Sentences with phrase «way leaves itself vulnerable»

And that's the danger of ideological football; a team that plays a certain way leaves itself vulnerable and predictable if the execution drops.

Not exact matches

The infographic below illustrates the most common ways hackers access data and the mistakes consumers make that leave them vulnerable to becoming victims.
But the bad mix of Koogle's disengagement and Mallett's headstrong ways kept them from anticipating vital adjustments, and this left the company vulnerable when Yahoo's world began to spin out of control.
And by the way, likening being in a vulnerable position and getting raped to leaving one's house unlocked, and suggesting that it is the victim's fault someone stole something: THAT IS VICTIM BLAMING TOO.
any deconstruction process left me very vulnerable and without protection until I had learned of and established healthy boundaries by way of reconstruction.
Both players were reckless, continue to build this unwanted reputation and left their teammates vulnerable, so no, neither should see their efforts congratulated in any way or form.
He's way too long to play G, takes too long so set his feet, making vulnerable at G. And he's never played on the left side.
I do think that Wengers way of developing players leaves them vulnerable to arrogance and NB52 is my prime example, I do think SAF would have been better for some of our players.
In some ways, he still is, leaving him vulnerable to attacks from the left.
There are effective ways to encrypt data, whether it is in transit or in storage, but if that data is left in the clear at any point along its path, it is vulnerable to theft or tampering
Unless we change the way we manage our land, in the next 30 years we may leave a billion or more vulnerable poor people with little choice but to fight or flee.
Even when it's snowing outside or you're inside next to a window, harmful UVA and UVB rays are finding their way to your skin, and if you're not protecting it with an SPF, you leave yourself vulnerable to a whole host of no - so - good outcomes.
It leaves us vulnerable to when those inevitable feelings of pain occur because we're so avoidant of them and don't develop the tools for how to use them the same way we do with happiness.
The case study illustrates how three groups of charter management organizations (CMOs)-- High Tech High in San Diego; Uncommon Schools, KIPP Foundation, and Achievement First in New York; and Match Education in Boston — saw big gaps in the traditional teacher education programs that left their aspiring teachers with no place to learn how to teach effectively in their specific schools or in a way that would allow them to succeed in working with the country's most vulnerable students.
Anderson maintained that while the strategy did work well overall, the way that the policy had been implemented left teachers feeling «vulnerable» and reluctant to confront radicalisation.
I agree with vickic, Mother Kopp's way of protecting them through enforced isolation — to the point of sabotaging Constance's attempt at a correspondence course — left them vulnerable to life's ordinary challenges.
The new version of the Digital Editions client was transmitting data about the reading habits of users in a way that left readers vulnerable to eavesdropping.
Allocating $ 3,000 towards credit card payments will go a long way in reducing interest expenses, but using cash to pay off credit cards can delay the building of an emergency fund for months and leave you vulnerable in the event of a financial emergency.
Even though FICO and other scoring agencies don't explicitly penalize you for having too many credit cards, multiple accounts can leave you vulnerable to losing points in a few ways:
Upgrading your magical abilities does not increase your mana pool, so the only way to do that is through armor upgrades, while most spells also have long casting times that leave you vulnerable.
There's a latency in each swing, and some attacks do not register with enemies» frames leaving you open and vulnerable; early or late inputs can still lock you into the nearest combo of whatever string of inputs you have done, leaving you painfully open to a counterattack without a way to cancel.
They'd often leave themselves vulnerable when trying to send an attack your way, with them seemingly fixated on one direction and not always adjusting when the player moves.
This left her vulnerable, as there was no way of enforcing the terms if problems arose later.
The fact that the driver who hit me was underinsured left them vulnerable in more than one way.
Peer - to - peer home sharing opportunities such as Airbnb can be a great way to bring in extra money and are increasingly popular; however, they can also leave you financially vulnerable.
That way, you can best determine your total financial worth and decide whether your current insurance plan leaves you vulnerable.
«The opposition is especially strong against any action of this kind that could cause huge inconveniences for service providers and serious confusion for users, potentially leading to financial losses: unilateral attempts to appropriate Bitcoin name, logo or «ticker», attempts to mislead light - clients and SPV wallets on alternative networks not explicitly chosen by them, attempts to launch new coins in a way which leave users vulnerable to «replay attacks» or address format confusion, attempts to attack the network with a temporary hashing - power majority in order to create disruptive reorgs or to slow down the normal activity.»
For now, ICOs are a big way startups fund new projects, and that leaves investors vulnerable to huge potential losses.
But ridiculously slow write performance will waste way too much of your time, and the inability to back - up to USB leaves your data vulnerable.
This could leave your phone vulnerable to security problems, and the only way to guarantee updates is to buy a Google Pixel 2 phone.
This model believes that, over time, couples tend to find themselves in the same old «dance» or ways of relating that leave them vulnerable to conflict or distance.
This model believes that couples tend to find themselves in the same old «dance» or ways of relating that leave them vulnerable to conflict or distance.
We can't leave the most vulnerable on the scrapheap, without a way of getting a job and being able to live as independently as they can.
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