Sentences with phrase «way out of alignment»

I was way out of alignment with myself — my Self.

Not exact matches

Gates brought up the values alignment problem when it comes to AI: «One thing to make sure the people who create the first strong AI have the right values and ideally that it isn't just one group way out in front of others.
By fostering a sense of community and offering employees a way to speak out easily within their own networks, you can build an alignment between your employees and your organization.
Gabe Zichermann, founder of a gamification consulting agency, explains, «It's about figuring out ways to create alignment with incentives and motivation.
I miss the pocket from the original ergo and the Velcro is annoying and never as close a fit as the original, and the extra strap over it is always annoying and useless in various ways, but it's the only carrier I'm aware of that is front facing out and that keeps the knees in alignment with hips, so it was always the only choice.
With the help of a tightly focused laser, researchers at the University of Rochester have figured out a way to assess the axial alignment of individual molecules.
The root cause of mental health issues is part physical imbalance (e.g., chronic inflammation, thyroid dysfunction, autoimmunity, hormone imbalance, blood sugar dysregulation, chronic sleep deprivation), and part psychospiritual (e.g., history of trauma, cognitive distortions, social isolation, chronic stress, living out of alignment with the way human beings evolved to thrive — eating real food, moving their bodies, sleeping in darkness, breathing fresh air, drinking clean water, seeing the sun, connected to nature, and deeply rooted in community).
When we stand with a hip jutted out to one side, or tuck the pelvis in or jut it way forward, this can throw us out of alignment.
This is your body's natural way of protecting you, as too much muscle on one side will put undue stress on your underlying bones and pull you out of alignment.
This is your body's natural way of protecting you, since too much muscle on one side will put undue stress on your underlying bones and pull you out of alignment.
This is your body's natural way of protecting you, as too much muscle on one side will put undue stress on your underlying bones and pull you out of alignment (read Building a Balanced Physique and Protecting Your Joints).
Or maybe you were out of alignment in more subtle ways — selling out your integrity in a soul - sucking job or drinking yourself to sleep every night or staying in a relationship with someone you don't love.
Rib thrusting (getting out of neutral ribcage alignment at any time, but especially when «zipping») is a big problemo when it comes to core strengthening, and it can get in the way of healing for those of you who are dealing with diastasis recti.
With such standards - alignment and budget concerns, the schools had a safe way to bow out of the pilot.
Sometimes an adult tooth won't be able to push a baby tooth out of the way, which can lead to improper tooth alignment and abnormal development of the jaw bone.
There are a lot of ways your dog can get out of alignment.
Like Planescape: Torment, the Tides don't lock players out of content due to their alignment, only influence the way NPCs look and react at the Last Castoff.
I don't know whether Drs Spencer and Christy did this alignment out of an error of confirmation bias or as a deliberate «trick», but either way the graphs they presented with that 60 - month baselining are deceptive.
This statement by Dr. Doherty sums it up, «I like to think of marriage as coming with the conviction that nothing will break us up; that we'll fight through whatever obstacles get in our way; that if the boat gets swamped, we'll bail it out; that we'll recalibrate our individual goals if they get out of alignment; that we'll share leadership for maintaining and renewing our marriage; that we'll renovate our marriage if the current version gets stale; that if we fight too much or too poorly, we'll get help to fight better; that if sex is no longer good, we'll find a way to make it good again; that we'll accept each other's weaknesses that can't be fixed; and that we'll take care of each other in our old age.»
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