Sentences with phrase «way involved»

The defendants are in various ways involved in the creation, manufacture, marketing, and distribution of home video games, Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat II, and related products.
The first way involves using the adjustable screw embedded within the scissors to change the grip.
Today another wave of trials are under way involving allegations of sexual abuse of children by priests.
It does not in any sort of way involve the enforcement agenda and I think that is needed.
The right way involves breaking through assumptions, modeling excellent practice, using feedback, creating a culture of practice, making new skills stick, and hiring for practice.
There's a single rail on the side for those who need guidance but the most direct way involves rock climbing.
Open adoption means opening up to the birth family in whatever way all involved feel comfortable.
Last month, I described some effective ways of communicating with colleagues; one way involved observing them to determine how they interact with others.
Drawing down savings the smart way involves keeping the right assets in the right accounts and having a plan to manage income streams.
With the right precautions, a construction worker should never be in harm's way involving falling debris.
That app has changed in two very important ways involving the Home and Volume Up buttons.
The correct way involves tracking every little repair, every single mile you drive to get to and from your properties and recording when your rent payments are coming.
As it happened, there was an acquisition under way involving the two companies, although not the one reported.
Before you pick up your scissors, know this: Canceling a credit card the right way involves more than simply snipping it in two.
The first way involves deferring your interest payments while you are still a student.
From our world - wide Planetfests to lectures in small - town libraries to hanging a solar - sail blade in Rockefeller Center in New York, we are constantly finding new ways involve our members in the excitement of space exploration.
Three scientists describe what it was like to be involved in the discovery and share the career lessons they've learned along the way
Current plans include several small schemes for facilitating research and travel, while four major projects are also under way involving different UK academic institutions, to promote research into urban sustainability.
To appreciate the difference, consider that the old way involves introducing DNA into mouse embryonic stem cells, and then selecting for the rare cells that take up and incorporate the DNA in the right way.
The first way involves Lead - capture forms.
The problem, however, was that these religious ways involved stipulations that guaranteed the exclusion of all who were not strong enough or holy enough to adhere to them.
Dying your Easter eggs naturally is such a great way involve the whole family, especially if you have a bit more time on your hands.
Some methods include doing an overnight soak and quick heated simmer, other ways involve toasted «kasha» groats and you can even have raw or sprouted preparations.
It's always great to find a new way to serve veggies, especially when that new way involves olives and capers.
Gorsuch declined to say whether Roe vs. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court case that legalized abortion, was correctly decided more than four decades ago, but did say that if Trump had asked him to rule in a certain way involving Roe, «I would've walked out the door.
One promising study under way involves trying to use proteins from HIV as the major component of a vaccine.
The hotel on the other hand forbids masturbation, which the Lisping Man finds out in a sadistic way involving a toaster.
Boy behaves in socially inappropriate but oddly compelling ways involving guns and random acts of derring - do.
Vaughn brings him back in a goofy way involving Halle Berry's character.
Many borrowers who apply for educational financial aid do not consider important financial aspects of a student loan; aspects such as hidden fees or interest rates directly affect the loan in ways involving disbursement amount and debt owed.
Spaying dogs the traditional way involved the removal of the uterus and both of the ovaries.
As items to collect in such a free and open game, we thought they lost their benefits, even if they're in the game in a different way involving combinations and other surprises in the final version.
In cases where I represent the firm, it would in the same way involve managing partners out of the firm or trying to ensure stability when handling a partner trying to leave early with his / her clients; it's often just two sides of the same coin.
To that extent, to ensure all affairs are seen to in the best possible way involves a lot of hard work, time management and reliance on key external advisors to assist in certain areas.
The old way involved signing up for a school, getting a weekly schedule, and then pushing all your other commitments around to make time for getting down to the driving school, attending classes, watching videos and taking exams.
The first way involves deferring your interest payments while you are still a student.
The first way involves finding the Android Wear tab inside of the Google Play Store.
One significant reform already under way involves the GBF biotechnology center in Braunschweig.
One of those ways involves payments for which the administration is responsible that help offset costs for insurers as well as members of Congress and their staff.
That way involved making an identification of specific bits (or «parcels») of matter.
How has my socialization influenced the way I involve (or am reluctant to involve) the congregation / parish in the preaching process?
We have seen how the Old Testament faith understands that God's relation to his people in some way involved his suffering.
AE Nor did Einstein believe in any kind of personal God who was in any way involved in people's lives.
Now the correctness of Hezekiah's attitude is that he understands that when God's honor is in any way involved in the attack of the world it is not for man to make it his own cause.
He needs to start by cleaning out EVERY priest, bishop cardinal and any other funtionary of the church that was in any way involved in the abuse of others or the covering up of those abuses.
«3Fish prides itself on selecting and working with supply partners who treat their employees with respect, pay them a fair price for their labour, provide safe and hygienic working conditions and are in no way involved with child labour.»
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