Sentences with phrase «way fans»

It's also good to list the various ways your fans can get in touch with you, such as social media accounts or a mailing list.
There's also no shortage of creative and bizarre ways fans of the «Billion Dollar Hippie» have paid tribute to the legendary tech mogul.
«By partnering with Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal, we are now working with two of the industry's most talented and respected game development studios to bring Marvel stories to life in ways our fans have never experienced.
The same way fans want our team to have success like Man U, are team wants the fans to be as supportive as Man U fans.
thats the only way fans get their say in the football game nowadays!
I feel as though Wenger has lost the dressing room at this moment with players being divided the same way we fans are divided (AKB, & AOB's).
The only way we fans win is by the club making us proud and giving us some bragging rights by winning the EPL and / or the CL.
Purchasing the Founder's Pack is the best way fans can support this development whilst also gaining some amazing rewards and the undying gratitude of the developers.»
I've always been a Milky Way fan.
a total milky way fan here, so your recipe immediately caught my eye!
if things don't really change for good at Arsenal in the near future, i sense a revolt (players or fans) heading our way
We have so many ways our fans love to stay connected — take a look and see if you'd like to join our babywearing community!
I'm proud to say that I'm a die hard buffalo bills fan, and as far as baseball is concerned Detroit Tigers all the way
«By partnering with Crystal Dynamics and Eidos - Montréal, we are now working with two of the industry's most talented and respected game development studios to bring Marvel stories to life in ways our fans have never experienced, «said Jay Ong, Senior Vice President, Games & Innovation, Marvel Entertainment.
Yet if Aguero had missed those chances while wearing an Arsenal shirt it would have been, he is not good enough; the same way some fans have started to say about Cech.
Ironically, the only way the fans will be heard is if huge numbers boycott games.
«We're using technology and trends in consumer behavior to elevate the dual screen viewing habits and the way fans tune in and engage with Curry's performance.»
We have tested in - game player and puck tracking technology, which has the potential to revolutionize the way fans consume the game, the way broadcasters deliver insights to our audiences, and the way players, coaches, and franchises measure and analyze performance.
The resonating energy of a crowd and the feeling of exclusivity change the way fans absorb the music.
Yeah and i am in no way a fan of Nothingness... that means no ganji... that would totally suck!
Love that and the way you fanned the apple so beautifully!
Is there no way the fans can turn on the pressure on the club?
I honestly can't think of another club that so freely ridicules and abuses their own legend the way fans on this site do.
Yes your opinion counts in some quarters but if every manager and player were graded game by game the way fans do, there will be no teams left to watch.
I'm not even saying it was you Big Z, but the way some fans treated Ebron is certainly worthy of shame.
Think Wenger is reacting to the way fans reacted last season.
-- You do nt win, you wont get many kids buying toickets or caps... forget about us old fans... we do nt buy that any way
It's not much over achievement but the way fans talk on here you'd think we were massively under achieving when we are not by literally any measure given our resources.
I do not think the result was bad but the way we achieved that result and the way we fans make that result look and try to cover our flaws is a real concern.
But the way fans act as though he would instantly take us to glory, especially in this case just highlighting a few good signings as the main cause is just ridiculous.
The way some fans rate Ozil, I start to wonder what they are seeing that I am not seeing.
I honestly hate the way fans lock players into positions... There have been so many cases of players who grow mentally later in their career and move back deeper on the pitch so they can have a greater impact on tempo and running the game.
Well as much as the money men might think it a good idea, logistics would disagree, as would the way fans having to travel every week.
Used to go to Highbury whenever possible and have to say on the rare occasions I took my son the way the fans behaved towards a young gooner was «like he was family» and the atmosphere was always brilliant.
The way fans internalize and respond to moments like these is out of tune with the fact that football players are just dudes — Williams is 21 years old — making instantaneous decisions that are informed by the whole.
The way the fans are going too harsh on him isn't fair.
Love the way us fans know who needs resting.
The noise from stands either encourages the player's, Or disheartens them, So in a way the fan's have to take some responsibility too.
The way we fans, ex players, pundits, blame and criticize our players I'm afraid we won't be able to attract good players in future.
Even called up for the national team.he was once a powerful midfielder and made lots of the fans believe that the next Patrick is on the way
I wanted him to leave a long time ago but big difference between that and the way some fans are behaving today
This mob that are running the Arsenal will keep status quo as long as the balance sheets are in the healthy black.Out of europe is one way fans not renewing their season tickets is another but it ain't going to happen.
I agree that these quotes don't do him any favours but honestly, with the way some fans feel right now, he would be slated for saying Arsenal's home kit is red and white.
Yesterday was his first taste of the big local derby against Tottenham and he wasn't overawed by the big game atmosphere — in fact he loved the way the fans got behind the team even when we went behind.
So its only natural for the fans to act this way
Very very ordinary team plus less than ordinary manager puts us in to Bournemouth territory... Need wilshere and lacazette to step up as our only two quality players... No idea what to expect... Amazing how expectations have shifted from us to merseyside over last 3 years... Sad and shocking that club has treated fans in this way
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