Sentences with phrase «way as disability»

This acts the same way as disability insurance, so some shoppers choose to add it as a rider to their life insurance and avoid buying a second policy to protect against disability.
This acts the same way as disability insurance, so some shoppers choose to add it as a rider to their life insurance and avoid buying a second policy to protect against disability.

Not exact matches

The Liberals have also put this budget through a gender - based analysis, which involves thinking about how a certain measure might affect men and women, or boys and girls, in a different ways, while accounting for other intersecting factors such as income, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation.
Members of the public with varied disabilities utilize service animals as a way to overcome barriers.
As a special ed teacher, I have witnessed things like this before — when people with one disability or another find a way to transcend it, it is deeply humanizing.
Kids with Learning or Behavioral Disabilities When your child doesn't fit in with his peer group for some emotional, behavioral or physical reason, I think you have to find an organized way as a parent to work with them step by step, to show them how to manage their daily lives.
The project also would feature Americans With Disabilities Act - related improvements including an elevator at Lakeview Center, as well as safety improvements for pedestrians and bicyclists by way of sidewalks and bike lanes, officials said.
How you respond is likely to affect the way your child thinks about disabilities and treats others as he grows up.
And for special needs children or for children with disabilities, the stroller provides a way to start the socialization process early, as you can take your baby out to meet other moms and kids in local parks and playrooms.
Making the vote mandatory is a way but I think there are other ways to increase it such as promotion of more transparency in the electoral process, allowing independent parties to seat in the polling table (juridically and electorally), increase the participation of people with disabilities and others.
The most common way to qualify for these higher payments is through receipt of a disability benefit such as disability living allowance or personal independence payment.
Ministers are looking at requiring public bodies to recognise and tackle inequalities stemming from social background in the same way as they must already do for race, gender and disability.
«We want to change the way people with disabilities are seen, and the businesses we brought into the Cornell Creative Business Center share the same values and appreciation as we do,» Arc business executive and former Hurley town supervisor Gary Bellows said.
However, the five main UK disability rights groups all oppose change, because 70 per cent of disabled people believe that such a change would «lead to pressure being placed on them to end their lives prematurely», and over half that it would be «detrimental to the way that disabled people are viewed by society as a whole».
In addition to the new work's potential for RS, there is speculation that it could pave the way to treatments for other neurological disorders, such as learning disabilities, schizophrenia, autism and newborn encephalopathy as well as some mental retardation that has also been linked to the Mecp2 gene.
The team, which also included David A. Rotholz, Ph.D., of the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Anne M. Kinsman, Ph.D., of the Greenville Health System, and Kathi K. Lacy of the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (SC DDSN), as well as other leaders from key public and private stakeholder organizations from across the state, saw a way to remove this barrier.
Despite different ways of dealing with disability at different times, one fundamental assumption is clear: «Disability» was regarded as being contrary to the rules and therefore disabled people have been constantly under threat of eldisability at different times, one fundamental assumption is clear: «Disability» was regarded as being contrary to the rules and therefore disabled people have been constantly under threat of elDisability» was regarded as being contrary to the rules and therefore disabled people have been constantly under threat of elimination.
It goes a little way towards explaining how it is that some people with what is often characterised as a «disability» exhibit superior creative talents in some domains.
It has become a way of glossing over irresolvable conflict between groups with some interests in common, such as taxpayers (who want to save money), scientists (who want to spend it on exciting projects) and people with disabilities (who hope public funds will improve the quality of their life).
The researchers used «disability life - adjusted years,» or DALYs, as a way to quantify the extent to which environmental toxins led to early death or illness.
Estimates of the proportion of people with severe learning disabilities who harm themselves in some way range from one in eight to one in three in those whose learning disability is combined with autism and a sensory disability such as loss of sight or hearing.
«The best way to remove barriers and help individuals with disabilities become marketable to employers is to offer a pathway to employment as they are transitioning out of high school.
It only makes sense for people who are otherwise on their way to an early death or disability, as is the case for multiple sclerosis patients.
The site offers a blog, a podcast and an active twitter community, all of which are great ways to find and talk to others who may share the same disabilities as yourself.
My disability has shaped me as a person in so many ways, but I am much more than my diagnosis.
Students with disabilities are served by a system of policy and practice that extends from expansive federal laws such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) all the way down to the interactions between a single special education teacher and a single student within ondisabilities are served by a system of policy and practice that extends from expansive federal laws such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) all the way down to the interactions between a single special education teacher and a single student within onDisabilities Education Act (IDEA) all the way down to the interactions between a single special education teacher and a single student within one classroom.
