Sentences with phrase «way someone are describing»

Because here's how it is: the early 2000s can in many ways be described as 90s fashion but worse.
There is no question such a word is needed today, particularly in the sacrificial and discipleship - oriented way I am describing...
The small shelly fossils (or SSFs) of the early Cambrian period (approximately 541 million to 509 million years ago) could in many ways be described as the world's worst jigsaw puzzle.
Heather, I was the same way you are describing until I gave up wheat.
I'm not really sure what im supposed to write here because i have a hard time describing myself, other than that I'm honest and try to keep it that way
That being said, while I understand your argument about creating a product that would produce $ 20k a year in passive income, I don't think it is the fairest comparison with real estate the way it is described.
From the way it's described, sounds like he was harassing his co-workers (and it sounds like JPL has evidence of that).
: But the way you're describing it, it ends up functioning [as] an escape hatch.
Ross: But the way you're describing it, it ends up functioning [as] an escape hatch.
Related to this, the idea of being born (Gk., gennaō) in John's letter is the way he is describing the new life which all believers share with God and through which we come to know Him more intimately.
For example, in Genesis, the world the way it is described as a dome with lights hung in the dome describes a flat earth.
The Parmigiano Reggiano supply chain is made up of 3,000 farms: these are mostly family - run operations and can in no way be described as intensive.
@ arsenalviper — There is no way that Silva had a poor game in the way you are describing.
Many of our schools operate exactly the way you're describing.
Shipped super quick and came exactly the way it was described.
I'd like to suggest that one part of the problem may be in the way you're describing your husband's role at home.
You'll find that the Baby K'Tan will look very similar to the Moby Wrap; however, the way it's described is that it's a wrap without all the wrapping.
Clearly such anomalies could not in any way be described as «fair» or as upholding the government's pledge.
The way it's described — as if we have two separate tracts in the brain, one of which does emotion and one that does reason, with separate outputs — doesn't make any sense.
I want to make sure I'm doing it the way you're describing.
In the way it is described in this article it seems both work exactly the same as my»06 Lexus IS250 and I managed to get the TC+VSC off in a 20 minute test drive.
Is it «the perfect summer beach read,» which is the way it was described before I decided to read it.
But from the way it's described it should also revolutionize the way tablets browse the web.
I suspect like valuation this is something we'll just agree to disagree on although I would simply note that all the top value investors such as Buffett, Berkowitz, Klarman don't think about «stock riskiness» in the way you are describing.
The mortgage that you had, the way you're describing it allowed you to make extra payments up to a certain amount per year, is that how it worked?
It seems like you're doing an extra trade (unless you're buying the USD stock you want to hold long term as the in - kind contribution) the way it's described.
Most cats who become infected with the feline enteric coronavirus (often simply called feline coronavirus) essentially get diarrhea and never develop anything that can in any way be described as serious.
Letting go of old habits is hard — and using your miles the way I'm describing today is not for everyone; but remember, miles hate sitting around.
The rest of the game's title is a bold face lie because there's no «Prairie» to speak of and this game can in no way be described as an «adventure».
The way it was described in Bungie's latest stream was something akin to Lego bricks: lots of areas that are stitched together in a different way every time you enter.
A work of art can take on new meaning due to the way it is described, how it is displayed, or the context in which it is seen.
I'm posting this with the caveat that I can't verify this story and can't be sure all this happened the way it is described, but if you know something, contact the police.
He went on to discuss how the original paper's sea - rise projection was, in his view, flawed, but also how the way it was described distracted from overall confidence about rising seas in a warming world.
Pressed for clarification about the fee, Kerry then said, «certainly not the way it was described previously, nothing like that.»
The broader approach of using analytical tools in this way was described by Alarie as an artificial intelligence 2.0, but the reality is that this is already used outside of the legal industry.
It has deliberately blurred the edges between planning, avoidance and evasion such that I have heard one member of HMRC's anti-avoidance unit proclaim that investing in an ISA is at the less egregious end of the avoidance scale; as if it can in any way be described as avoidance.
If you look at the allegations and you look at the Senate Act and the ways it's described as housing goes, than I think that's probably the approach they'll take.
I don't see that reality reflected in the way we're described in the media.
My competent level of knowledge tells me that some of those issues, such as disclosure of patent defects and spousal consent, are not necessarily dealt with in my province in the way they are described in this article.
Now I know at least 80 % of the people reading this think they're going to get into real estate as some kind of investment strategy or magical get - rich - quick endeavor and never get their hands dirty in the ways I'm describing.
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