Sentences with phrase «way outside people»

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Firstly, you are placing your business data in the trust of an outside entity that is based off your premises, so in a very real way you are placing the security of your business data in another person's hands.
In 1983, Schulz traveled to Italy, where he admired the way the espresso bars in Milan serve as a place for people to meet and share time together outside of the home or the office.
Online, however, people outside the targeted age groups can be excluded in ways they will never learn about.
People have always eaten out, but it was Kroc who defined the outside in a way no one before him ever did.
From water - and snow - resistant parkas made from skins worn by hunters in polar regions to garments fabricated using woven straw, such as the ancient Japanese mino, people have long sought ways to remain dry while outside in wet weather.
And, most crucially, it allows for secure, two - way messaging with people outside the company — a feature lacking in many competing apps such as Slack, HipChat, and Convo.
, people have long sought ways to remain dry while outside in wet weather.
Sometimes I stop people right outside my door at 48 Yonge St. here and ask them about Wind on the way by.
As content marketing professional, Tavis Bucklin puts it, «Video allows for a personal connection that is hard to make any other way outside of physically meet that person.
With a million more people expected to move here in the next two decades, it's urgent that we start thinking outside the box, pursue new ways to increase density, and unlock housing supply across our region.»
They are trying to be «personal» in a way that ends up losing the sense that God is a real person who comes to us from outside our own lives.
This is a reasonable question and headline because in THE REAL WORLD this is a constant struggle and issue for people who do have problems with the way Israelis operate within, or most outside the Socio - political climate.
They probably wanted to redefine «person» so that they could weasel their way into applying the rights we have as living breathing human beings to clusters of cells (fetus) not viable outside the uterus.
It was cool to see people endeavoring to think outside the box and explore new ways to think, be, and gather as Christians.
The same North Korean leader who has the outside world on edge constantly treats the people of North Korea in the same way.
Outside those communities, people are socialized in ways that do not involve this kind of commitment to the well being of others.
In more specific ways the spiritual influence of group involvement was also apparent: of the people currently involved, 90 percent claimed they were better able to forgive others, 79 percent said they had been enabled to share their faith with others outside the group, 78 percent felt closer to God and 66 percent had experienced answers to prayer.
It may go the other way more, incompatible people look for compatibility outside the marriage.
Some people are unable to get medicine they need to survive, while older folks may be trapped in their homes with no way of communicating with the outside world.
The God portrayed by the current church is a petty old man that delights in punishing people for stepping outside of the rules that we set up and is only too happy to send countless numbers of people to eternal torture and agony just because they didn't believe exactly the right way.
People like FedUp and fire0 never take the time to look at the way things are outside their own selfish idiocy.
All around the world, people are beginning to see that it is possible (and maybe even easier) to follow Jesus outside the four walls of the church and do so in a way that takes His love to the neediest people in our towns and cities.
Have leaders and congregants become so programmed by ecclesiastical tradition as to be sincere yet misguided in a way that makes Christian community and worship unattractive or even repulsive and not just to people outside of the church.
Propaganda is most effective when it is able to separate a person from outside points of reference, such as a transcendent religious reference, in order to encourage a tunnel vision which unquestioningly accepts this society «s worldview as «the way it is.
«Some of the prayers that people could be praying right now are for people to have a sense of God's peace, to know that they're not alone, to know that there are people outside of the situation who know what's happening and that support and help is coming and is on its way
I recently had a conversation with several guys about church and ministry, and we were talking about how there are so many people who seem to entering into a way of being the church outside of the four walls of institutional Christianity.
And sometimes — if you so happen to land in a place that knows how to party — a three - piece band playing Dixieland jazz sets up shop outside the sanctuary to fete you as you make your way to the fellowship hall to greet hundreds of people who love you because you have loved them so very, very well.
The Faith Alive group in Southampton has in the past decade initiated Alpha courses, an ecumenical programme sharing ideas about leadership, formation and outreach methods with other denominations, a city guildhall event with a Catholic inspirational speaker and prayer teams, a city mission, an introductory programme for «new seekers», that is people interested in the Church and who might wish to continue with the RCIA, displays outside a church on a main road and a manned gazebo to provide information and resources to passers - by during the papal visit, and the Anchor catecheticscourse making use of the «way of beauty» for evangelising parishioners, seen as a primary target.
