marginal ice zone.
Simulated heat - wave events increased C4 dominance in a mixed C3 / C4 New Zealand grassland within a single growing season, but reduced productivity by over 60 % where C4 plants were absent (White et al., 2000b).
While the new study looks at long - term trends, some scientists have also begun to evaluate the influence of climate change on individual heat wave events — and they're making some worrying discoveries, as well.
Optical follow - up of gravitational - wave events with Las Cumbres Observatory.
Connecting kilonovae and short gamma - ray bursts to neutron star mergers has so far been difficult, but the multitude of detailed observations following the detection of the gravitational wave event GW170817 has now finally verified these connections.
New «deep learning» algorithms are expected to improve the detection of gravitational wave signals and, with additional work, may help identify electromagnetic counterparts to gravity wave events
Ever since LIGO announced the first gravitational - wave event in early 2016, networks of small telescopes around the world have been poised to detect an «optical counterpart.»
When the gravitational wave event GW170817 was detected, astronomers rushed to search for the source using conventional telescopes (see the Introduction by Smith).
Origin of the heavy elements in binary neutron star mergers from a gravitational wave event.
The distance to NGC 4993: The host galaxy of the gravitational - wave event GW170817.
What are the exact consequences of this for the evolution of our cosmos and also the occurrence of supernovae and gravitational wave events?
This is the first time the optical counterpart of a gravitational wave event was observed.
Both of the twin Laser Interferometer Gravitational - Wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors — located in Livingston, Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington — detected the gravitational wave event, named GW151226.
Dr Li said the latest research findings give a better understanding of changes in human - perceived equivalent temperature, and indicate global warming has stronger long - term impacts on human beings under both extreme and non-extreme weather conditions, suggesting that climate change adaptation can not just focus on heat wave events, but should be extended to the whole range of effects of temperature increases.
They recognized that some historical heat wave events are indeed characterized by a large - scale circulation pattern that indicated a wavenumber - 5 event.
During the summer months of that period, and within an area roughly equivalent to the continental United States, there were more than 5900 heat wave events, including a total of more than 16,000 heat wave days (defined as days when the high temperature reached the top 2.5 % of readings for that date across 10 % or more of the continental United States).
Both of the twin Laser Interferometer Gravitational - Wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors — located in Livingston, Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington — detected this gravitational wave event, named GW151226.
For the first time, NASA scientists have detected light tied to a gravitational - wave event, thanks to two merging neu... read more
And LIGO's (Laser Interferometer Gravitational - Wave Observatory) second gravitational wave event, GW151226, is great for both!
«Our findings are: heat wave frequency, duration and maximum length of heat wave events are increasing over the country, especially over central and northwest India.
The fifth gravitational wave event (GW170817), detected in mid-August 2017, was probably even more important than the first detection because it was the first one whose source also produced electromagnetic radiation we could observe with ground and space - based telescopes.

Phrases with «wave event»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z