Sentences with phrase «way for»

This is because the bezels at the top and bottom of the screen will reportedly be significantly smaller, thus paving way for much smaller footprint.
Introduce any buyers personas speaking in the first person is the best way for make the team feel that the persona is in front of them.
Over 50 dating sites are definitely a great way for people of age to meet the love of their life.
A light ice storm, with a quarter - inch ice coating, can thin out branches and make way for new growth.
This meant that technology provided new ways for students to display learning to an audience beyond the classroom teacher.
There's so many other easy ways for people to buy gold now that the miners have stiff competition.
Rent - to - own real estate is a good way for people who don't have strong credit, or who have trouble saving for a...
Even if you live in a more rural community, these groups are becoming more and more popular as ways for busy parents and caregivers to connect online.
Online dating has change from an industry that helps people with no social skills to the only way for most people to get back into the dating world.
While there's no magic food that can make all students happy and content, maintaining stable blood sugar levels through healthy, balanced meals is a great way for students to feel good.
There are lots of ways for students of the Christian faith to be connected on campus.
With conditions, it could be a good way for more people to see it.
He identifies clear ways for schools to purposefully develop the entrepreneurial spirit which helped shape our country.
Participation in reading is also a great way for other family members to connect with the baby.
It can be used in ways for which it was never intended.
For those of you who aren't published yet, you may not know the ebook bargain newsletter is rated by many as the most effective way for new authors to get noticed.
They're a great hands - on way for kids to learn and play on their own.
The key to boosting student achievement lies in providing ways for teachers to expand their skills and to leverage knowledge and expertise across the district.
I understand that all devices must be individually accounted for when using a device on the network but t - mobile has found many ways for making profit.
The integrated math problems fit in easily and are a good way for adults to brush up on simple problems.
She says that being open to advice can help both entrepreneurs and employees excel in their careers, as well as find ways for how they can help their communities.
I have felt the same way for years about wax finishes.
Personally I don't think that's a particularly open way for a loyalty program to behave....
For one thing, reading isn't the only way for kids to get information.
There is still a long way for companies to put on agenda to develop equality and gender diversity approaches and programmes.
It could be an easy way for companies not normally associated with the marijuana industry to get a foot in the door in this growing industry.
Dogs come to us in many different ways for many different reasons, but we always do our best to make the best match possible between dog and adopter.
At almost 20 months, co-sleeping is going great and I cant imagine doing it any other way for future babies!
It is a fast and easy way for parents to make healthy food for babies.
I believe that play is the most effective way for children to communicate.
This is a quick and simple way for users of all ages to learn the basics.
The company was founded by two university students with no fashion expertise, but they managed to design the perfect way for men to buy a custom suit online at an affordable price.
His older sisters of course want to be involved so this sensory baby box is a fun way for all my kids to play together.
This electronic world offers convenient ways for singles, single people in online dating sites to meet.
Just because YOU believe one particular format of a faith does nt make it the right way for everyone else to live their life.
They also offer ways for military and current medical instructors to qualify for the exam without the training and education requirements.
Investing in municipal bonds can be a great way for investors in high tax brackets to generate federally tax - free interest income.
But there are many more ways for families to choose the best educational setting for their kids.
An inexpensive life insurance for parents over 50 is also available and an excellent way for helping children or grandchildren financially.
Many people feel that such cameras are violating their privacy, while others think that they are just ways for local police departments to boost revenues.
They promote them as easy ways for authors to «self - publish» their books.
Social media has become a popular way for customers to communicate with companies.
Online services are the only way for men who seek fun with single women meet singles for sex, it is also possible.
This is a great way for customers new to e-readers to understand their device and learn the more advanced features.
It is the best way for women who have a deep and real need for regular involvement in the world of work and who would feel trapped by attachment parenting.
Having the in - house knowledge and expertise will go a long way for consumers if that can be incorporated into digital - first services.
«Clear the clutter» in your mind, such as unrealistic expectations, to make way for someone new.
A fun way for younger students to boost their reading motivation is to create a thematic book bag.
This just another step in creating ways for retailers to make more money, do well and not be afraid of this digital addition to the market.

Phrases with «way for»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z