Sentences with phrase «way dialogue with»

Email allows you to build real relationship and enter into a two - way dialogue with your prospects.
The case studies illustrate how the five pillars of engagement are integral to regular, two - way dialogue with stakeholders to support and sustain educational equity.
Yahoo's insight community allows the company to maintain a secure, two - way dialogue with its customers.
As its point of departure, Funny Cuts takes, as its point of departure, Pop art's revolutionary referencing of comics and concludes with the most current trends in contemporary art, reflecting in many diverse ways its dialogue with the commercial and trivial picture worlds of comics and cartoons.

Not exact matches

If you can counter those jaded ideas with irrefutable arguments based in history and fact, that could go a long way in helping to further a more sensible dialogue and finding solutions to racial disparities that remain deeply entrenched.
«Shakespeare this ain't, and Gears 3 struggles at times with its forced attempts at heart - string pluckery, but I can forgive it as much; gore - starved guns adorned with toothy chainsaws easily atone for any cheesiness suffered along the way... the Gears 3 story continues with what amounts to a blood - drenched tale of woe, suffering, loss and absolution, cathartica that stands out in harsh relief when framed by the»80s era Schwarzenegger - ness of most of the dialogue.
In regards to millennials» relationship with technology, brands and services — «what used to be a one - way conversation is now multifaceted, 24 - hour - a-day, seven - day - a-week dialogue between brands and their customers.»
This makes two - way communication and true dialogue with your people critically important.
It's also important to have a lot of dialogue with employees about how they can challenge the old ways that are no longer part of success.
It also means being inclusive with customers, creating a two - way dialogue and enabling customers to be a part of solutions.
We continue to help investigators in any way we can, and we'll keep a dialogue open with the Governor's office going forward.»
A fresh perspective from millennials who are keen on developing relations with our Asia Pacific neighbours is the best way to start engaging in constructive dialogue.
It's incredibly encouraging that the U.S. government appears up to the task with Superintendent Ben Lawsky of the New York State Department of Financial Services leading the way by maintaining an open dialogue and recently, drafting the first proposal of BitLicense, a set of rules that aim to bring clarity to how government officials and businesses deal with cryptocurrencies.
This is where social media comes into its own, it gives you the chance to interact directly with your customers and build a two - way dialogue.
We continue to help investigators in any way we can, and we'll keep a dialogue open with the Governor's office to address any concerns they have.
I think (having) political differences is great... but I think that the best way to deal with that is through intelligent, thoughtful, respectful dialogue and debate.
By this PA way of trading, I feel a sense of making dialogues with the market.
Lead nurturing best practice # 1: Understand and segment lists The two - way dialogues enabled by an AI persona with a human touch are great for real - time engagement with new leads, lead nurturing, engaging leads your sales team can't reach by phone and re-engaging stale or gone - quiet leads in your database.
Were a reader of Plato's dialogues to become overly concerned with Plato the man» worrying about the details of his financial situation or hypothesizing about possible sexual lapses» it would become impossible to engage the dialogues in a serious way.
This is one of the problems that often hinders dialogue with radical atheists (not sure you are one, but you did answer a question I posed to people who believe God is a fantasy)-- rather than offer a defense they will attack in such a way as to obfuscate the purpose of the original discussion.
There are fundamentalist out there that have rational reasons for believing the way they do and are willing to dialogue with us.
That is not the way that Anglicanism has traditionally presented itself, either to its own communicants or in theological dialogue with other Christians.
But, he continued, it is not clear that Jews need an ongoing dialogue with or about Christians in the way that Christians seem to need to come to grips with Jews and Judaism.
discover, deep within your hearts and with serious arguments, the ways which lead to profound dialogue.
In such a case he must present his view in a way that does justice to the ecclesial importance of his opinion, to the continuation of his dialogue with the magisterium und also to his respect for the latter's teaching.
We are moving from linear, point - to - point communication patterns to a web of networked interactions, where individual two - way dialogues are linked with wider groups.
All liturgical renewal, all changes in the education and way of life of priests, all adaptation of the religious orders to contemporary conditions, the activities of mature laymen as well as the frank dialogue with the present world, all these must only serve the love of God and one's neighbour in the unfeigned faith which will always be foolishness and scandal to the wise and prudent of this world.
A third way is to internalize new insights gained from a dialogue with other faiths and ideologies.
In his first encyclical, issued while the Council was still finding its way, Paul VI called for a Church in dialogue with other churches, with other religions, and with secular humanists, but called attention to the virtual impossibility of dialogue with atheistic communism.
Dialogue means that, wherever you are, I am attempting to understand your situation and how you see it, but also that I too stand somewhere and am not the Great Stone Face; and that, with all my attempts to be empathetic about your situation, I have the key to a treasure which, in strange and surprising ways that I can not fathom, may help you.
