Sentences with phrase «way out of his cell»

It was Guzmán who made a Hollywood-esque break out from Mexico's maximum - security prison Puente Grande in 2001 — bribing his way out of his cell and escaping with the very same police SWAT team that had been called in to find him, the legend goes.
to blast her way out of a cell.
Answer: No, it is weak by design to prevent prisoners from using dental floss as a weapon or to cut their way out of their cells.

Not exact matches

I was inspired by the vulnerability of that culture; the way people spill their life out over their cell phones while you're sitting next to them on the subway.
On any given day I reckoned that about a third of the men were regular meditators, a third were trying to find their way into the practice, and a third were merely using the opportunity to get out of their cells or amass «good time.»
We can begin to make our way toward wisdom by clearing out the data smog — by fasting from TV, computer, cell phone and pocket planner long enough to talk with a friend face - to - face, read a book or simply sit still and listen for the way of wisdom.
Your white blood cells are way out of whack.
(In many ways it is worse than when John Edwards said in 2004 that if people voted for John Kerry, people like Christopher Reeve would get out of their wheelchairs and walk from embryonic stem cell therapies.)
I had no intention on holding out... I just ran out of gas on the way to camp and my cell phone battery died.
And as Justin again points out, «what most impresses me about this campaign is the fact that it is the ONLY WAY to contact people on their cell phones to solicit financial donations» because of the limitations of the medium — no unsolicited calls, high vendor fees for donations - via - text message, etc..
Also, a person would have to be dumb not realize that smart phones and apps are a way for phone companies to squeeze A LOT more money out of the cell phone market — which was pretty much saturated until smart phones came along.
«There was a hole cut out of the back of their cell through which these inmates escaped... and had power tools and were able to get out through this facility through tunnels, cutting their way in several spots,» New York Corrections Commissioner Anthony Annucci told reporters in a news conference Saturday.
The two used power tools to break through the walls of their cells and work their way out through the prison infrastructure to the streets outside.
As for why evolution wouldn't have long ago snuffed out this genetic thorn in the side of fertility, Cherr suspects the mutation may also confer some yet - unknown advantage, the way the sickle - cell gene provides malaria protection along with the risk of a deadly blood disease.
«It turns out cells have a number of different ways to signal injury.
The idea fell out of favour following the scandal of 2005, and after the development of a way to turn ordinary skin cells into so - called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), which behave rather like hESCs.
The party when embraced market reforms, you know, these media outlets realized that they needed to deliver something that people wanted to watch and so real journalism was part of that and so when this man was able to stand up to the government and the word got out in the international media, it quickly made its way onto the Internet, so people in China could see it and then it spread very quickly on text messages on cell phones and on instant messaging, and e-mail.
We know that bacterial cells have different ways of metabolizing energy in oxygen - rich environments, but for the longest time we couldn't figure out how they were doing it when oxygen is difficult to access.»
Lo's team set out to find ways to further weaken the tumors, since the drug addiction response (which can range from a mere slow down of the cancer's growth rate to cancer cell death), can be used to improve clinical outcomes.
But what [was] really interesting in this study of the sled dogs, of Larry the sled dog in particular, was the discovery that some of these high performance dogs appear to have the ability to draw fat directly out of their and blood right into their muscle cells and immediately burn it that way, which is a more efficient way than normally what you'd see.
Now scientists have figured out a way to issue a kind of molecular visa to drugs, allowing them to pass freely through cell membranes.
An entire field of computer science has grown out of insights derived from the way the smallest units of the brain — cells called neurons — perform computations.
Image courtesy of iStockphoto / BakiBG SAN ANTONIO, Texas — So much of our information from — and interaction with — the world is now mediated by computers, cell phones and tablets that health experts have been practically running themselves ragged trying to find ways to use these conduits to help people make healthier choices.Great success stories have come out of parts of the developing world, where cell phones have been used to improve maternal and infant care and help people adhere to medication guidelines.
