Sentences with phrase «way perfect»

Her story is in many ways perfect for a pioneering figure.
Practically perfect in every way
We were in many ways the perfect demographic for these flicks: a small, close - knit family comprised entirely of women of various ages, with an inherent esteem for powerful matriarchs and a penchant for emoting loudly at the TV and drinking cheap wine.
Colm Toíbin's novel Brooklyn was in many ways a perfect book, a taut and heartwrenching story of a young Irish woman, Eilis, and her traumatic experience immigrating to America in the 1950s: the way it left her in limbo, no longer comfortable in Ireland and always an outsider in her new home.
Steinfeld, however, is in many ways a perfect fit for the Coens.
In many ways the perfect distillation of what Paul Schrader has sought throughout his career, its influences range from transcendental cinema to Classical Hollywood, yet its many concerns seem uniquely its own.
Louisa, the daughter of Nazi parents, proves a genius at self - invention - in many ways the perfect Israeli.
Although theoretically published for middle grade readers, The Folk Keeper is in many ways the perfect YA novel: It's about power, gender, identity and the interplay between who you're born as and who you choose to become.
Joanne Harris, the best - selling British author of titles including Chocolat and the Lollipop Shoes, said authors were in many ways the perfect people to review books as they are experts on them.
All of these factors have a discernible effect on the attitude of people who live here, and thus on daily life, making Stockholm in many ways the perfect city in which to carry out a Slow Travel experiment.
Los Cabos is in many ways the perfect place to experience your first underwater meet - and - greet with marine life.
Yes, Gravity Rush is in many ways the perfect title for the Vita.
Critic Roberta Smith of The New York Times writes in a review (April 3) that the relatively small painting «Man With Mask» (1987) by Gallery artist Carmen Cicero at the June Kelly Gallery «is in many ways a perfect painting that some museum should add to its Cicero holdings.»
It's perfect in every way
In 2008, the Museum was the recipient of a remarkable group of ornaments, jewelry, and gold items that broadened, and in many ways perfected, the collection.
The Cambridge Analytical scandal, which merges Facebook's privacy problem with its politics problem, is in some ways a perfect storm.
Home schooling was in some ways the perfect solution; a souped - up domesticity with higher stakes and more respect.»
God is now conceived as precisely the unique or in all ways perfect instance of creative becoming, and so as the one reality which is eminently social and temporal....
Christians drawn from such a merry herd of contented beings would still, should they experience Christ's expiating death, be driven to confess that no matter how relatively benign hedonism renders life, they themselves were in no way perfect as their «heavenly father is perfect.»
In a way the perfect send off for Burnley, encapsulating their brilliant effort but sady lacking in quality.
His decisions obviously leave a lot to be desired at times and is in no way perfect.
Even if it looks clean, there is always possibility that residue from previous baby fluids are hiding just below the surface making in that way a perfect home for bacteria.
I am in no way a perfect mother (far from it), and I certainly don't have all of the answers.
She weighed 7 lbs 8 ounces and measured 18 inches long, and is in every way perfect.
CD19 is in some ways a perfect target for CAR - T therapy because all CD19 - positive cells in the body — both normal and cancerous — can be safely knocked out without causing a life - threatening condition.
This gem housed two villas, one Moroccan inspired and the other Mediterranean - both equally magical and in all ways perfect.
This particular outfit was not thought - through at all and I wouldn't say it's in any way a perfect outfit.
It also needs to be said that there are plenty of ways of contacting other members from Hot Local Sex Dates and that all of these ways a perfect introduction to the main thing, which is meeting in person and truly having fun.
Many of the sites have their own flaws and while Interracial Dating Central is not in any way perfect, still, this is a good choice that you would love to try.
Iam in no ways perfect and can never be (for real).
With all that said, The Devil's Double is in no way a perfect movie.
Tara Brancato: I agree that the implementation of testing is in no way perfect in our current system.
I was in no hurry to get serious or get married, and in the end, I got my own hero who is in no way perfect, but he's right for me.
I have had this model for several years now, and found it to be perfect for what I need as I can highlight and add notes respectively, I was given as a present the new version without the keyboard last year, but totally useless for adding notes or highlights, so is now housed in a drawer somewhere, as most of the literature that I read is on a study base, I feel I will have to revert back to hard copy for my research, please start manufacturing this model... perfect in every way
Authors seem skeptical of the way they perfect their profession, make ends meet, and adapt to the new era of freely independent publishing.
There are plenty of spots along the way perfect for a picnic.
I am in no way the perfect planner but I've managed to roam the world since 2010 without any major issues or trouble.
In a way a perfect fair work: large and visible, eye catching, handsome, done with quality, hip and very effective mix of materials from low, cardboard, to craft, ceramic, but presented without context.
Smart, decidedly political in orientation, often funny, and all over the place (in that way a perfect mirror of its owner), the library is packed with essential reading and titles that even your better bookstores would love to get their hands on.
Just perfect in every way
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