Sentences with phrase «way affair recovery»

This is the first study of its kind and has the potential to change the way affair recovery is treated around the world.

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If both partners learn to communicate effectively, you are on your way to rebuilding the trust necessary for affair recovery.
Second, it can help you make sure that you cover all the steps of affair recovery in the right order and in the right way so that your marriage really does heal.
And by the way, in affair recovery conversations I always hear about how much time the two people involved in the affair spent talking / texting throughout the day; it is a source of great pain for the betrayed partner, who usually report desperately wanting that connection but frequently being told there just isn't time in a busy work week for that.
Once the affair recovery counseling is done, many Tulsa couples find they are able to trust again, open themselves up to each other again, experience vulnerability, and enjoy life with their spouse in ways they never thought possible again.
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