To find out, the researchers shifted the voltage across the dendrite membrane of individual ganglion cells in a way that would favor inhibitory currents over excitatory ones.
No one knows whether fertilizing single - celled marine organisms is a sound way to pull more heat - trapping carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
Scientists are currently investigating ways of using nucleic acids to re-program cells to carry out different functions.
So again, they have to come up with some kind of media that is much cheaper, and then they have to figure out ways to bulk up the muscle cell.
They might also come up with a way to select the right cells out of a mixed population; Anand Swaroop, an ophthalmology researcher at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, is working on a way to identify and weed out the photoreceptor cells by focusing on proteins present on cell surfaces.
When the protein is present, these cells that start out round and stuck together in a pattern resembling cobblestones become irregularly shaped and tend to detach from the tumor site in an uncoordinated way — hallmarks of metastasis.
When Gu and colleagues injected their synthetic cells into diabetic mice, the animals» blood sugar levels normalized within an hour and stayed that way up to five days, when the cells ran out of insulin.
«What David's group can do is grow populations of cells in a very miniaturized state in ways that they can reach out and talk to each other through tiny channels, but yet they stay distinct,» den Boon says.
In this webinar you'll hear from leading professionals who are experienced in both scaling - up (generating more cells per batch) and scaling - out (generating more batches) the production of their «living drugs» in the most effective way possible.
There is only one way to find out the answer to this dilemma on the equivalence or otherwise of embryonic versus adult stem cells: more research.
Tavazoie points out that «it is remarkable that within a single cell type, synonymous changes in genetic sequence can dramatically affect the levels of specific proteins, their transcripts, and the way a cell behaves.»
While researching the life cycle of baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Gottschling's team figured out a way to label yeast so that they could spot genetic mistakes in daughter cells.
This is possible because quinolines are active inside a cell organelle called the digestive vacuole; resistance occurs when the parasite finds ways of keeping the drug out of the vacuole.
The way our genes are arrayed and move in the 3 - D space of the cell nucleus turns out to profoundly influence how they function, in both health and disease
Derived from buckwheat, 2 - HOBA stands out because of the way it seems to work — by influencing immune cells.
One idea is that if we could harness the very stem cells that are in the noses of people who are losing smell, maybe we can figure out a way to restore function, by getting them to regenerate the cells that are lost.»
And the way this researcher, Kei Hirose, who wrote about this — he's at the Tokyo Institute of Technology — found out about this mineral as he tried to replicate the conditions that's far deep below the Earth; and [he] used a diamond anvil cell and learned more about this super dense, heretofore unexpected material around the inner core.
When most animals create an opening like this one, cells typically move out of the way.
Before scientists and engineers can realize the dream of using stem cells to create replacements for worn out organs and battle damaged body parts, they'll have to develop ways to grow complex three - dimensional structures in large volumes and at costs that won't bankrupt health care systems.
A research team has come up with a way of genetically engineering the DNA of mammalian cells to carry out complex computations, in effect turning the cells into biocomputers.
A CFTR protein with this mutation can not fold properly and can not navigate its way to the surface of the cell where it would normally reside, providing a channel for chloride to flow in and out.
The test tube finding, reported in the current Cell, could help explain the formation of prions — the tangled proteins that are implicated in mad cow disease and several human brain disorders — and eventually may lead to a way to smooth out these rogue proteins.
To find out, he engineered cells in culture to contain either the heat - or cold - sensitive TRP receptors, which when triggered change the biochemistry of the cell in a measurable way.
Because embryos are not destroyed to create them, they have been hailed as a way out of the ethical dilemma posed by human embryonic stem cells.
«When we finally figured out a way to kill all of the somatic stem cells, we thought that the rest of the tissue would probably just empty out,» she says.
Without insulin, there is no way to shuttle sugar out of the blood and into cells, where it is used for energy.
Such cells provide a way to take ALS studies «out of the patient and into the petri dish,» Harvard biologist Kevin Eggan said at a press conference.
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