Sentences with phrase «way line of»

By sending home detailed data reports that focus on a specific skill, one elementary achool opens a two - way line of communication with parents about their children's learning.
By sending home detailed data reports that focus on a specific skill, Humboldt opens a two - way line of communication with parents about their child's learning.
Though we strive to open an honest two - way line of communication, we become frustrated when it appears that their attention isn't solely on us or the conversation at hand.
The way the line of the defense was pulled away from goal on free kicks was interesting.
In this way the line of continuity from the historical Jesus to the Second Adam of Pauline speculation is apparent.

Not exact matches

When many think of blogging, they often imagine something along the lines of a soccer mom chatting about her son's strange insect collection; however, blogging can be a great way to promote any new business.
Sure, there are many other factors affecting this trend besides on - line merchandising — most notably real estate firms which have accelerated neighborhood declines by escalating rents — but those factors combined have decimated downtown and suburban shopping areas and have had a major impact on our way of life.
Whether you're seeking to increase your company's line of credit, looking for investment or just want to see how your company looks from the outside, a company check is a cheap way to give you actionable data.
This role requires the CEO to move out from behind his or her desk to spend more time on the front lines of the business as a way to assess what might be missing.
Along the way he's dramatically reduced expenses, eliminated dozens of unprofitable SKUs, terminated expensive celebrity endorsement deals, made a major international push... and recently launched a line of all - natural, organic products.
It's estimated wind can never supply more than the 19 % of electrical needs it does in the world leader, Denmark, until someone comes up with a way of storing the wind power that blows when we don't need it (for the times when it doesn't), or a way of transmitting electricity over huge distances with minimal line loss.
That way, you can see at just a glance what sort of activities you have lined up.
Real selling isn't just about talking up a product, it's about forming a relationship with those on the other end of the line and then using that bond to introduce a way to actually help them.
There are other ways to pull out equity from your house, including a reverse mortgage or a home equity line of credit.
Japanese aesthetic has found its way into mainstream department stores, helped along by pop star Gwen Stefani's Harajuku Lovers line of clothing and accessories, Le Sport Sac bags featuring Tokidoki designs (created by an Italian artist obsessed with Japan), and famed artist Takashi Murakami's bags for Louis Vuitton.
«A simple «I'm thinking of you» is a much nicer way to pass the time in the Starbucks line than looking at email (again),» Vanderkam reminds readers (true that!).
But sometimes — as when important human rights are on the line — helping in this way is going to have to stay out of reach.
Did you need to raise money one way or the other with your launch this year of your own line of glasses, Recon Jet?
We already know that pop - up shops are a powerful way of reaching out to new potential customers, building buzz and evaluating consumer interest — but the In - N - Out customers in line on Thursday were mostly existing die - hards who were just happy to get their hands on the chain's burgers again.
That top - line number, 500,000 users, is kind of a vanity metric in some ways.
Indeed, the facts (and by «facts,» I mean the real facts) counter this line of reasoning in three clear - cut ways.
For me, I loved biking around during the hot desert days looking at all of the beautiful art installations constructed in the middle of nowhere and taking advantage of strangers» generosity by way of wine tastings, zip lines, and fried chicken.
... Today, many companies... favor Wall Street analysts and institutional investors in... ways that often skirt or cross the line of unfairness.»
If Narodick has her way, those kids will spend no small part of their childhood with Edmark, progressing from one title to the next, from one line to the next.
Because of the game and the way it's integrated into company procedures, Castle reports, employees are aware of how every decision affects the bottom line and their bonus checks.
«Meanwhile, the masses are convinced that master's degrees and doctorates are the way to wealth, mostly because they are trapped in the linear line of thought that holds them back from higher levels of consciousness... The wealthy aren't interested in the means, only the end.»
My recent column on the importance of establishing an ethos of strong customer service that extends all the way from the CEO's office to the front lines touched a nerve for some readers.
Nakanishi, an engineer who joined Hitachi in 1970 and worked his way up the ladder, proceeded to sell the company's hard disk drive business and consumer - related operations, opting to concentrate on sales of big - ticket power plants, rail lines and water treatment facilities.
There was a lot of obfuscation in Facebook's announcement on Tuesday, but the bottom line is that the social - networking behemoth has short - circuited the way that ad blockers function, by removing all the indicators that tell ad - blocking software what is an ad and what isn't.
People who work on the front lines helping the homeless say connecting them to their families is one of the best ways to get them off the streets for good.
The study's bottom line seems to be that, sure, there is still plenty of sexism when it comes to women's behavior at the negotiating table, but if you're more interested at any given time in getting a good deal than challenging stereotypes, then flirting may be the way to go.
A Georgia state senator says residents shouldn't be responsible for Delta's bottom line by way of a $ 50 million tax exemption.
«Securing a home equity line of credit, but not using it initially, is one way to give yourself easy access to money in case of unemployment or big bills,» said Holden Lewis, research analyst at NerdWallet.
Here's a list that maybe standing in the way of better planning, measurement, integration, and bottom - line results for your strategic social business plans?
As an ecommerce startup — selling a socially conscious jewelry line from Kenya — and a business with a limited marketing budget, we devote a lot of energy to thinking up ways to creatively (i.e., cheaply) yet effectively market our company and expand our customer base.
Such is the life these days of a corporate CFO, a profession that will have to find ways to protect the bottom line while also instilling marketplace confidence that his or her respective company's stock is worth holding.
While the professional restlessness wasn't new for Stewart (in a Medium post she wrote on the topic of her departure, she referenced a pattern of churning through jobs every three years), the way she acted on it was: She quit with no opportunity lined up.
Either way, lines of credit make for a great safety net for any small business, and is a smart credit opportunity for most small business owners to seek.
Kim and Moon paused for photographs at the concrete steps of the military demarcation line before making their way into South Korea's portion of the demilitarized zone.
Creating unnecessary obstacles that get in the way of doing business actually hurts, not helps, the bottom line.
Increasingly, says Greven, health care providers such as private hospitals are weaving Prompt Alert's technology into larger electronic medical record (EMR) databases, thereby providing these organizations with a means of communicating with patients in highly practical ways that improve the bottom line at the same time.
Accounting departments look for ways to positively impact the bottom line of the organization.
FCA US, Fiat's domestic unit, previously announced over the summer that it would invest $ 1.48 billion in the Sterling Heights plant to pave the way for its line of 2018 Ram 1500s.
Here are five ways to better keep track of your numbers to help boost your bottom line.
«I interviewed a lot of people who, it's sad, they seem like perfectly good, honest people who rationalized their way over that fine line and then got caught, and now can't get decent jobs.»
Prioritizing your well - being is one of the best ways to improve your company culture and bottom line while inspiring others.
Improving your funnel is one of the chief ways to enhance your bottom line.
There has been a long line of women way back when involved in the history of programming.
It paves the way to bank loans and credit lines and, ultimately, to credibility in the eyes of local and state authorities who grant permission to operate.
«You and I could land in New York on the same day, get the same internship right out of the gate, and our careers will not look alike in any way, fifteen years down the line.
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