Sentences with phrase «way out of shared»

If had that kind of help I could donate my way out of shared pain also.

Not exact matches

The best advice I have received and believe in is to hire great people, share your vision for the company, provide clear direction and expectations, then get out of the way so they can do their best work.
There are lots of ways to practice gratitude, from keeping a journal of things you're grateful for, sharing three good things that happen each day with a friend or your partner, and going out of your way to show gratitude when others help you.
And I find that one of the greatest joys I have is sharing what I've learned as a way to give back to the people who are either starting out in the industry, or are sort of at a point in their careers where they're looking for some sage counsel and advice,» he told me.
He makes a point of sharing the type of information that will help others avoid mistakes that he made when he was just starting out, and of taking complex ideas (like big data or digital marketing technologies) and explaining them in a way that beginners can understand.
As Red Robin shares shed nearly 29 percent of their value, Cramer balked at the Street's response, saying that the rise of take - out and delivery is an «unstoppable trend» that will quash chains like Red Robin if they don't find ways to appeal to new customer bases.
And if you're living in a small apartment or sharing the space with other people, the more clever and out - of - the - way the better.
You can create a schedule so that every single day, a certain number of times per day, your social media content that you've saved before will go out through buffer, and that way you can build your audience by curating great content, either from others, or, when you have good news about your own business, share through buffer on an ongoing basis.
Entrepreneurs and investment bankers share similar traits: They work long hours, they are committed to their craft, they believe in their abilities and they innovate their way out of problems and challenges.
The way I took advantage of this new medium when it first came out was to share daily live broadcasts from my home in Miami.
They also point out that screencasting — where you record video and audio of what you're doing on your computer so that someone else can play it back later — is a fabulous way share a new feature you're working on, for example.
The good news is they all had to start out the same way and the innovative new franchisors can certainly win their fair share of the franchise buyers if they play their cards right.
In February, Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway sold off $ 900 million of its Walmart stock, the last of Buffett's shares in the company, after saying in 2016 that Amazon's competitors had not figured out a way to counter the e-commerce company.
Schaaf created imgur in 2009 out of his college dorm room because he was active on reddit and thought there wasn't a good way to share pictures.
Operating out of a shared workspace is a way to offer your employees the company culture of a larger business without the operating costs or administrative hassles that come with it.
To find out which methods have been most effective for my peers, I asked thirteen entrepreneurs to share one special way they get more word - of - mouth referrals and thumbs up.
The most effective way is to chase market share and drive out one's rivals — even if doing so comes at the expense of short - term profits, since the best guarantee of long - term profits is immediate growth.
He goes out of his way to make people feel good about themselves and share his joy about life.»
The arrangements are a way to encourage publishers to produce a steady stream of high - quality videos until Facebook figures out a more concrete plan to compensate creators, such as through sharing of ad revenue.
The group incentive nature of employee stock ownership and profit sharing makes this an effective way to create and reinforce a sense of common purpose, and to encourage higher commitment and productivity.23 It is also the case with ESOPs that the new ownership might not be viewed by the firm in the same way as other added compensation because the ownership is financed through loans to buy new capital as company stock, with Federal tax incentives, and the shares are not paid as normal wages and benefits out of company budget reserved for this purpose.
I've picked up quite a bit just by being around our CEO, Kyle, for the past few years — he's been in and out and up and down in startups, and has shared some of the hard lessons he learned along the way.
This way the shareholders can retain their level of control in the company without having to go out and purchase more shares just for the power of the vote that will give the shareholder more clout at the board level for his / her interests in corporate activities.
It must get to the point where evryone who has been taken by the banks and finds out they are terminal, takes out one banker at the top that they feel has taken way more than his share of the pie.
The key IMHO is to get people exposed to a good chunk of low - cost equity for the long - term, but to do it in a way that share price wobbles don't scare the living daylights out of them.
The amount of cash required may become so large that they can't find their way out of it through share offerings anymore.»
Very few people take out the time and energy and go out of their way to share the knowledge they have gathered over the years, Vishal is one of them.
Options can be add value to one's portfolio in a variety of ways, specifically, maintaining liquidity via maintaining cash to engage in covered put options, initiating positions via being assigned shares strategically prior to or upon expiration of the option contract and capturing premium income via closing out the contract prior to expiration as the shares move in your favor to realize income.
(I apologize to those that dislike metaphors, but I almost can't communicate if I don't get to use them, and as insufficient as they at times are, they are very close to the language of what I believe, because you can't really explain or define someone into believing... you can only live out your beliefs in a way that you share with others, and when given the opportunity shine a light, or point a direction, or walk along with someone for a bit).
As Blackish wraps up its third season, with a likely fourth one on the way, you can't help but wonder if the creators had any idea how pertinent the show could be for all Americans as we seek a path out of stark polarization, or at the very least, into a good laugh with someone we hadn't expected to share one with.
