Sentences with phrase «way of faith»

Don't let difficulties come in way of faith!
It showed me a different way of faith than my evangelical church and youth group, and I benefited from both.
Here are the enduring affirmations of the specifically Christian way of faith.
I was never presented an all - or - nothing way of faith, but rather a wide vision for how people connect with God — through prayer and poetry, through nature and study, though singing and silence.
Not only does this means of approach allow the worlds of East and West to speak for themselves, but it is also an effective means of raising the theological question of whether or not Christianity is ultimately a universal way of faith.
He proclaimed a new way of faith, by which man, in whatever generation he lives, is summoned by the Word of God to concern himself with the human scene, for this is God's concern.
My Christian dating experience Hannah Neill, writer of Neill Before The Lord, shares her experience of how her Christian faith affects the way she
In the second place, sectarian schools lose the religious values implicit in the confrontation and interplay of different ways of faith.
It is a way of faith that does not challenge the status quo, for it does not take the elements of human life seriously.
I'm not going to let the questions get in the way of faith.
He who seeks refuge in an infallible church or in an infallible Bible is less acquainted with the way of faith, than the person who knows neither of these, but who nevertheless obeys the word of God in the midst of his own uncertainty.
It is essentially a way of faith, by which man, in whatever generation he lives, is summoned by the Word of God to concern himself with the human scene, for this is God's concern.
The stories of Abraham take their pattern from the experience of Israel, but they also speak instructively back to that same experience, illustrating not only the way of faith — but the way also of unfaith.
The way of faith is the way of allowing these paradoxical elements to come together within one's being.
According to the gospel, the way of faith is the only true hope for freedom, «so if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed» (John 8:36)
The problem of suffering, of course, is one of the biggest stumbling blocks in the way of faith, and in chapter 3 Ward asks how the cruelty and waste of evolution can be reconciled with creation by a good God.
The way of the cross is the way of faith — of claiming life and truth in the face of everything that tells us not to.
Even though such a way of faith may exist principally as a vision, and be as yet largely beyond our grasp as a whole way of life, nonetheless it is the only framework of reference for human meaning to the man of contemporary Christian faith.
This way of faith has a huge price tag.
Parents are the first teachers of their children in the ways of faith.
It is the way of faith, hope, and love.
She asks herself whether she'll follow the way of faith or the way of the world.
I do not need you to convert to my way of Faith for me to be happy.
Within the human race the people of Israel pioneered the way of faith which is our heritage, and there is no more powerful myth than the story of the Christ of faith.
For Schrader, the way of faith is not a blessing (as is promised by Jeffers» thriving church, notably named Abundant Life).
He is knowledgeable in the ways of his faith but not pushy.
Parents are the primary educators of their children in the ways of faith.
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