Sentences with phrase «way back in the day»

It started with health and fitness, way back in the day.
«Way back in the day, people told me, «You shouldn't be a business partner with anyone you're dating — you've got to be careful»,» Lindahl, recalls.
My grandfather used to sell JNJ products door to door way back in the day; they're certainly an awesome company that's been around for a long time.
Would we condone violence against the Christians who did the same crap way back in the day?
All this wonderful magical events happend way back in the day and today, NOTHING!
This whole thing reminds me of the time, way back in the day, when the church I was a part of began to implement a «plan of ministry» or something or other that was put out by a large American church that will remain nameless (not that the church doesn't have a name; I'm just not telling).
In fact, I grew up not knowing that any other kind of salt existed... as my mom began using it way back in the day, so I naturally stocked my kitchen with it when I first... Continue reading Redmond Real Salt Mine Tour
Way back in the day, when I first created the website Go Dairy Free, there were just a few fledgling special diet companies out there.
Despite my 98 % in high school U.S. history way back in the day, my geography has never been wonderful.)
It's this Spicy Sausage, Potato and Kale Soup from way back in the day, when I was just starting out.
Way back in the day my mom, sisters and I made homemade pretzels — it's been too long!
This is actually an updated post from way back in the day (2012 to be exact!).
Believe it or not, one of the most popular posts on this here blog is my Shredded Chicken Enchiladas post from way back in the day when I didn't really follow a clean eating lifestyle.
Team Saltzberg just wrapped up College and called Stevenson High School home way back in the day..
More likely, a lot of people really don't know much about it — just like people way back in the day didn't know anything about soccer and didn't think it was as good a game as it is.
There was a little stretch there - way back in the day - when I could hardly stop.
When I was in college, way back in the day, I stumbled across a teacher who was getting into this «new style» of parenting.
I worked with SheIn way back in the day, when I first started blogging.
I started reading Rookie Moms way back in the day and considered Whitney Moss my West Coast soul sister — admittedly one I only met in person a couple of times.
Way back in the days when I first started this blog it went by a different name, The Eco Chic.
Simliar ideas may have well been floated way back in the day before redevelopment got started in earnest at Ground Zero.
Townsend noted that way back in the day (1998, to be exact) Schumer was very gung - ho on debates.
I know this is sad to say but I feel I looked my best when I was just walking and doing pilates way back in the day.
Way back in the day, or 1986 for those of you keeping score at home, I stumbled upon a picture of Tom Platz performing deep, narrow stanced squats.
If you think about the way we used to live — way back in the day — what sources of light would we be subjected to after the sun went down?
Way back in the days before I knew how to efficiently cook, dinner was often take - out or a frozen dinner.
When you are following the Paleo Diet, you can eat anything we could hunt or gather way back in the day — things like meats, fish, nuts, leafy greens, regional veggies, and seeds.
This diet, also known as the caveman diet comprises of any food you can hunt or gather way back in the day including meats, nuts, fish, seeds, leafy greens and regional veggies.
Your blog has been my go - to for delicious, satisfying, and simple - yet - impressive recipes ever since I found your 5 - ingredient granola bars (way back in the day!).
Way back in the day, I suffered from insomnia, because my day job at the time was too stressful and I had little time for myself.
I used to write these posts way back in the day when I actually blogged on a consistent basis.
Ooh I love that coat!!!! And yay for Emus, I had a pair way back in the day instead of UGGs, haha
So, I had these two throw pillows that I had bought from Anthropologie WAY back in the day, but didn't use them anymore because, well, I live with a boy now and they were a little too girly.
Yup, it is from way back in the day!
Also, I read MR like WAY back in the day — quite possibly its first year of existence — and returned the past few months because it is SUCH an uplifting read and I'm going through that post-grad limbo period of What the Fuck Do I Do With My Life.
They've gotten so much better... I totally forgot I tried vamp way back in the day (like 20 years — yikes) and it always chipped by end of day.
That's right, I'm going way back in the day!
The scarf was a Talbots purchase from way back in the day, I think I bought it in the 1990's!
Way, way back in the day, it was all about fruit... apples, peaches, pears, cherries etc....
If you remember way back in the day......
I've added it into my smoothies before (but that was way back in my days as an antisocial blogger), so I decided to revisit it again!
Way back in the day, when the boys were really young, I enjoyed getting out early and stalking some amazing deals.
I love to wander through and visit some of the pieces that I grew up being inspired by way back in the days that I used to paint and draw every day.
I had a skort way back in the day and loved it!
I remember following Taylor's blog (way back in the day) and being so excited when she announced her new site and I've loved following along since.
So fun looking back at make - up trends way back in the day!
I didn't know how opulent a palace could be until I visit this space way back in the day.
I wear tons of Frame & as most of you know I worked at Intermix for years, way back in the day, so this all makes me very happy!
Two are from eBay, and one I purchased at Anthro way back in the day (2010, i believe).
I got these jeans WAY back in the day at Kohl's for $ 7 — clearance racks FTW!
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