Sentences with phrase «way someone are constructed»

Although this interpretation of the artifacts is controversial, the simple way they were constructed influenced the research team's design.
They failed to realize that these models, in the very way they were constructed, allowed only smooth and gradual changes.
The Tower of the Americas on Hemisfair Plaza Way was constructed for the World's Fair in 1958.
The Tower of the Americas on Hemisfair Plaza Way was constructed for the World's Fair in 1958.
Some may feel disappointed by its rather oblique finale, but one can't help but appreciate the astoundingly intriguing way he's constructed his tale.
The difference between «closed» and «open» headphones is in the way they're constructed.
The way they are constructed, the leveraging instruments are not too different from those which were partly responsible for creating the crisis, because they concealed risks.»
When trying to decide among the best Merkur safety razors, there are a few items that you'll need to pay attention to, including the length of the handle, the way it's constructed and the design or style of the head.
Because he's a fantastic player, and he's becoming more and more important to this Juventus squad the way it is constructed.
The way it's constructed means tiny babies can lie virtually flat.
Any filter meeting these requirements stop larger particles from passing through due to the way they are constructed.
«We did find one small portion of the steel that failed, but that was because of a conflict in the design plans, not because of the way it was constructed.
In fact in Fit Women's Weekly one of most notorious workouts actually has 1,000 reps.. That is pushing it a little but the way it's constructed, it only takes about 35 minutes to get through.
The way it is constructed is so unique.
I agree that the way this was constructed is genius.
And this may not have been intentional, but the way it's constructed — style over substance — reflects the very idea of the film itself, because much like its characters, The Neon Demon is hypnotized only by the beauty on the outside.
It's a fictional story, but the way it's constructed suggests the filmmakers want us to believe it could be true — which a cameo by Jay Leno helps to reinforce.
He points to No Child Left Behind as an example of a law that's heart was in the right place but probably did more harm than good because of the way it was constructed.
All media messages are constructions and the way they are constructed includes both words, images, and sounds.
Speaking of ebooks, the Kindle will read, ePub, PRC, AMZ, MOBI and a few other formats, PDFS do not display that well on the 6 inch screens, but if you pay the extra money and go with the Kindle DX, PDFS often look better on 9 inch screens, due to the way they are constructed.
Brooks and I went on to talk about the importance of language, and how the way it is constructed can shape or reveal things about a society.
He added, «In a way, I kind of felt like each piece he did was perfect — psychologically, the way it was constructed, in its directness, in the effect it had on the audience.»
It is firmly rooted in the real, in both the way it is constructed and the way it is perceived.
As the Essex lecture points out, and many of us have also, there is no such thing as a global temperature because the way it is constructed it doesn't deal with observations but statistical constructs from the data.
«When I saw the way it was constructed and the quality of the plastic, I was completely convinced...
If the problem's in the way it's constructed, let me know and I'll correct it.
All modern CPUs are vulnerable to Spectre attacks, but AMD says that its CPUs have «near zero» risk to the variant causing performance slowdowns in Windows PC due to the way they're constructed.
The Oppos are very nearly my ideal headphones in the way they are constructed, but their sound is upsettingly tame and spiritless.
You must know that between your dream job and you, the connecting string is your resume which can take you there, or leave you behind depending on the way it is constructed (written).
maybe I could cover over my extemely plain ones with something like that... the way they are constructed looks like you could sort of veneer over an existing small plain bracket possibly?
As much as I adore those shelves for the way they're constructed, they weren't cutting it totally empty.
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