Jenkins, on the other hand, describes appreciatively theological schools, from the Orthodox doctrine of theosis to Teilhard de Chardin to the modern «creation spirituality» movement, which one way or another allow humans to share with God in the evolution of the world to a glorious transformation ¯ although, as Jenkins points out, there's a danger that that could veer off into anthropocentric management.
Few people are willing to share so that communities can provide the physical well - being and spiritual care needed by all our country's citizens (male and female, white and of color, rich and poor) Too often we take the easy way out and pass responsibility to the next generation.
We knew from the beginning that we were marked out, not as outsiders, but as people who had embarked on a shared way of life that would demand much of us, and give much in return.
I find it odd that aetheists feel so directly personally offended by Christian symbols... they are not offered as an «attack», unless you see the sharing of beliefs as an attack upon your own beliefs, in which case I think there is a deeper problem... This billboard IS a direct attack, and as many others have pointed out there is a better way to share your belief as an aetheist.
Much of the church has adopted the ways of the world and completely missed what Christ asked us to do ie take up our cross daily and go out in to our world and the world of Marissa and millions of others and share Christs love, acceptance, forgiveness and mercy.
This sharing, unfortunately, has a way of spreading outward toward others, as if my openness gives me the right to pull you out of whatever closet you are in.
I think we live our life «IN» Christ, and He in us, this seems to be the only way «the ecklesia» can fellowship, Jesus working in me, living thru me, and Him living thru you, then when we come together, we can share out of our «Experience» of God.
Their way of thinking was in terms of the older Jewish belief in «resurrection of the body» — and hence the only manner in which they could proclaim that Jesus had not been put out of the way through death was to say that he had indeed been «raised from the dead», that he was in and with God, and that those who belonged to him were granted a share in the risen life which was properly his own.
Their ways of doing this are most varied, ranging from a sense of acting in accordance with the «rightness in things» (as in much Chinese religion), through a mystical identification of the deepest self or atman with the cosmic reality or brahma (as in Hinduism), or a «blowing - out» of individual selfhood by sharing in the bliss of Nirvana (as in most varieties of Buddhism), to the sense of fellowship or communion with God found in our own Jewish - Christian religious tradition.
while breifly going thru this artical it was makeing my stomach turn, this is just what the devil wants is for doubt and confusion, christianity is growing stronger than ever, souls are being saved and lives are changing every day, and do nt for one minute think any different, or try tp put christians down, why would we loose faith, god answers our prayers everyday, think what you want and do what you do, but do nt try to put things in other people's opinion or minds, jesus died for our sins, so that we can have better lives and be forgiven for our sins here on earth and move on to a beter place, becouse souls do nt die «read the bible, if you do nt understand it, find a church that can help you learn a better way of life, I pray for everyone out there that does nt know jesus christ as ther savior to accept what he has to offer to you «love forgiveness and ever lasting life «Christians» stay strong and [ass the word of god on and share all your tedtimonies in life» god bless everyone»»
I have heard too many stories about atheists thinking they are alone in their doubt, and this is an attempt to make others know that there are others out there who share their way of thinking.
I've written a book about what I went through, and gave it to all my family members (still working on preparing it for a publisher so I can get it out to the world) and it was my way of sharing my pain, and like you said, letting others know that they are not alone.
David after forty plus years in and out of churches hearing and reading even studying and dissecting (if that matters) For me, and that is the only one I ever speak for, if it is a song, a scripture that I may recall, a line in a movie or something one might share here, its only those that breath hope, light the way, give courage, inspire, and comfort to me as an individual that have meaning.
So, as Catherine and Micah pointed out, the passage about women not wearing jewelry and fine clothes can serve as a reminder that we are to avoid materialism and make sure that class distinctions do not get in the way of loving others and sharing the gospel.
Our task is not to be judgmental in a manner of spiritual superiority but to dig beneath the traditions to recover the spirit that originally animated them, so that we too may share in the original dynamic that enlivened the telling and acting out of the Christ event in another time and another place or among other Christians who expressed their response to the Christ event in a way foreign to our experience.
Out of more open and honest discussion may come new and still untried ways of putting flesh on a shared vision of peace.
Maybe BG will impart some good old fashioned wisdom and HONESTY into Mr. Romney and he can share some of it with his little playmate on the way to check on his «OUT OF THIS COUNTRY» interest bearing accountof it with his little playmate on the way to check on his «OUT OF THIS COUNTRY» interest bearing accountOF THIS COUNTRY» interest bearing accounts!
Revivalism, which emerged in part out of Puritanism, shared most of the central beliefs and symbols of Puritanism itself; however, the Great Awakening held and embodied these same beliefs in such a way that the believers tended to be highly critical of those same values and beliefs as embodied in the contemporary elite of the day.
It's because Christians don't go out of their way to share with the world the passionate sex they've been having.
This may be the ideal for some, but one can not count on it working out that way, primarily because of the presence of various political ideologies which, as I've described in Political Visions and Illusions, tend to take on an idolatrous character and, like all idols, are unwilling to share power with others.
We do well to broaden our perspectives and learn that we may, in fact, live in extraordinary abundance and we have the ability to look for ways to share out of that abundance with those who are in great need.
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