Sentences with phrase «wave research»

«The real payoff [of gravitational wave research] is going to be in the future,» said Weiss during the post-Nobel press conference.
The development of more sensitive advanced detectors is in progress, ensuring that the group will be in the frontline of gravity wave research for many years to come.
With the ALMA observations the team successfully measured the number density of galaxies approximately 10 times darker than the millimeter wave research results up to now.
The 7th wave research was a continuation of the original 2012 study that UK - based communications regulator Ofcom and Intellectual Property Office commissioned and funded, respectively.
When we spoke to him on the phone, Hulme cited as evidence the 2007 protests against Heathrow's third runway, where marchers made their case by waving a research paper at the TV cameras under a banner bearing the slogan «We are armed only with peer reviewed science».
«With the recent detection of gravitational waves by LIGO, the outstanding work of the NANOGrav collaboration is particularly relevant and timely,» said Pedro Marronetti, National Science Foundation program director for gravitational wave research.
A spokesman for the SERC said that more than # 1 million was still being spent on gravity wave research «because we want to keep key groups together».
This is the basis of Fourier analysis, the mathematical technique at the heart of rogue - wave research, in which complicated wave patterns are broken down into their constituent parts.
In 1979, Thorne helped recruit Drever to Caltech to launch its program into gravitational - wave research.
«The development and perfection of the cutting - edge technology is another successful chapter in the history of GEO600 as think thank of gravitational - wave research
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