The group decided to create CAST as a way to research and develop the best ways that computers could be used as tools to help students with different disabilities.
The 2004 reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act allowed the tests of what were billed as ways to reduce such teachers» workloads.
First, earlier this month as part of a «waiver» application to the federal government, New York proposed an additional way to assess some students with disabilities, known as «out - of - level» testing.
But special education vouchers are not the best way to do this; they create other, adverse consequences, such as further segregating or perpetuating double standards for children with disabilities and creating perverse incentives for parents and educators.
Yet, as much as Thompson understands the ways in which ADA has impacted the lives of people with disabilities, there is still much more to be done.
Empowering parents is one of the best ways to combat the persistent finding that black children are statistically more likely than white children to be designated as special education students, according to the National Association for the Education of African American Children with Learning Disabilities.
For the purposes of this article, self - awareness means, quite literally, to have insight into why you feel the way you do toward certain children or their families, their abilities or disabilities, and your values as an individual and as a teacher.
Put another way, we find strong evidence that schools may be biased against identifying minority children with clinically significant needs as having disabilities.
The right way to ensure equity in IDEA is to make sure that children with disabilities who are racial or ethnic minorities are able to access these services just as much as those who are white.
While the goal of special education is to provide supportive services and adaptations to allow all students to access the curriculum, many view it as a way of warehousing children who may be viewed as difficult in the general education classroom — whether or not they have disabilities that would qualify them for special education.
As a parent to a child with dyslexia, Redford also openly discusses the ways in which a learning disability can affect an entire family.
As a country, we have come a long way in our efforts to provide better educational opportunities for students with disabilities, but there is more work to be done, said National Alliance President and CEO Nina Rees.
Ceil Rothbart, co-producer of the documentary and a mother of children who have learning disabilities, suggested the film as a way of mentoring people who have learning disabilities.
Topics include the use of disciplinary procedures such as Positive Behavior Intervention and Support and Restorative Justice as effective ways in reducing suspension rates, the impact of high suspension rates in the capacity of schools to attain better academic outcomes, and the high suspension rate of students suffering learning and emotional disabilities.
This study explores important questions related to the value teachers place on arts integration in their classroom for students with disabilities, as well as effective ways for teachers to collaborate in implementing and evaluating such programs.
A student with a learning disability may be assigned school work that teaches the same academic standard as her typical peers, but the teacher may adjust the way the special needs student is taught the standard or completes the assignment to meet the child's unique needs.
As Sheldon Horowitz, EdD, director of professional services for the National Center for Learning Disabilities, tells Scholastic, «When students... demonstrate skills to each other they are validating their understanding of the material being learned and, often in ways that adults are less successful, helping their peers to build and master new skills.»
While there is no way to know what effect the lackluster accommodations might have had on the results, it's clear that tools meant to help students with disabilities take tests just as effectively as their peers need a lot of improvement.
Stripped of rhetoric, Respondents» explanation is that a complex computer program — the operation of which is not transparent as required by New York State Education Law § 3012 - c (2)(j)(1)-- which purportedly takes into account the effects of poverty, English language fluency, and learning disability in crude and undisclosed ways, 4 predicted that Petitioner's 4th grade students would score better than they did.
Social studies teachers should ask for (and be given) information on each disabled child in their classroom as well as ways that that child's disabilities can be addressed.
The nonprofit National Center for Fair and Open Testing, known as FairTest, which fights the misuse of government - mandated standardized tests, says on its website that the average student takes 112 tests between kindergarten and 12th grade and that the assessments «are frequently used in ways that do not reflect the abilities of students of color, English language learners, children with disabilities, and low - income youth.»
Some groups, such as students with learning disabilities, first - generation college goers, English language learners, and undocumented students or families, will need targeted programs that deliver information and encouragement about postsecondary options in a clear and convincing way.
Inclusion and Learning Differences in Essential Schools: This issue of Horace forcuses on inclusion that creates full access for students with language - based learning disabilities as a way to focus specifically on issues of teaching and learning.
Certainly, for a school or district to change and accommodate a more inclusive approach to providing services to students with disabilities as well as a host of other «at - risk» students, and do it in a way that ensures the success of all, will require significant restructuring.
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