Sentences with phrase «wave of reform»

And it's what will keep them going when the next wave of reforms comes rolling through.
These initial waves of reform did little to change the content of instruction, especially with their focus on basic skills.
Will a district and a city accustomed to being at the cutting edge of education reform sit out this latest wave of reform efforts?
The second wave of reform took the form of school restructuring, and combined three complementary elements: (a) a call for higher and common expectations for ALL students, (b) an emphasis on new and more challenging teaching practices, and (c) dramatic changes in the organization and management of public schools (Elmore, 1990).
The New Orleans experience revealed major overregulation flaws that the next wave of reform in its mold should avoid, but it improves drastically upon the currently conventional U.S. schooling model that in its worst rendition gives us school districts like Washington DC.
The release of Risk acted like a meteor hitting the ocean, creating tidal waves of reform everywhere.
Leading educators have noted that the current wave of reform is the first in history to be so clearly tied to the power of the...
Previous waves of reform had focused on inputs, intentions, and regulation: boost the credentials and pay of teachers; increase course requirements for high - school graduation; mandate lower class sizes; etc..
Diminished funding, school closings, turnarounds, takeovers, vouchers and the privatization of schools proliferate in a contemporary wave of reforms taking urban districts by storm.
A first wave of reform last year was designed to liberalize trades and professions as diverse as taxi driving, the law, baking and pharmacy, long protected from competition.
Public help with income and health care costs withstood the first New Right wave of reforms.
Recognition for competency - based education, e-rate subsidies to expand Internet access for schools, or support for charter schools, for example, could not have become significant waves of the reform without supportive policies and public investment.
Despite a recent wave of reform, the vast majority of school districts nationwide continue to pay teachers based on salary schedules that fail to differentiate among teachers based on their subject - area expertise.
When the initial waves of reform produced disappointing results (cf. Cohen & Spillane, 1992), growing concern about the educational preparation of the nation's youth prompted President Bush and state governors to call an education summit in September 1989 where they agreed on six broad goals for education to be reached by the year 2000 (National Education Goals Panel, 1991).
Given the tidal wave of reform enveloping public education, it will be interesting to see what happens to the teacher job satisfaction numbers in the coming years.
Although, family law firms have risen to these challenges — for example by launching competitive fixed fee services — Emma Pearmaine, Head of Family Law at Simpson Millar LLP fears some clients may be hard hit by the fresh wave of reforms.
No new way of thinking has emerged to displace those that have preoccupied reformers for a quarter - century — but the defining ideas of our current wave of reform (standards, testing, and choice), and the conceptual framework built around them, are clearly outliving their usefulness.
In that regard, the report issued today was viewed as a political document, one that the governors can use, if they wish, to initiate what they call a second wave of reforms.
«The DWP may not like to hear it but its next wave of reforms will be a non-starter, unless the formula for increasing state pension age is firmly anchored on prior improvements to healthy life expectancy in poor communities,» Mr Harrop argued.
The alarm it sounded about declining competitiveness touched off a tidal wave of reforms: state standards, charter schools, alternative teacher - certification programs, more money, more test - based «accountability» and, since 2001, two big federal programs, No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top.
Previous waves of reform had focused on inputs, intentions, and regulation: Boost the credentials and pay of teachers; increase course requirements for high - school graduation; mandate lower class sizes; etc..
Yet, a wave of reform came over the country and citizens began to change what Christmas represented, it wasn't until the 1800's that people began celebrating Christmas as the family - oriented holiday that we know it as today.
His universal credit could be extended with a «mark two» wave of reforms.
Amid the wave of reform, Bronx Assemblyman Carl Heastie, a self - described consensus builder, was elected speaker to steer the conference away from the rocks.
«You need to change the laws regarding campaign finance and bring a wave of reform into state government.»
Elisa's death on Thanksgiving weekend in 1995 attracted broad attention — prompting a national conversation about child abuse, a wave of reforms to the city's child welfare system, and a child welfare law named in her honor.
The way in which we rise to the challenge of disseminating this information could determine whether SEL fades into the background, or moves to the forefront of this wave of reform, becoming an essential aspect of curriculum at every level.
As a result, the tidal wave of reforms that swept across America involved almost nothing that was threatening to the teacher unions.
For decades it has been unable to run great schools — despite waves and waves of reforms — and families have left it in droves.
It has even weakened the advancement of the second wave of reforms — most - notably implementation of Common Core reading and math standards — critical to helping kids gain the academic proficiency needed to succeed in an increasingly knowledge - based economy.
Now, we can expect the SUNY board to appoint someone less interested in the voices of those who say they are oppressed under the current wave of reform.
Anticipating that Republicans will capture control of the U.S. Senate, noting the disdain for expansive federal role among movement conservatives within the party's political base (especially with their opposition to everything the Obama Administration undertakes), and pointing to opposition to the implementation of Common Core reading and math standards, Smarick argues that the next wave of reform will feature less - active federal policymaking.
Ofqual, the exams regulator, has launched a consultation on a wave of reforms designed to reduce the risk of cheating by teacher - examiners.
[1] Each wave of reform has been led by different combinations of leaders and stakeholders: government officials, educators, parents, and activists (focused on equity); business leaders and policymakers (focused on excellence / accountability); and parents (focused on choice and pushing back against assessment).
It was created in the image of Abraham Flexner's influential Flexner Report, which gave low ratings to nearly all medical schools in North America in 1910 and sparked a wave of reform that fundamentally changed how doctors are educated.
In an age in which having some form of higher education is critical to economic and social success for kids and the communities in which they live, we must embark on the second wave of reforms that will provide comprehensive college - preparatory education, overhaul how we recruit and train teachers, expand choice and Parent Power, and lead to better ways of providing teaching and curricula to our kids.
This set off a second wave of reforms, beginning in Kentucky and followed by 26 other states, focused on «adequacy» rather than on «equity.»
30 The building construction and real estate industries are recognizing what an Australian firm, Davis Langdon, calls «the looming obsolescence of non-green buildings» — one that is driving a wave of reform in both construction and real estate.
An Australian firm, Davis Langdon, notes there is a growing sense of «the looming obsolescence of non-green buildings,» one that is driving a wave of reform in both construction and real estate.
Ofgem say the consultation unveiled today is «the first of four waves of reform» — in November, they will unveil detailed proposals to reform the energy market to help the business sector; in December there will be further decisions on proposals on liquidity to break the stranglehold of the Big Six in the wholesale electricity market; and in the New Year they will publish a report into how to make energy company accounts more transparent.
Today's consultation is the first of four waves of reform: * In November detailed proposals to reform the energy market to help the businesses sector * In December further decisions on proposals on liquidity to break the stranglehold of the Big Six in the wholesale electricity market * In the New Year the findings of an independent report into making energy company accounts more transparent.
A wave of reforms followed, including The Sarbanes - Oxley Act of 2002, stock exchange regulations, and corporate laws on fraud and other corporate malfeasance.
Research into the immense, life - long value of high - quality early childhood education has created a wave of reforms designed to increase the quality of education in early childhood programs.
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