Sentences with phrase «way of thinking helped»

He thought in pictures instead of words, and his special way of thinking helped him understand big ideas like the structure of music and why a compass always points north.
This way of thinking helped many to reconcile science and religion, at least superficially.
Does this way of thinking help you know that you can trust Scripture as true?
I find that this way of thinking helps people gain clarity and calm about challenging issues, enabling them to respond more effectively to difficulties as well as to achieve greater overall life satisfaction.»
i hope this crazy way of thinking helps you focus on little things that bring you joy in your home and not stress about perfection and every inch being decorated!

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And who cares if a couple of people think I'm being an attention whore for talking about this in such a real way if it actually does help change a few minds?
«We started out with just trying to think of a way to help improve the lethality of the dismounted Soldier,» Army Research Lab engineer Dan Baechle said in a statement.
Downtime not only helps recharge the batteries, but having unstructured time when the mind is free to wander, inspires new ways of thinking.
If the ethics course you take during your MBA is a good one, it may do something to enrich and deepen the way you think about ethics, and to help you design and manage the kinds of systems that will help your employees act ethically.
That's the way I think you should do it because you don't want to depend on any one thing, but you can take advantage of these amazing tools like Instagram to help you grow as it makes sense.
A simple way to think of this: You've decided to generously help your coworker brainstorm over Gchat for her project, intermittently, while attempting to complete your own assignment.
Bill Gates has said, «Learning to write programs stretches your mind, and helps you think better, creates a way of thinking about things that I think is helpful in all domains.»
Ultimately, I realized being open and honest with my team about what I knew, what I didn't know and how I thought they could help was a better way of running a company.
He changed the way I think about my body and helped me to achieve greater levels of energy, balance, and mindfulness as a mother, two - time entrepreneur, and three - time cancer survivor.
Webinars that teach visitors something, or help them in some way, will help them to think of your website as a resource worth visiting again.
For me, it means thinking about unique ways to help solve some of society's biggest problems, with the courage to not always have the right answer the first time.
I've found it helps to act yourself into new ways of thinking.
Making the time to ask people what they think about something, or how to do it, goes a long way towards building that bond between employees and employers that helps everyone get through the inevitable ups and downs of working together.
EI (also referred to as EQ, Emotional Intelligence Quotient) can help prevent emotions from getting in the way of rational thinking — especially helpful regarding a decision like this, which will greatly affect the course of your life.
This burst of candor may strike the reader as disarming or annoying, but either way, by the standards of the countless books that offer business or self - help advice, it's startling: The whole premise of such titles is that you know very little, and whatever you think you know is dead wrong.
All of these methods for creating distance are effective ways to help you think about the negotiation setting (or anything else for that matter) more abstractly.
We are not as immersed as you might think — and many of us hope to find ways to help our own kids find a balance between the real and the digital.
At Insider Picks, we thought one of the best ways we could help would be to construct a list of our favorite books we read this year.
Think back to your high school reading list and recall the story of Tom Sawyer and how he found a way to recruit his friends to help him paint a fence for his aunt.
«It was this idea of the way this (user interface) worked that I think people were attracted to and that helped further it, and then massive marketing budgets, which is the way a lot of things happen.»
Regardless of Apple's true motive in all of this, I can't help but think their hubris hurt them in the way they handled the FBI request.
Liberal access to information helps the team recognize ways to innovate they otherwise wouldn't know enough to think of.
Doepfner said the likes of Google and Facebook were increasingly open to thinking about ways to help media companies make money on their platforms.
Rosenberg, who worked with Sony on the campaign, says that the company thought of the phone not just as a communication device, but as a tool that would help customers see the world in a new way.
Many swing traders think of stock screener software only as a way to help them quickly find the best stock trade «setups» meeting specific technical criteria.
International business speaker Michael Kerr shares some research about how you can work smarter not harder, a fun at work tip to help employees interact at work, a deep thought of the week, and a preview of some of the fun May theme days headed your way.
«I think the best way to manage the kind of shift we're in is to go back to community and build smaller and smaller governance models to help support the growth of this.»
Depending on the scale of your business, your digital marketing strategy might involve multiple goals and a lot of moving parts, but coming back to this simple way of thinking about strategy can help you stay focused on meeting those objectives.
It's an amazing opportunity, and I'm learning a ton and feel like I'm contributing to the world of cable and broadband in some meaningful ways, helping an established industry think about growth.
Some of the labs that I thought would be very simple, were difficult for me.However, I can honestly say that there is someone in the Kode With Klossy community that is willing to help you every step of the way, you just have to ask.
As a personal finance expert, Lauren Lyons Cole, CFP ® has helped thousands of people change the way they think about money.
«Engaging and quite humorous... a hard - hitting boot camp to help you recalibrate your way of business thinking and management.»
«I thought this would be a great way to help movtivate and mentor woman so that there will be more of us in this industry.»
When you think of life insurance, you probably see it as a way to help replace your income and protect your savings should something happen to you.
Just think of the ways in which YouTube has helped organisations monetise their content by providing them a dedicated, branded channel to reach their target audience.
And it helped fuel a lot of lending to Puerto Rico that wasn't necessarily thought through in a very serious way.
I'm digging the congruency and I can think of a lot of ways in which the Yakezie Network can help Personal Capital build their brand.
You will establish powerful new success habits that will help you achieve your goals faster than you thought possible, discover what stops you in life and realize new ways to be more effective, and take action that is free of friction, tension, and struggle.
spending time in prayer may not bring direct results from «god,» but i think that the quiet, reflective nature of prayer probably helps lots of people find their way.
I don't know how many people here are from Aurora — Co, but some comments are not helping in any way the survivors and families.I respect all religions in the world and I also respect the opinion of those who don't believe in God or anything.But, instead of blasphemy the name of God, send your positive thoughts and energy to those who survived this tragedy.Even though some of you show no signs of good Christians you should show at least signs of good neighbors.You still can be an Atheist and have compassion for others!Don't let the evil be inside you, Aurora — CO needs to heal in peace!!!
You probably know more than you think, and you can use that knowledge to help the Church and Body of Christ in ways that others simply can not.
The problem, mique, is that the Christians (and some other religions) believe that your actions or lack of action (e.g., not properly worshiping their deity) can anger their god and bring his collective punishment upon everyone, so they think it's their civic duty to help you see the light and to legislate their ideas so that all must follow their ways (of course, history shows they can't even agree among themselves what those ways are).
Live that way if you really think it's going to help «save» yourself, but do not confuse your foolishness with the fact that others do NOT need your idea of salvation... and just might actually lead a richer life than the one yours.
It was that looking at parenting in the «admit your faults» way helped me shift the responsibility from 100 percent in the arms of the parents to a shared responsibility, which for Millennials especially, I think is important.
I can't help but think that homeschooling's unctuous critics have betrayed the American vision of freedom with which I grew up, and rationalized the extension of social control in a way my peers and I learned to see and resist.
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