Sentences with phrase «wave functions of»

Since the Warsaw physicists were facing a seemingly impossible task, they attempted to tackle the issue differently: rather than using classical interference of electromagnetic waves, they tried to register quantum interference in which the wave functions of photons interact.
Researchers hope that in the future they will be able to use a similar method to recreate wave functions of more complex quantum objects, such as certain atoms.
No appeal to quantum gravity is required to localize the wave functions of composite matter.
As is demonstrated by the contrast between the wave functions of a free electron and those of a bound electron, the formation of bonds between particles doesn't so much collapse their wave function as localize it, by making it energetically improbable that a particle will exist outside a particular well of potential.
In the above study, electrons in the conductor are described by the wave functions of quantum mechanics and the magnetic field is expressed as the U (1) gauge field.
By altering the quantum - mechanical wave nature or wave functions of the reactants, we are now able to control, to an extent far greater than was previously possible, the final product.
The wave functions of quantum theory illustrate this.
I could, however, talk to you about the major metabolic pathways of the cell or the wave functions of particles.
While the probability theorems of this theory allow us accurately to predict the behaviour of a sufficiently large group of identical quantum entities, the wave function of an individual quantum system describes itspofenf / al to produce certain outcomes when appropriate measurements are taken.
Was the wave function of the world waiting to jump for thousands of millions of years until a single - celled living creature appeared?
In effect, the shape of the disk is like the wave function of a quantum particle bouncing around in a cavity with walls at the disk's inner and outer edges.
QUANTUM COLLAPSE Using a miniature vibrating cantilever, scientists are searching for an explanation of how the wave function of a particle collapses to a single place.
The third period — his work on the wave function of the universe — is much more speculative.
But the wave function of whether my epistle is actually printed doesn't collapse (for me) until I open subsequent issues and see if it is indeed there.
A magnetized scanning tunneling microscope tip was used to probe the spin property of the quantum wave function of the Majorana fermion at the end of a chain of iron atoms on the surface of a superconductor made of lead.
The Warsaw physicists used quantum holography to reconstruct wave function of an individual photon.
You can't rewind the wave function of the universe and rerun it.

Not exact matches

The company offers to implant its workers and startup members with microchips the size of grains of rice that function as swipe cards: to open doors, operate printers, or buy smoothies with a wave of the hand.
It is a hamfisted cautionary tale about global warming (which, via the film's scientific hand - waving, produces an ice age), but it also functions as a powerful 9/11 allegory, celebrating the ability of New Yorkers to unify in the face of tragedy.
Although you can access gamma brain waves during periods of extremely high functioning, it's the beta waves that scientists associate with everyday alertness, critical thinking, socialization, learning and cognitive processing.
While it's true that the sales function is in the early stages of moving from automation to true intelligence, it's clear that the next wave of sales technology is here.
Anticipating the critical, Foucauldian maneuver, he waves away the suspicion that the function of «truth» is simply to provide rhetorical cover to forms of political domination.
This combination of wave functions with the minus sign is necessary to have a state of spin zero (or if there is a plus sign, a spin of + 1).
That is to say, the way these wave functions are combined is essential to properties of the whole system.
If you «Fourier analyze» the wave function, you get a probability of momentum, and so on.
The result of this interaction depends statistically upon the wave function.
The wave function was at the heart of a system of computing probabilities.
Therefore, there was no picture at all of what sort of essence the wave function might be referring to.
The most interesting new point was that the many - body wave - function is a function of all the coordinates of all the particles.
Typical probabilities determined by the wave function were (x, t) 2, the probability of density of particles in space.
We have the wave function which Schroedinger brought in as a function of x and t. (Notice that he still used the old ideas of time and space coordinates.)
The enrichment of the wave function will describe the change of entropy.
Instead of using classical concepts of precisely defined x and p we will now say that the wave function describes the state of the particle as accurately as possible.
This is the meaning of the collapse of the wave function.
There is no collapse of the wave function.
Zucker: The wave function which seems so mysterious represents the amplitude of information (potential information), but when we look, the wave function collapses because we have the information.
The phenomena are described through classical language, but instead of using classical calculus to predict from one phenomenon to the next, we replace the classical calculus with the quantum algorithm — wave functions, matrices, and so on.
The current wave of dystopian young adult fiction, for example, serves the same kind of public liturgical function for progressive individualism as the New Year liturgy of Marduk's victory over Tiamat once did for a strong Babylonian kingship.
Recent results have indeed been able to show that probabilistic predictions in quantum mechanicslogically follow, without any additional postulates, from the description of individual quantum systems, with the aid of the wave function, which can be expressed, as we have seen, in a completely non-probabilistic way and the assumption that the objective properties of the system can be obtained by measurements with certainty.
Moreover, the wave function contains all the information about the state of the system (provided that it is pure).
The atom must be considered as a whole (in the wave - function of a 2 - electron atom, even the separate identity of the electrons is lost).
For this reason, teaching about television becomes a high priority for the church — teaching pastors how to function in an informational rather than an industrial society, teaching denominational leaders how to deal with the new kinds of ethical situations that have resulted from the dominance of this new institution, with its new kind of power, and, above all, teaching parishioners how to cope with the enormous wave of exciting.
According to the theory, the form of relatedness that characterizes unified, purposive functioning in human beings and lower animals should be manifested in their brain waves — perhaps in some kind of harmony that appears in the brain wave pattern.
Although the work is done in the context of a more general problem — the effect of environmental electromagnetic fields upon cellular functions — Adey is also concerned with the question of how brain waves might play a role in normal brain function.
The function of the receiver is to explicate the order, that is, to unfold the image implicate in the radio wave in the form of a visual or explicate image.
About three years ago, I went to a function for my husband's employer, and we were in a very large parking lot filled with lots of people, when I heard very loud and clear, a woman's voice call to my husband from clear across the parking lot, and as she was calling out to him, she was in a full wave.
The level of energy exposure to organ tissues transforms into heat energy, in addition to sound waves at varying frequency may lead to unseen disruptions in normal activities and functions.
For nearly a century, physicists have explained the peculiarities of their quantum properties — such as wave - particle duality and indeterminism — by invoking an entity called the wave function, which exists in a superposition of all possible states at once right up until someone observes it, at which point it is said to «collapse» into a single state.
The Everettian many - worlds interpretation treats the wave function as a fundamental part of reality, for one.
But many physicists are uncomfortable with seeing the wave function as a fundamental aspect of reality, preferring to treat its companion equation as a calculating device and seeking a deeper theory to explain what is really going on.
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