The way we carry ourselves, talk to others and treat people matters: It produces the fruit by which we — and our faith — are judged by people from the outside.
Fourth, such families are open systems that interact in a mutually nurturing way with a considerable number of people, families, and institutions outside their own family boundaries.
Bethel has developed a range of unusual ways of bringing people inside and outside the Church into connection with God.
«If there is any way you can remove these people / group from standing outside please make it happen.
For how else are we to carry a certain idea of justice or goodness to extremes if not by conforming our judgment of eminence to the testimony given outside of us in history by the words, the deeds, and the lives of certain exceptional people who are not necessarily famous, but who testify by their excellence to that very way of eminence that reflection attempts to reproduce in itself and for itself?
@Freedom «By the way, I will only answer to people that think outside the box.
I guess in my personal experience people who were religious enough to say «bless you» (outside of the sneeze ordeal which I even say bless you out of childish habit) did it as some kind of display of their awesome religiousness vs other people's sinner ways.
People both inside and outside the church declare in many ways that religion is a private matter between individuals and God; it does not belong to any church.
Glad to hear «Big Faith»; Clive, hate to put myself on the spot but was basing my response on scripture where it says something to the point of not blessing a person on a journey or path or on their way etc. leaning towards I believe that unbelievers are on a path outside of Christ.
And because they gain so much visibility — take on such an aura of authority and religious «truth» — they lead people outside the church to conclude that Christianity really is irrelevant to the world and its problems, confirming them in their resolve to shun organized religion and go their way as humanitarians, free - thinkers or iconoclasts.
Start hanging out with compassionate people and you'll find yourself doing crazy stuff way outside your comfort zone.
Though the curtain of secrecy is drawn over such meetings (one of the abuses that Boff had criticized in his writings), Boff emerged from the encounter smiling, believing that he had made the point that, when dealing with liberation theology, the church ought to consult people directly involved in the struggle, rather than relying solely on European theologians who, as he told reporters, «look on poverty from the outside, from a position of security, in a paternalistic way
People are always accusing churches of playing it safe and never thinking outside the box, but don't tell that to the people at the Kentucky Baptist Association, because they've happened upon a new way of wooing the unconverted and it's, well, it's diffPeople are always accusing churches of playing it safe and never thinking outside the box, but don't tell that to the people at the Kentucky Baptist Association, because they've happened upon a new way of wooing the unconverted and it's, well, it's diffpeople at the Kentucky Baptist Association, because they've happened upon a new way of wooing the unconverted and it's, well, it's different.
Its the same way people can protest outside funerals claiming AIDS and war death are God's punishment for sin: because the Horror of the delusion is not that «there is a God», but that «There is a God and he approved of my particular brand of hatred, intolerance and evil».
The most cogent psychoanalytic explanation of alcoholism indicates that the emotional damage involved probably occurred in the very early life of the person — during the period when the child's primary way of relating to the outside world is oral.
When someone fails to understand grace, they will also most certainly fail to understand mercy, and this is reflected in the way they perceive and respond to other people... most especially those outside their particular camp.
Dialogue, particularly with people of other faiths, holds out the possibility of conversion in many ways: conversion of others to the fullness of the faith, conversion of ourselves to a deeper living of our own baptismal grace, conversion of the culture to a nobler vision of the human person encouraged by the many examples of virtue to be found within and outside the Church.
Luke Coppen ends his Catholic Herald leader with a question: «could all the parts of the Church — bishops, priests, the Catholic press, bloggers and committed lay people — find a new way to work together to ensure that the Pope's message is heard not only by all Catholics but also by those outside the Church who are anxious to receive it?».
So, basically, the only way you ever contacted people outside of Facebook is now also a Facebook thing.
Paleo is a great way to get better acquainted with veggies, and is definitely a huge step outside of most people's comfort zones.
I can tell that you like Italy... it just saddens me to see so many stereotypes and sweeping characterizations made of people from a culture that is — outside of the way it is portrayed, mainly in English - speaking venues — quite rich and complex.
Our other players just run around like blind people not knowing which way the goal is and cruising and setting camp outside the box with sidewards passing spam.
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