Sentences with phrase «way house»

This is a half - way house between on and fully off, which lets you have a little more fun.
I'm currently living in a half way house in salt lake city.
Their goal was to provide programs and to open a half - way house for women within five years.
# 2: Putting a ladder length ways the house, instead of either width ways, or vertical.
I suggest possibly to set up a half - way house very temporarily next door to many of you and especially the brilliant writer of said article.
Another half - way house next year for single player won't be good enough.
There are lots of ways your house painters can get it to go wrong.
As you can see my take on the dress is a bit of a half - way house between the other two.
With hindsight, it's easy to say that these people «overpaid,» but the truth is that it can be very hard for the average buyer to predict which way the housing market will move.
Reform of way the House of Commons is elected should be delayed until after the House of Lords has been modernised, the government said today.
It's two-fold for me, on one hand I am always happy to take all of the holiday decor down and have a clean slate - but on the other hand, I do really love the festive way the house feels with all the lights and special decorations up.
I have had this model for several years now, and found it to be perfect for what I need as I can highlight and add notes respectively, I was given as a present the new version without the keyboard last year, but totally useless for adding notes or highlights, so is now housed in a drawer somewhere, as most of the literature that I read is on a study base, I feel I will have to revert back to hard copy for my research, please start manufacturing this model... perfect in every way
The only way this house buying madness and price spiking will come to a halt is by stop robbing people's savings accounts of earning a decent interest rate.
Leslie House on the Way
It's two-fold for me, on one hand I am always happy to take all of the holiday decor down and have a clean slate - but on the other hand, I do really love the festive way the house feels with all the lights and special decorations up.
It is the only half - way house north of Toronto for federally and provincially sentenced women.
Hanna had refused to endorse Tenney — in part because of her extreme rhetoric and support for Trump — in the three - way House race with Democrat Kim Myers and independent Martin Babinec in the 22nd District.
In a letter sent to Katko, Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud outlined several ways a House tax - cut proposal hurts the school, including its athletics program.
Neal has lived in Hurley since 2014 and has been active with the Urban Arts Partnership, the Waterkeeper Alliance, the Young Leaders of the RFK Center for Human Rights, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Thirst Project, the Joyful Heart Foundation and the Middle Way House, according to a written statement announcing her candidacy.
The Prime Minister is under pressure to abandon a half - way house proposal first contained in British proposals last year.
The half - way house economic committee of Ministers Udoma Udo - Udoma, Kemi Adeosun, Okechukwu Enelemah, Audu Ogbeh, Lai Mohammed and the CBN Governor that has the Vice President as Chairman, misses the point.
«If these are preserved in the same way the houses are, it would really turn out to be a staggering development,» Kidder says.
Ahhh my house is turned upside down at the moment but do hope to share my little transformations along the way
The GTS is a half way house model between the Carrera S and GT3.
Most Canadians believe home ownership is a smart financial move, but in many ways a house is a large liability masquerading as a safe asset.
The report concludes that that half - way house solutions like Kyoto - which only part of the world signed up to - will inevitably fail to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
One had a model of a lane way house, specially developed for the Games.
In 1987, after recovering from drug addiction, he began leading youth groups in drug rehabilitation centers, juvenile halls, schools and half - way houses through the Hospitals and Institutions Program of Narcotics Anonymous.
I was really pleased when my selling Realtor arranged a third - party «presenter» to come in and not only recommend ways the house would show better, but helped get it done — rearranged the pictures on the walls, decluttered the shelves and put the flowers in the best places.
According to property site Zoopla, the striking Camlet Way house was previously had a steep monthly rental price of almost # 13.5 k and currently is estimated to be worth # 3,623,000.
She has given presentations about breastfeeding and led support groups in various settings, including a half way house for incarcerated mothers, a crisis pregnancy center, a school for Montessori teachers, and at her church as part of the class attended by expecting and new parents in preparation for the baptism of their baby.
But with Cancun looking like something less than even the half - way house of Kyoto, it may well be that the world will be limping on with a new sticking - plaster climate change solution, where the carbon balance - sheet remains murky.
Half zip hoodie: Less common, but a good half way house between a pullover and a zip up.
Haven't enjoyed a Bond film since Goldeneye, I guess because what I want in a «spy» film is stupid fun - this film delivers what I've been looking for, kind of a half way house between the early bond films and the stupidity and cartoonishness of the Austin Power films.
Leslie House on the Way
Many tiny home builders make the mistake of wasting tons of already limited space by: ---------------------------------------------------------- # 1: Putting the kitchen length ways the house, instead of width.
The association supports the only half - way house north of Toronto for federally and provincially sentenced women.
They insist the only way the House will act is using a step by step approach.
Mr Moran said using water - efficient plants and appliances were among the ways the house would be made to be more energy and water efficient.
It's not clear what Trump would qualify as a nicer bill, but some senators have raised objections to the way the House bill handles pre-existing conditions.
«If she goes into the White House, there's no way the House of Representatives doesn't continue this investigation, and now I know the evidence is there,» he said.
The way the housing market is going (bubble forming, rates going up again) I may need to dig deeper in the dividend space.
«Episcopalianism is our half - way house,» said one, «until the Catholic Church gets more realistic about its marriage rules.»
I went through a Christian based alcohol recovery program; first in a hospital and then in a half way house for nine months.
In the same letter he argues that Catholicism will be the only lasting form of Christianity; this argument also appears in Democracy, as Peter mentions, but without mention of the letter's key point that Protestantism is a half - way house between «reason» and «authority» that can not maintain its contradictory position over the long run, and which thus must lose its adherents to these two poles.
Half - way houses, therefore, must be deemed faulty when they approve women ruling men in secular affairs (because Scripture nowhere forbids it and sometimes exemplifies it) but not in the church or home (because Scripture requires male leadership in both), or when they approve women ruling in today's church (because Paul's restriction on this seems to be culturally determined) but not in the family (because biblical teaching on this seems to be transcultural and timeless).
This did not mean that Murray converted the editors to the half - way house he portrayed; he himself was not pushing as hard as he did successfully 20 years later when Vatican II essentially approved his approach.
This is a half - way house.
Such services include night hospitals, day hospitals, nursing homes, foster family care, work services, rehabilitation centers, half - way houses, and ex-patient groups.
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