Sentences with phrase «way feels at»

Even though they are not required, encouraging players to complete missions in a certain way feels at odds with the otherwise free - form and experimental nature of the game.
In fact, we'd be surprised if any time went into the way it feels at all.
It sounds so awful now, but that's the way it felt at the time.
I reassure him that, contrary to the way he felt at the time, God loved him, and he was God's good child....
The way I feel at the moment, the money would be better spent watching his career go down the drain for a year.
That is a very good articles Wenger shou; ld never have been given a new contract he has completeky lossed the plot and if he is allowed to stay on things will get steaderly worse with our team I have supported Arsenal for over 70 years and we have had some bad times during that period but I have never felt the way I feel at the moment I really hate Wenger now and have never said that about any of our managers before But really believe Wenger will destroy our great club I believe the Boerd of Directors plus Usmanvof should out vote Kronke and make Usmanof the new Chairman then Usmanof will then sack Wenger As he said he would do if he was Chaiman then we could appoint a new Manager the one from Juventus or Atletico Madrid and Start to see Arsenal begin to be great again
It seriously has brought me closer to my family... We would swim at my friend's house ALL the time during the week, and I honestly can't remember the details of those days, but I remember the fun stuff I'd do with my family, and good way I felt at church
We are free to be ourselves and act the way we feel at the moment when no one is there to judge us.

Not exact matches

The same fatigue can also feel relaxing if you look at it that way.
And that's how you can feel a little better, especially about yourself — because improving, at anything, is a sure - fire way to feel more confident.
The best way to include your link is to find articles that are germane to the product or service you are offering, or at least those that you feel confident in responding to intelligently, and write a meaningful post.
The winter storm that battered the East Coast last week was still being felt on Sunday, as passengers stranded at JFK Airport slowly made their way home.
But no matter how low energy you feel, you probably still have to find a way to get out of bed and be at least somewhat productive.
At times, they acted in ways inconsistent with their authentic feelings,» he continues.
You don't have to follow Nirav's regimen, but you should try to do what Nirav has done: Find a sustainable way to take control, to do the things that make you feel good, to live in away that you can be around for loved ones... and to be at your best at work.
I think the guys at Fraser Gallop Estate feel the same way.
What we've spent a lot of time focusing on in the last year is making sure that we're able to deliver that technology in a way that is super-customer-friendly and that is supported at a level they feel like they need, and that's from both a sales and account coverage standpoint.
«I've found a sustainable way for me to feel like I can take control, do the things that make me feel good, live in away that I can be around for my kids... and be at my best at work.»
Yes, you're running a business, but it doesn't feel like a real business because you find yourself staring at your CEO, board of directors and staff while you're brushing your teeth in the morning and walk past your «world headquarters» as you make your way back to your bedroom to get dressed.
We decided after reflecting on that that maybe there's a more comprehensive way to look at somebody as a whole and we feel that we've filled that now.
It may be that the sales manager who feels the need to offer bribes simply isn't very good at his job and is looking for ways to succeed without having sufficient talent or making sufficient effort.
Amid mounting criticism, Caldbeck took a temporary leave of absence, issuing an apology «to those women who I've made feel uncomfortable in any way, at any time.»
Moreover, the engine developers felt secure because there was no way of detecting the deceit with the testing technology that existed at the time.»
«If you're competing in a way that destroys value, or if it at all feels like something's got ta give, then that competition has become unhealthy.»
It may feel manipulative, but the power of praise is one of the few ways to tap into a narcissist's best performance at work.
By focusing on choice and control, rather than trying to beat Amazon at personalization, it can create the potential to not just sell valuable goods, but do so in a way that makes you feel good.
If any publishers are at all concerned about the way were using Readability to get the content, or if they feel were showing too much content, it's very easy for us in a server file to dial that down and do something that they're more comfortable with.
«Naps are definitely a good way to help you feel more rested, but keep them to about 10 to 15 minutes, ideally,» says Henry Olders, a sleep researcher and assistant professor at McGill University.
It was the first day I felt like I had used the time well, and in a way I wouldn't have been able to had I been looking at email the entire time.
«I felt so isolated and wasn't meeting people in meaningful ways through the typical networking events and by working at coffee shops.»
Conventional wisdom, at least among young or aspiring entrepreneurs, is that there is some magic bullet or some way to hack your way to success, and all you have to do is find it... and I know Dave feels the way to be successful is to work hard and kick ass and be so good no one can ignore you.
If that's being the host of a TV show, if that's being a chef, if that's being an expert, if that's being a musician or if you're an expert at whatever it is that you feel passionate about, the only way the people will trust you, identify with you and connect with you as an audience and as a viewer is if they believe what you're selling.»
If we looked at it that way, we would probably feel very different in those low moments, because we could really embrace the idea that something great must be around the corner.
I find it a much better way to get a feel for what's really going on than sitting in my office — OK, lying on my hammock at home — reading reports.
Now, new research conducted by Moran Cerf, a neuroscientist at Northwestern University, suggests that one of the best ways to reduce stress and feel happier is to spend time with people who make better decisions.
«But it's not really about hating at the end of the day — it's about empathy and finding someone who feels the same way and has been through the same things.»
While Musk is clearly smart enough to have considered all this already (or at least to pay someone else to consider it), Maynard ends with a word of caution for the SpaceX team: «If enough people feel SpaceX is threatening what they value (such as the environment — here or there), or disadvantaging them in some way (for example, by allowing rich people to move to another planet and abandoning the rest of us here), they'll make life difficult for the company.»
The shrunk - down bezels should make them feel smaller than those numbers would suggest, but we're likely looking at two big smartphones either way.
It's offensive in many ways, and at over three hours long, it makes «Avatar» feel like a half - hour sitcom.
I don't think I'm the only one who feels this way — Mark Wilson over at gaming site Kotaku lamented on this a few years back, as did Games Are Fun ages ago.
The session was designed to help women share strategies for returning to work, but every time I led this group, the discussion found its way to this one topic — dealing with the shame mothers feel, knowing that if it were up to them, they would already be back at work.
You may think arriving late is a great way to cut down on the time you have to spend feeling uncomfortable at holiday parties, but Zack says arriving late sets introverts up for failure.
I looked at the menu and had a different reaction: I didn't know what to choose because I felt way, way out of my league.
If you naturally come alive at night and feel like a zombie before midmorning no matter what you do, you've no doubt spent most of your life being nagged by well - meaning parents, teachers, and advice peddlers to mend your ways and become a morning person.
«There wasn't anything at all meant to be disrespectful or offensive to Mel and if she felt that way I'm really sorry for that.»
«We found at Disney that technology can be a real friend in keeping the company relevant and reaching more people in ways that feel contemporary to them,» Iger told CNNMoney.
As Stone retells the story, Nixon expressed to him afterward that he felt Trump had the ability to make a successful run at the White House, or as Stone said the ex-president said,» «he could go all the way.»»
Yes, you absolutely need to sacrifice a tremendous amount and work in a way you have never worked before, but not at the expense of feeling miserable.
Showing appreciation for customers in any way possible can bring them back to your business time and again, and making them feel welcomed and at home whenever they visit is only going to help with that message.
If you look at the trend lines, it's hard to characterize this as a crunch, even though it must certainly feel that way to anyone trying to raise a B round.
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