Sentences with phrase «way inspiring»

Visit our website to read five stories from educators who are integrating technology in appropriate, intentional and meaningful ways inspired by the principles and guidelines of the joint position statement.
My parenting wish is that my children will explore and experience the world in whatever way inspires them but that they will still be excited to come back and tell me all about it.
Look around at the climate movement today and you'll see all kinds of emerging leaders in their teens and twenties applying foot to posterior in ways inspiring people two or three times their age.
Explore nature and wilderness, discover unique places and some inspiring stories along the way
In his expansive essay, Banz is the first to question whether and to what extent Eilshemius influenced the artistic thinking of Marcel Duchamp and also, whether and in what way he inspired Duchamp to open new doors for twentieth century art.
In his expansive essay, Stefan Banz is the first to explore the question of whether and to what extent Eilshemius influenced Duchamp's artistic thinking, and also whether and in what way he inspired Duchamp to open new doors for twentieth - century art, particularly in the context of his last artwork Étant donnés.
During our first holiday sales season, one way we inspired word - of - mouth support for LSTN Headphones was by writing handwritten notes to each customer who purchased a pair of headphones.
Let White Lung's frontwoman Mish Way inspire your look with leopard print pieces, cut - off black denim shorts and red lipstick.
It's in many ways an inspired conceit, meaning that as the day unfolds, and we get closer and closer to zero hour, the inevitability of Grant's senseless death looms over everything he does and says: a dark cloud that we can see but he can not.
Inspired by the messages of MLK, the Harvard Family Research Project produces a resource to help families lead the way
In many ways they inspired and led the renewal in American Christianity while defending the teachings of the Gospel against the culture even as an enfeebled and wounded Church fell back in disarray.
I am inspired by the Chowder rule in that way
but it is exasperating to be told by the religious that atheists are perhaps lesser beings as god only favours those who reject what nature tells us is the truth, I find the god myths boring and in no way inspiring.
But what's remarkable is just how many of these many and varied performances are in some way inspired by the life of Jesus.
So one of the most rewarding elements of this particular creative experience was the way it inspired companion works from other artists.
I think in some way it inspired my last blog post... (cuz i was being kinda raw) well, i stay pretty raw when i'm in write mode... but of course i get invited to «follow» someone on blog, turns out, he's a bit legalistic to say the least... people get real clinging to their «form of God» when you challenge with the raw i guess.
I love this site and the way you inspire each other, very greatfull, it made my day.
But let's just say that Alabama's offensive line in no way inspired optimism in its first game without Barrett Jones, Chance Warmack and D.J. Fluker.
Either way you inspire me to be less wasteful and see «convenient» has a price even when it has «Organic» plastered all over it.
«You can find them back at least to Galileo, and I think Einstein was in some ways inspired by Galileo.»
Opening yourself up to an audience in this way inspires confidence.
I'll be there every step of the way inspiring you and showing you how to make it a very real part of your life, just like I did.
I love weekend trips, they usually inspire me in some way
Yes, that right there is a very poetic title which is no way inspired...
With the fallen snow and cold weather, I've been daydreaming of spring like weather and lush garden settings, which by the way inspired today's post.
In fact, I decided to wear it in a way inspired by the creator of the Top 10 Remix Challenge itself: Sarah.
so pleased to be in any way inspiring to anyone, but especially someone who's already darn stylish without my help
This recipe was in no way inspired by How Sweet Eats.
The main character's obsession with M. Night Shyamalan's Signs is a goofy tic, but the way it inspires him to search for significance in small details (an act his pot - smoking fuels quite nicely) becomes poignant as it brings him together with his remaining family in a sequence that finds magic in the deliberately mundane suburbs of Baton Rouge.
One can always measure the greatness of a film by the way it inspires some of the best writing from those who have to see everything and write about everything.
The movie is written for and in every way inspired by Harry Dean Stanton.
I was interviewing a motel manager who really opened his life to us and in many ways he inspired the Bobby character [played by Willem Dafoe].
It's not everyone who will want to watch a sci - fi movie and hear about what's realistic and what isn't, but those with a scientific bent might enjoy hearing from the man who in some ways inspired the Cillian Murphy character.
Transformational leadership (d = 0.12) refers to those principals who engage with their teaching staff in ways inspire them to new levels of energy, commitment, and moral purpose such that they work collaboratively to overcome challenges and reach ambitious goals.
The central console is very wide, nicely padded, and fairly boring visually, neither elegant, technical, nor in any way inspiring.
I feel privileged to know Fabio not only because of his powerfully moving artwork, but also because of the way he inspires everyone around him.
Can you talk a bit about how your family history in some ways inspired this book?
And many thanks to Female Travel Bloggers Community to inspire us in all way
I want to share these success stories with all of you more often to help inspire you the way you inspire me!
Almost 10 years after his death, the London gallery said the way he inspired contemporary artists was «an untold story».
All four are in some way inspired by art that exists «outside» of mainstream studio practice, although with varying degrees of success.
Many of these resumes are going to look very much the same and will not be in any way inspiring.
Mission to illuminate the wonder and diversity of the African continent, to stimulate the imagination of those who travel here and for Africa to inspire, the way it inspires us.
Thank you, Sue (Johnson), for this roadmap from disconnection to connection that has now helped so many around the globe, and thank you Liliane, and the many other colleagues I have met over the years, as well as my clients, for the many ways you inspire me, and enrich my professional life.
Anyways, thanks for all the ways you inspire, here and at incourage.
Glad you stretched your comfort zone to share and inspire us in (yet again) another way
I love the way The Inspired Room teaches how to «Love» your home no matter how modest!
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