Sentences with phrase «way of one's education»

It is a shame that many folks are so hammered by their hard long ways of an education and they can not hardly let or wantonly allow their own instincts to give rise to propel their ideas without civil contentions wiggling upon the minded ways.
They resurrect John Dewey, who for more than two years (1919 - 1921) lectured in China where he was named a «Second Confucius,» as he expounded his pragmatic ways of education and learning in a «communicating community» through social participation.
It is a shame that many folks are so hammered by their hard long fought ways of an education and they can not hardly let or wantonly allow their own instincts to give rise to propel their written ideas without civil contentions wiggling upon their minded ways.
The authors propose a Fourth Way of education leadership and change that is «better and bolder» than the flawed approaches of the past.
I want to be clear that the teachers we have — from pre-K through 12th grade are mission - driven, focused on student outcomes, passionate about making a difference for these children, and committed to the Rapoport way of education.
Edutainment is a new way of education, education through entertainment.
Thursday's training goes hand in hand with No Kill South Carolina, an ongoing campaign that aims to save every healthy and treatable animal by way of education and programs such as spay / neuter, O'Brien said.
And so there's no reason to let it get in the way of your education.
But what happens when something stands in the way of their education?
«It's the only thing we've ever seen in the way of education governance that works.»
But it became evident later in the day that there are barriers in the way of the Education Secretary's latest plan, and that more have been put in his way for some time: the extraordinary sense of forward momentum which the Education Secretary generates has not been achieved without opposition.
As Mark Twain so famously said, «Never let schooling get in the way of your education
Money and bills must never get in the way of education, but is simply not feasible for some of the youth of today's times including Australian students.
The paper, Crunching the Number: Exploring the Use and the Usefulness of the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank, by Mitchell Institute at Victoria University explores how different sectors use the ATAR, and asks if the system is getting in the way of education goals.
My dad once told me not to let college get in the way of my education.
Because she teaches children who have a myriad of ways to gain knowledge and information, her role as an educator is to show them how to love learning, fan the flame of their passions, and never get in the way of their education.
With a sober awareness of past disappointments, we can bore down into existing structures and envision new, genuinely new, ways of education, «rethinking the structure of schooling.»
It is our job to educate the children, not their job to conform to our way of education.
Even generally pro-union Democratic constituencies are beginning to realize that teacher unions are standing in the way of education reform, making Randi Weingarten's support a poisoned chalice.
Even so, it must not get in the way of your education.
In most cases, you shouldn't allow money to get in the way of your education.
There's an abundance of colleges just waiting to take your money and a lot of them won't provide much in the way of education.
This means implementing a multi-pronged approach of providing good care, fair, reliable behavior testing, rehabilitation if needed, and a commitment to making adoption an appealing option to the public by way of education, a foster home network, cooperation with rescue groups, good customer service, clean facilities, spay / neuter before adoption, and liberal adoption hours.
Ask what is available in the way of education or sales materials — anything from videos for use on the sales floor to POP displays to the phone number of someone willing to answer questions about product.
General studies are very important and learning how to drive doesn't need to get in the way of an education.
Unfortunately, life can get in the way of an education — but that doesn't have to hold back your career dreams.
In the way of education, salespeople who join our company go through an in - house training program called Henry S. Miller University.
You're quite correct that there hasn't been enough in the way of education as it relates to bringing us up to speed on the DDF.
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