Sentences with phrase «way science is done»

We also examine the movement of scientists and ideas, and how «brain circulation» is changing the way science is done, how it is funded and the kinds of questions it addresses.
Scientific American and Nature have teamed up on this special report on how this trend is changing the way science is done, and how it informs the world
There's no question: the Internet has profoundly changed the way science is done.
And he wants to improve the way science is done along the way.
The paper is the culmination of three years of work that the authors believe will transform the way science is done.
Set to be an annual publication from Scientific American, this report explores the idea that the pursuit of knowledge is a global enterprise, and how globalization is changing the way science is done and how it informs the world.
He is alluding to the way science is done with experiments being designed to elicit data that point to or confirm an overriding explanation or theory.
Experts say the case exposes deep flaws in the way science is done in a field, psychology, that has only recently earned a fragile respectability.
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