Sentences with phrase «way needed»

For example, a grant of a perpetual right of way needn't be registered, but a lease for a period yet to run of more than three years must be registered.
She joined TLC to fulfill her desire to educate, equip, and further empower moms of multiples in whatever way they need.
When he looked at the return on investment comparing the flips to the rentals, there was no question on which way he needed to go.
The hotel offers all the basics in a modern way you need for a city trip or a short stay.
The same way you need car insurance, you need motorcycle insurance.
Note: Each site has it's own rules and specific ways you need to submit your book.
In case this type of scenario happens to you, the best way you need to do is to move on.
I used to take digestion for granted, but I learned the hard way you need to use some tricks to keep it optimal.
When your tongue, teeth and upper palette move in the certain way needed to form the mantra, your mouth creates shapes.
In many ways the needs of Hispanic homebuyers are no different than those of any other group.
The science of love confirms that humans must have love, the same way we need food.
I've always believed an entry way need a bench.
But to develop them in the right way you need to know a few important things.
We're given a quest and told explicitly which way we need to go to complete that quest.
In a dispute with a neighbour about a boundary or a right of way you need to look at up - to - date «titles» of your properties.
Beyond these simple principles, there are specific ways you need to respond to different kinds of biting behavior.
Therefore, we need to be selective about the books we provide bloggers (the very same way we need to be selective about the books we provide print and broadcast journalists).
If research proves students who are living in poverty learn better any certain way we need to cater to these needs as educators.
When in fact, I know in many ways I need to continue striving to do better.
There is certainly no shortage of iguanas in Belize, especially in San Ignacio.There's no need to go all the way
Whether they have relationship issues, anxiety, fears, depression, or just ways they need to make small adjustments to their way of being, it is gratifying for me to provide the assistance as I watch them «fix» themselves.»
Increase the number of stands to remove the need for bussing to planes, an improved terminal experience — more seating and retail on the way, not in the way
Work with you directly to guarantee that you gain access to the capital you need as quickly as possible with as little hassle and headache along the way
When the two of you are alone and relaxing, start an open discussion about what each other needs are to remain happy and fulfilled in the relationship along with ways those needs can be met.
Board Vice President Paul Aeschleman said new ways need to be found to address the annual scheduling challenges.
in my mind, a third way needs to be reached that balances the traditional churches» missiological spiritualism and the emergent churches» missiological temporalism.
Someone with the va va voom, the passion, the grit, the daring to do things in a different and much more refreshing way needs to be coming in like yesterday.The truth is, this is not the way to manage a club like Arsenal, out of the shadows now, then next week we are not!
The long established amateurish West Ham ways need urgent reform or we can never fit the apparent ambition of the surroundings; and will end up as just another Sunderland.
MommyCon is okay with however way you need to feed your baby and wherever you want to feed your baby.
So here's a great Instant Pot Chicken Tacos for whichever way you need to cook today!
Discover in an easy way all you need to know to successfully start a blog.
There are lots of ways MATs can improve their schools, writes James Toop, but there's one common factor needed to underpin it all
She is just trying to safeguard Robert Jordan's legacy, and feels this is a very important way she needs to do so.
For Tidjane Thiam, the cryptocurrency space needs approaching with caution and current interest levels are only high because people think it as a way
You'll probably need to send in the LLC articles this way
One example was Marjorie Rombauer's piece from the early 1970's, describing in a principled way the need for reform efforts in how legal writing programs were designed and legal writing was taught.3 And by the 1980's, important changes were occurring in the way in which writing was viewed and taught at the university level, and a few people in legal writing had begun to take note of these developments and their potential for legal writing.
Richard like other religions it also uses the concepts like «heretics» used for those that fail to believe in the «right way» and creation of «evil «which explains way they need to paint AGW sceptics as not merely wrong but «mad or bad» And above all its amazing how often the word «belief» are seen in what is supposed to be science.
Here are a few ways you need to take care of yourself so that you can better support the interdependence of your marriage.
can't wait to try this, it'll be like summer... which i need with a blizzard on the way
but i think we need a DM to fight place with Le Coq (i do nt bench him for anyone today, kongogbia, schneiderlin, wanyama or any other have to win that place, and play both in some matches), a second GK to fight with ospina (the same, ospina has been awesome, but i do nt trust in sczny) and maybe a striker... but if we go for one we have to go for a wc striker and i do nt think cavani be it... probably i prefer benteke to cavani, and i go to lacazette all the way
So, I pray that as I grow in my faith and as my children experience their own challenges... be it that one chooses to be a pastor or my daughter chooses a life of servitude as a nun that they will also always know that the Lord gives them the freedom to make changes and seek him in whatever way they need to without compromising the fact that he died for us to save us.
Long way to go, but now I trust the process, trust myself, trust God to do it — I just need to get out of the way
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