Sentences with phrase «way out of this sort»

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Now she's teaching dozens of participants not only the basics of dog grooming and the fundamentals of being an good employee, but also helping them sort out the other logistical and life challenges that stand in the way of a career in the pet beautification business..
However the future of Kit and Ace is to unfold, you can bet they'll sort it out the way family businesses usually do — quietly and respectfully (if not always democratically), and with a common end goal in mind.
And I find that one of the greatest joys I have is sharing what I've learned as a way to give back to the people who are either starting out in the industry, or are sort of at a point in their careers where they're looking for some sage counsel and advice,» he told me.
But a company that only changes itself in tiny, incremental ways runs a different sort of risk: being put out of business altogether by a new idea that challenges the whole business.
«The resort sprinkles magic into the experience in all sorts of ways,» says Ezon, who adds that the personalized flick played on a movie screen that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.
The industry used to link its alumina pricing to the LME aluminium contract, an unsophisticated but largely effective way of cushioning input costs against the sort of metal price blow - out we've just seen.
They step out of the way (and maybe play too much golf) as the employee sort of spirals into a place of too much self - reliance, feeling like theirs is a solo act.
Sorting out your personal money situation isn't necessarily about aiming for great wealth or financial independence (though go for it, if that's your goal), it's also a great way to take control of your time, your career, and your ambitions — all while reducing your day - to - day anxiety.
And with 1.1 billion people using Facebook and putting out lots of content, they need to figure out a way to sort through it somehow.
It's also a great way to talk to your cats when you're out — if you're into that sort of thing.
It's not a destination poutine that I would go out of my way for — my preference for that sort of thing is still New York Fries — but it is something I might be tempted to upgrade to in those rare circumstances where I find myself really hungry and at a McDonald's.
That's according to a tidbit of wisdom in the business book Dinosaur Brains: Dealing With All Those Impossible People at Work unearthed by Farnam Street, a consistently interesting blog dedicated to hunting down just these sorts of fascinating ideas in out - of - the - way places.
They figured out a way to bring in major cash from «advertorials «of sorts.
The other way is sort of what California and Oregon are doing, and that is offering a retirement plan that is separate from the employer and all the employer has to do, would be required to do is take a part of the payroll, deduct it into an IRA and if the employee does n`t want to participate, they can opt out, but that has to be the first step — getting more people to participate in these plans.
This is key because the original survey that users filled out was, in fact, an app of sorts, linking into Facebook by way of its API.
In a way, Otto was built out of a sort of PTSD of working at a technology company that never shipped.
Theorizing this way, we warned clients last week (as those of you reading know): If this is sorting out who owns what, we'll take a hit Tue - Wed Feb 20 - 21.
The authors analyzed leading companies are sorted out the secrets of success in a way that suggested that it was a formula that could be replicated easily.
So, when I look at that I say, this will sort out over time in a sensible way for both parties, so will there be a lot of noise?
TechCrunch also says the site will use more photography of «relatable» real - life moments; the sample page shows two kids eating dinner — they're adorable, in an unforced, un-posed, just - hanging - out sort of way.
But there is some sort of certificate authority that in a knowing way hands out
«Because it doesn't make any difference to me if my life is miserable because I've been put out of business by something that's good for 320 - some million people in some sort of infinitesimal way and it's messed up my life.»
The euro zone central bank's vice-president hinted that restrictive Brussels state aid rules get in the way of sorting out banks.
It is not our business to sort out the reputation of God or defend His ways.
But that sort of behavior goes on in WAY too many churches for the case to be made that church community is the only place to live out a love for God in service with and for others.
Being alive devoid of the strategies to the difficulties you've sorted out by way of your good review is a critical case, and the kind which could have adversely affected my entire career if I had not come across your web site.
Now we see all sorts of disgusting things come out dealing with kiidie perverts.And they still do disturbing things.They want to beatify a priest from Yugoslavia who had blessed the Utashe movement a movement in WW2 that was responsible for killing 100,000's of people in very heinous ways.
My three sons are all sound and getting on with their lives, without Drugs, Cigarets, Stealing, Cheating, Bullying, Prejudice or Hate, they accept all people and allow them to have their own opinions without sulking or falling out with them, Non of them have been bullied or sort to bully to get their own way, but have appreciated and loved the people they have met.
But it is an effort to sort out the central features of experiences of various sorts, to generalize their descriptions, and to develop in that way a generic notion of experience intended to be applicable to all the various kinds of experience.
Get Out is funny, but in sort of an uncomfortable way.
