Sentences with phrase «way of reform»

«There was cheating by some teachers on the state tests but at the same time, what you saw by way of reform in the school district was real,» Casserly said.
Rome (CNN)-- Pope Francis has appointed a group of eight cardinals from around the world to look into ways of reforming the Catholic Church, the Vatican said Saturday.
Rather than collectively discussing ways of reforming the union - Labour link with the 15 affiliated unions, Miliband engaged in «dog - whistle» politics by quickly responding to the taunts of the Tories and the mischief making of the Blairites.
The measure was the product of a blue ribbon commission formed by the governor in November last year to develop potential ways of reforming the state's ABC laws and as a means of promoting New York - made spirits, wines and other alcoholic products.
«The World Intellectual Property Organization is trying to look at ways of reforming IP law to allow for the protection of traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expression.»
The Law Commission recently considered ways of reforming the law to allow for «electronic wills» to be accepted as a person's final will.
That was the session that saw the indictments of Democratic Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Republican Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos - and that produced little by way of reform.
Using my show as a platform, I plan to highlight you and your work, hosting the debates that need to be had, and grilling those who dare to stand in the way of reform.
In the end, debate yielded very little in the way of reform.
It is what Francis Fukuyama has called a «vetocracy», which means a system that puts barriers in the way of reform more than it does in the way of social decay.
But he also stood in the way of reforms last year, so he shouldn't expect the Legislature to simply accept his terms this time around.
Heathcoat - Amory was selected by the Power 2010 democracy and constitutional reform campaign as one of six MPs accused of «failing our democracy» and who «stand in the way of a reforming Parliament».
The wider austerity agenda should not stand in the way of reforming the way the Welsh government receives funding from London, a key commission is expected to argue.
He added that he did not want a discussion on procedure to overshadow the more important, substantive issues of House of Lords reform, telling the House: «I think we all are agreed we must not let process get in the way of a reform to which all parties are committed.»
«A progressive party would not cut taxes for multi-millionaires, stand in the way of reforming parliament or side with bigots, homophobes and climate change deniers in Europe.»
«I invite Paladino to visit state Senate districts in Albany, Rochester, Schenectady and Syracuse that are represented by incumbents who stand in the way of reform and are being challenged by independent, reform - minded women candidates, who deserve support.»
The sad irony here is that Albany's dysfunction is the only thing standing in the way of reforms to address this issue.
Little does he realise, his nudge may not be in the way of reform but furthering tensions within the coalition.
It shows the effect corruption can have on individual New Yorkers — in Seabrook's case, through the influence he has wielded for decades, a power which has sometimes stood in the way of reforming Rikers and changing the attitudes and actions of corrections officers.
He said Republican candidates would beat Democrats who had stood in the way of reforming Albany.
And I would think he would want to be a partner in this and I don't have any reasonable explanation for you why he's standing in the way of a reform plan that would protect the taxpayers and create a lot more affordable housing.
«The Party is clearly standing in the way of reform and its radical, costly agenda would only add to the financial burdens already facing overtaxed New Yorkers.»
Groups that get control of schools or other resources by way of the reform can abuse their opportunities or fail to perform.
At the same time, we look forward to supporting candidates who are running against those that stood in the way of these reforms.
Their technical assistance and financial analysis helped solve tough problems that often stand in the way of reform efforts.
Furthermore, if the system survives, the consequences will be inevitable: there is no way of reforming or modifying the system so as to prevent it from depriving people of dignity and autonomy.
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