In response to the pervasive relativism in contemporary culture, and the form of relativism that is called religious syncretism in the dialogue between religions — a problem that came in for special attention at a recent Synod for Asia — CDF, with the Pope's express support, is reiterating the Church's faith that Jesus is, as he said of himself, the way, the truth, and the life.
Perhaps we are finally moving toward the cultivation of an alternative way to do the nation's business of forging one from many — namely, dialogue: people talking, with moral passion, with respect, and with agreement that we fall or stand together.
No, what American Catholics are happy about, or should be, is that the pope is bringing Christianity into the dialogue with secularism in a way that doesn't alienate the people he would like to introduce to Christ via grace and mercy AND that he is doing so while maintaining the firm teachings the Church holds on moral matters.
A debate in which the thoughts are not expressed in the way in which they existed in the mind but in the speaking are so pointed that they may strike home in the sharpest way, and moreover without the men that are spoken to being regarded in any way present as persons; a conversation characterized by the need neither to communicate something, nor to learn something, nor to innuence someone, nor to come into connexion with someone, but solely by the desire to have one's own self - reliance confirmed by making the impression that is made, or if it has become unsteady to have it strengthened; a friendly chat in which each regards himself as absolute and legitimate and the other as relativized and questionable; a lovers» talk in which both partners alike enjoy their own glorious soul and their precious experience — what an underworld of faceless spectres of dialogue!
Umme, if we need to drag Muslim into this light of understanding that they are no different and in no ways more special than any other group, then this... with extreme amounts of dialogue... is what you and other Muslims will begin to see.
Thus, rather than place the insights of contemporary society in dialogue with Scripture and tradition in a way that maintains Biblical authority, she has compromised the sole authority of Scripture by qualifying it from feminist perspectives.
Not only is there great promise in such programs for stimulating the poor to increase their own potential for dealing with their problems, (For stimulating discussions of how social action can help develop the human potential of those who participate, see the following articles: Peggy Way, «Community Organization and Pastoral Care: Drum Beat for Dialogue,» Pastoral Psychology, March, 1968 pp. 25 - 36; Rudolph M. Wittenberg, «Personality Adjustment Through Social Action,» in MHP, pp. 378 - 92.)
For all I know his family came over on the Mayflower, but the fact remains that issuing press releases and flooding the internet with condemnations of those with whom one disagrees is not the best way to nurture a constructive dialogue.
I want to speak autobiographically of the circuitous course of my own dialogue with psychotherapy, its challenges and limitations, and of the ways I am now coming to see the incompleteness of my own pilgrimage.
By the end of the Assembly, as Kenneth Slack pointed out, «most of the members felt that there was more danger from undue stress on the evangelism of individuals than the other way round, despite widely expressed anxiety, given expression by Stott, that liberation in political, social and economic sense was in danger of replacing salvation from sin at the heart of the redeeming gospel».73 There was no doubt that, despite the narrowing of the range of disagreements, important differences continued, especially with regard to the meaning of salvation and the program of dialogue with people of other faiths.
The dialogue includes attention to the way sexual desire affects relationship with God.
In our dialogue with other traditions, the key to sustaining conversation (rather than cutting it short by claims that others will interpret as arrogant) is to keep before ourselves the possibility that in some way or other all religions may be relative, culturally specific ways of looking toward an ineffable mystery.
Therefore the effort to achieve a more complete reception of one another in Christ through dialogue in truth with one another is precisely the way that will lead to a full communio among sister Churches.
The focus lies on the Trinity as a typology of religions, elaborated in dialogue with the three margas («ways» to salvation) of the Bhagavadgita.
Is honest dialogue with other religions possible as long as the cards of conversation are stacked in such a way as to make the dialogue partner's position inferior to ours from the start?
After seeing the way in which the religious groups tried to manipulate the AFL - CIO and treated with contempt its president, Lane Kirkland, Higgins writes, «I decided that my life was too short to play along with this sort of dialogue between religion and labor.»
The results echo faintly the stances taken by Puritans, Pietists and Wesleyans, who, in their own ways, were also in controversy with feudal societies and mystical speculations, and were simultaneously open to the dialogue between religion and science in an attempt to shape a new future.
He added: «The most effective way to deal with it is to accept that it is there, to educate ourselves as best we can about both the benefits and the risks of online activity and to seek to engage our children and young people in meaningful regular dialogue about those issues.»
In those difficult situations, Christians should find a way, along with others, to enter into dialogue with the civil authorities in order to reach a common definition of religious freedom.
In entering into a relationship of dialogue with others, therefore, Christians seek to discern the unsearchable riches of God and the way he deals with humanity.
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