But, in my experience, sometimes the best way to keep communication healthy and open is to go to bed angry and then talk about it the next morning when you've had enough sleep to know that leaving the milk out in the car probably wasn't a veiled act of aggression meant to symbolize every problem in the relationship, but rather just the sort of mistake anyone would make while distracted by a fascinating story on NPR.
That was true because, as Romney advisor Jonathan Gruber pointed out, liberal Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy «had basically figured out a way to sort of rip off the feds for about 400 million dollars a year» in order to fund Romneycare.
What remains when we examine our faith and try to sort out our reasons for wanting to believe (a way out of tragedy perhaps), our reasons for needing to believe (an unresolved Oedipal conflict possibly)?
When our attempts to mature as Christians run into obsessive guilt and shameful or angry impatience with ourselves, we need to sort out the way God wants to deal with us from the way we are dealing with ourselves out of our psychic history.
I wouldn't say that urban life is the most welcoming (Sort of) and wholesome way out there.
only reason y i say this is because of Santification, once we give our life to the Lord, we streight way (so to speak) begin the process of Santification, this is Christ making us like him, and this Is SUFFERING It does nt happen over night, but for the duration of our time here, as you have said, its sort of like sin being done unto us, and we are handleing it just like Christ did, (with Love) of coarse with the help of the Holy Spirit, This Does NOT feel Good At ALL since our soulful flesh is Corrupt, (but our spirit is saved) This is were your trails and tribulation, your own desire, and All play apart, Now Moment by Moment we choose by our own will, And Jesus helps in these times, as he was tempeted, but without sin, The devil can do nothing but try and decieve the Christian into thinking that he has to work for his salvation as you have said, this thing here is about your Inheritance In Christ, Its gonna be some show nought broke christian in Heaven, because their trying to set of for themseleve trasure on earth, and their is going to be weeping and gnat of teeth, but it wont be, because of their going to Hell, It will be cause they miss out on what they could have had, and it is Devistation, cause they waste so much time, and they wont be able to attend the wedding, supper of the lamb, they wont be, getting the position over city, galacy, ectt... just check it out some of the points i have made, God Bless you!
I may harbor up that feeling until it bursts out in all sorts of negative ways.
In this way, God is sort of pictured as a being who sucks the human life out of us and injects us with His own life so that we become less like «me» and more like Him.
Jeremy, I find it rather humorous, in a sad sort of way, that you can write posts about changing (or stopping) baptism and communion (which were good and valid posts), and not hear one peep out of the «plain reading of Scripture» crowd.
Respectful questioning enables us not to be the sort of people who are in a paranoid suspicion of «Our leaders are always out to get us» and to think of authority as wrong, which is an unbiblical and ungodly way of seeing things.
But to find religion is only one out of many ways of reaching unity; and the process of remedying inner incompleteness and reducing inner discord is a general psychological process, which may take place with any sort of mental material, and need not necessarily assume the religious form.
I subjoin an additional document which has come into my possession, and which represents in a vivid way what is probably a very frequent sort of conversion, if the opposite of «falling in love,» falling out of love, may be so termed.
So my point is, no matter what you do, there are going to be the homophobic people out there, attempting to hide their prejudice behind a veneer of holiness, who are going to find a way to degrade any sort of relationship that an admittedly gay Christian has, regardless of whether it has anything to do with sex or not.
It is perhaps valuable to seem to digress in this way, if only to bring out into the open conflicts of attitude that may be reflected in one's theological judgement, although their roots lie in quite general considerations of another sort.
We are all still sorting out the profound moral lessons of the civil rights movement (and even, in some ways, of the abolition of slavery).
Is Neuhaus or the Vatican seriously suggesting that we can procreate our way out of the ethical dilemmas of such technology with a sort of reproductive Reaganomics?
I think our religious culture of dogmatic fear really stifles peoples» natural curiosity, and the way scripture is pulled out of context and used as some sort of hard - and - fast Holy Slogans to live by is simply too much for people.
If you want to be the sort of family that can be created out of people from different races, classes, etc you are already beginning to shape what it means to be family in a way that approaches «vision.»
Just as we need guides to help us through all the books, we need some way of sorting out the reasonable beliefs from the ridiculous ones.
Paul assures us that God has already given us the strength we need to bear whatever comes our way in life, and I need it when I listen to today's gospel, which is the sort of Bible passage that is often used as a bludgeon to terrify people into believing in a God who, as Roberta Bondi once put it, loves you so much he's gonna get you if you don't watch out!
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