Sentences with phrase «way in life»

This is the only country in the world where individual freedom, ingenuity, drive and ambition can allow someone to pave her own way in life.
This extra bonus can go a long way in the life of a student.
Just look around yourself, sure man have come a long way in life, but where did everything come from?
Take inspiration from this gallery wall to organize all your family's memories in a beautiful and stylish way in your living room.
I've enjoyed oats a thousand different ways in my life, and this is my favorite.
After all, it is the only way in life to hit home runs.
«fitting in» is something I tried in several ways in my life, including church.
You have been exposed to the gospel in more than a passing way in your life.
By placing the doll's clothes, furniture, and other items in the right places, kids have fun and they apply the same ways in their lives.
Life insurance plan assists in the most effective way in life stage - specific planning where you can plan the financial goals of your life according to your convenience.
Also, it appears that the planks go one way in the living room and another in the hallway, they really don't.
You've gone a long way in your life «leaning on your own understanding»....
We can not make way for baby Jesus in the manger if we can not make way in our lives and our churches for the poor, the uneducated, the immigrants, and the marginalized.
The hurt and resentment soon manifests itself in a tug - of - war for the children, both emotionally and physically, although the battle takes its toll in many ways in the lives of the young boys, who find it difficult to cope with the stress and uncertainty of the instability of their home life.
Moreover we encounter Christ in a veiled way in this life.
If you want to experience all that God has for you, if you want to see prayers answered, if you want to see God work in powerful ways in your life and in this church, if you want to understand your Bible more, and hear from God more, if you want to see God's hand at work in current events more, then today's message is for you.
(Jn 14:12) So many have helped us in other ways in our lives, but it is to those who have guided us in the practice of our Catholic faith that we will be eternally grateful.
Right from Pentecost, the Church has known that the mistreatment and dehumanization or devaluing of women was not and never would be part of God's plan and purpose for women and so may you be moved to act for justice in both big and small ways in your life.
Though human nature is corrupted by sin, it is also illuminated by God's presence and guidance; God's grace shows itself in countless ways in the lives of Christians and non-Christians alike.
The tricky thing about the Shadow, is that if you try to stuff it down and ignore it, it may manifest in undesirable ways in your life.
I never cease to be amazed at how the Lord works in unexpected ways in our lives!
With our dating web - site you can finally feel yourself in the sediment of events, you can say with confidence that you do everything for meeting Australians, for knowing something new about singles from Australia and whole world, for building friendship and real love, may be for looking for promising way in your life
I am an attractive 25 year old woman looking for an attractive suger momma to help me in live, teach me her ways
The film opens by introducing the three main characters of Spencer Stone, Anthony Sadler and Alek Skarlatos who are reunited after going their separate ways in life for a trip around Europe taking in the key cities over several weeks.
Don't let her have any Choco because she might get fat» or oh don't give her any alcohol she might get addicted» I let my puddys make their own way in life believe it or not they are capable!
What cats hate is being forced into it and especially being immersed in it because taking baths is not an adaptive way in their life and because they don't like being forced to do anything.
For less than $ 15 worth of supplies and some internet stalking (one of my specialties, thank you), I made two DIY Ombre Stump Side Tables and styled them two different ways in my living room to give you an idea of how you can incorporate them into your home.
Forgiveness is the only way in life.
Those ones that did come true, well, some of them have changed my life for forever and I'm thankful for them but some of them did come true but were not necessarily good ones for me... I believe that they came true to teach me something, to show me the right way in my life and prove me that I don't always know everything, even though I like to think differently.
Realistic expectations go a long way in life, for everyone.
«He was instrumental in so many ways in my life.
Sometimes it's our own selfish desires that are driving our way in life.
When a man has three children who love and trust you and depend on you to show them the way in life, you leave them heartbroken.
Sam details his life through dating disasters and university, followed later by marriage, doubt, agnosticism and belief, while John intersperses the story with wisdom and comfort to a young son who is trying to find his way in life.
If we would all do this, we'd help one another chart maps that correspond to reality, and we just might have an easier time finding our way in life.
Keep it up bro, and may God work a way in your life to make a financial living as an artists too!
He is this way in life too, so he had to move to Alaska where there are fewer people.

Phrases with «way in life»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z