Sentences with phrase «way of information»

Video and DVD technology was actively supported by the fathers and maybe a better way of information transfer in a time poor society.
It should also support real time, query - response ways of information exchange and online access of the application.
As is often the case with the East London space, there is little by way of information prior to the exhibition opening itself save for a photo of someone tuning a TV that is broadcasting a moment between Sesame Street's Big Bird and a young woman.
The company didn't offer much in the way of information about its new grid battery products in the press release Wednesday.
Hey Well this way of information is really value in look for of, efficient information for guests and a value for you as will definitely show the amazing of the writer.
«The administration did a piss poor job,» said Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer on Friday, after administration officials offered little in the way of information during a City Council hearing.
The site, Word to Your Moogle, lists the dates as August 26 - 28 for Seattle and October 13 - 16 for New York, but has little else in the way of information.
They're not the first: several missions have gone before, only one person has come out alive and has provided nothing in the way of information.
Not much is offered in the way of information on the car but it sounds like lightweighting is the name of its game.
Calls to Best Buy inquiring about the situation have yielded little in the way of information, with store reps and management refusing to answer questions regarding immediate PlayBook availability or reports of store pickup order cancellations.
The way all of this information is presented is far from user - friendly and for someone who has never used a tablet before could seem daunting.
And we're interested in #FutureChat this week in hearing from members of The FutureBook community about what else is needed in the way of information, what better data on production and sales might offer, not just to authors but also to publishers, their editors and acquisition teams, to marketers and publicity officers, none of whom can see clearly what reader - consumers are up to «by candlelight.»
Then I learned that in order to get anything in the way of information or details out of a traditional publisher was considered top secret, just slightly harder than access to the Oval Office.
They're all very bright and they all have terrific equipment and lots of resources in the way of information.
It's fairly processor - hungry, so if your computer's already slow it'll be an unwelcome addition, and it doesn't provide much in the ways of information about threats it finds.
Before I started planning my trip to Scotland, I knew I wanted to explore Scotland's off - the - beaten - path locations, but I couldn't find much in the way of information online.
There isn't much in the way of information on features or gameplay available yet, as the developers say that the first details regarding those will be with us in late September.
There's not much more in the way of information at the moment, but a teaser website is set to launch next week.
By contrast, evidence from a lawyer adduced by way of information and belief through a staff member simply limits the weight of the evidence and should be discouraged: Essa (Township) v. Guergis; Membery v. Hill, 1993 CanLII 8756 (ON SCDC), [1993] O.J. No. 2581 (Ont.
Although Sony hasn't been providing much in the way of information about its Marshmallow update plans, the company has been working away on its Concept for Android software.
Although the update landed in India over two months ago, there's little in the way of information regarding its rollout in other regions.
IKEA hasn't offered much in the way of information on these new products, but we do know that IKEA has opted to go with the Qi standard, so if you have a relatively new Nexus or a Lumia or even a Galaxy S3 or S4 (with optional charging pad), you won't have to plug your phone in before setting it down on the nightstand.
Resignation letters don't have to be complicated or offer much in the way of information about why and where you're going.
Again, don't let your ego get in the way of the information you need to transmit.
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