Sentences with phrase «way of calming»

but, you somehow have a way of calming me down:)
Dark Souls Is there any way of calming down a NPC you've attacked in Dark Souls?
Is there any way of calming down a NPC you've attacked in Dark Souls?
It's a cat's way of calming himself.
Techniques are taught as a way of calming dogs through this process.
A wonderful way of calming busy minds.
They have a way of calming your soul.
Apple has a lovely way of calming broccoli's often, er, «well - announced» flavor... and a bit of ginger gives this juice a refreshing heat.
Einstein would say by way of calming his worldwide admirers: «In science... the work of the individual is so bound up with that of his scientific predecessors and contemporaries that it appears almost as an impersonal product of his generation.»
She bonds with her mamas and has a way of calming them when they feel they can no longer do it anymore.
Knowing that other moms experience a mix of happiness and frustration is one way of calming your nerves and putting your mind at ease.
Is it just his way of calming himself?
Pets have a way of calming us down, and because they live in the moment they can help tweens prioritize and find meaning and joy in simple things.
These mental shortcuts may let us make quick decisions, but this oversimplification often skews our perception and gets in the way of calm, rational thinking.
He became the state's winningest high school soccer coach by way of a calm and steady approach, but he leaves the worry of rankings and notoriety to others.
Babies have different ways of calming down.
We are not politicians or political scientists, but we have learned ways of calming high - conflict families and helping them work together peacefully, for the sake of the children and their parents» future lives.

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In some people, one of the best ways calm down these reactions is to de-sensitize the person to the allergen through immunotherapy.
There is something quintessential in the way the posters do not say «Don't Panic» or «We Will Prevail»... They say «Keep Calm,» and what that means is, «We may be suffering something of an invasion at the moment, but that's no reason to start acting in a rash and hot - headed manner.
For all these groups, the IQ boost from self - affirmation seems to come from calming worries around failure and stigma that can get in the way of clear thinking.
It's effective for a salesperson to imagine other customers are in the room observing this interaction as way to keep calm and in charge of the interaction.
When you find ways to calm your emotions, the pre-frontal cortex, the critical thinking portion of our brain is engaged.
This could be as simple as having a cushion at the end of your bed, or a corner of a room decorated in a way that calms your mind.
It's a great way to easily monitor stress, with technology backed by seven years of research from Stanford's Calming Technologies lab.
Instead, he projects an almost preternatural calm, a sense that he's more interested in solving problems his own way than collecting the usual badges of tech - sector success.
A shift in point of view can help you calm down and see your way out of a mess.
With millions of years of instinct telling you it's a good idea to have an exit handy should danger approach and you need to make a break for it, it's understandable that most of us feel slightly calmer when a way out is in our line of sight.
Finding ways to calm nervous investors may seem like a good idea after the high emotion of the past two years, but the notion may lose its appeal once the market recovers and advisers revert to analyzing numbers, not people.
And over the years, Tom and I used to do a lot of media around those kinds of events, and I've just largely stopped doing it because it seems they always want The Motley Fool to trot us out to calm the fears in these times, and it ends up contributing to that in some ways.
The way the story goes is that an extended period of calm with steady growth and no recessions, nothing to make you nervous, makes investors less risk - averse, so more risk taking, and not just investors, but their financial intermediaries.
Perhaps a more useful way to view recent events is as the return of volatility after a year of unusual calm.
It's doubtful that changing the look of its settings page will do anything to calm down users who have been upset with the way the company has been handling its data.
It suggested that a period of calm and steadily rising markets had given way to a turbulent new era with a bearish bent.
Now you must beat the crap out of those cowboys in a most calm and peaceful way.
Like the weary sailor, the refugee from wreck and storm, who escapes half «dead, and then, in terror, shudders with dread at the very mention of the name of the «sea»; who swears he'll never sail again, who raves he'll stay home, even on the calmest days, but then, in time, forgets his fearful ways, and seeks, again, his fortune above the waves; I, too, have barely escaped the storms that revolve around you, my love, traveling far away, vowing to avoid another catastrophe, but I can't; the thought of you breaks my resolve, and so, I return to where, on that fateful day, Inearly drowned in your tempestuous sea.
For 2011, resolve to be here now, and to serve yourself, but do it in this most excellent way: by cultivating silence and overcoming time within one of the classic disciplines of daily prayer» where the pulse of the psalms calms the breath, the pockets of silence center the spirit, and the liturgical calendar frees us from the shackles of time.
A lot of recovering alcoholics eat candy as a way for the sugar to still be in them but not the alcohol to ease detox and a lot of former smokers eat candy to curb their cravings as well, which is a calming helpful tool.
The know - it - all who told me to «calm down» was way out of line, and I still can't believe that they would sit in judgment of me, especially on a website devoted to the «wrongness» of judging by Christians!
Most pastors believe the best way to keep Christian - Muslim relations calm is to maintain a low profile in terms of evangelism and gripes, to hunker down, protect the real estate from vultures without and within the community, maintain good relations with the Muslim power brokers and hope that the Christian poor will remain faithful.
Be a calm voice of reason and love to all people you interact with on the internet, because the internet is one way the Holy Spirit is inviting people to take a tentative step in following Jesus in a more relational way.
Proposition 14: The New Evangelisation and Reconciliation The Church must exercise her ministry of reconciliation in a calm and resolute way...
But in another sense they are celebrations of «Emptiness» that are intended to point the way to total calm or peace.
But because the different Christian sects were feuding with each other then so badly, the key founders of our government (who were fairly moderate and heavily influenced by Deism) came to realize the only way they could calm things down was to establish a secular government.
The salvation found in Jesus Christ loins is the only way to calm the wrath of the Lord?.
Jesus moved through the violent crowds, and He calmed the fears of his followers because the true power He possessed was in no way threatened by earthly insults.
Be calm in your demeanor and stay that way, and you'll keep the energy of the conversation positive and productive.
Religion was necessary thousands of years ago as a way to calm fears of the unknown, and back then everyting was basically unknown.
I couldn't think of any way to phrase my desire to be calm and focus my thoughts and energies in the manner of a prayer.
Then again, perhaps there are more functional explanations, such as that saying a prayer is an indirect way of complimenting the cook or calming the kids.
In my former employment and in our current work with the homeless I have often dealt with violent people and so far have always found ways to calm them down instead of hurt them.
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