Sentences with phrase «way someone are doing something»

Zombies should be NAZI not bubblegum powerup garbage and future laser guns; unless you are going to make them look cool and fashion everything that way you are doing it wrong.
There are actually several ways we're doing it, one way is we work with companies like Inkling who are already in the space as content creators.
But according to Erika Ettin, relationship coach and the founder of dating site A Little Nudge, this is just one of the many ways we are doing ourselves a disservice when it comes to looking for love.
So private space exploration, private space flight is not something new, but the way we're doing it, managing it, is different.
And the most visible way they're doing it is by putting up paywalls on their websites.
One of the ways they're doing it is by focusing on specific loan types, loan terms, and other criteria that match particular business use cases.
If you eat fast, there's no way you're doing it mindfully.
And they definitely used gold stocks as confirmation / non-confirmation indicators — probably the way we are doing it, by gut and by eyeballing charts (of course we are often wrong, and coin flipping may be a better way.
If gathering crowds was effective for Jesus and the Apostles, and is not effective for you, then you probably should change the way you are doing it.
We are afraid and we don't know what to do so we are reading the news and watching the news and we are pontificating on Facebook and we are writing letters or emails and we are getting mad at each other for all the ways we're all doing it wrong.
Just a quick glance at the Internet will tell us all the ways we are doing it wrong — and the ways in which everyone else has done it wrong.
I broke with the faith of my youth, railed against over-realized eschatology, studied theology and waxed philosophic about all the ways they were doing it wrong.
The problem wasn't that he was praying; it was the way he was doing it.
I commended him for wanting to help but suggested that the way he was doing it was only adding to the problem of dependency.
«If you're not doing it my way you're doing it wrong.
Yes, they do wine and perhaps also spirits... they do the same as everyone else... but somehow in one or the other way they are doing it differently through their marketing, packaging or production methods.
One way I'm doing it is by slowly going more and more plant - based.
«I try to sell my eggs, and I'm competing with people that are charging a third less because they're not doing it the way I'm doing it.
But it's not just that they're winning — they're in the middle of the playoff hunt — it's the way they're doing it.
When I started here, I took virtually everything, the way we were doing it, from Florida.
Also, he has to get his team back to the style of play that has been missing in his time as manager as it's not just the fact that his team are losing matches and points it's the way they are doing it.
I'm comfortable with the way I'm doing it
At 2, a child only needs around 2 cups of milk per day and so yes, limiting milk intake and juice (watered down is fine the way you are doing it limit of 4 oz) intake is a good idea.
The Glen Ellyn school district is just one employer these days edging employees toward living healthier, leaner lives, and «Biggest Loser» competitions, fashioned after the popular TV show, are one way they're doing it.
Guilt is a red flag that lets her know that something in her life needs to change because the way she's doing it at the moment, is not working, which led to the next topic.
The way you're doing it now with him only taking the bottle, will make it easier to switch him to cow's milk after 12 months without having to wean him from the breast on top of it.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so I understand why people are trying to call attention to it, but I just don't like the way they are doing it.
The truth is, if breastfeeding isn't working for you the way you are doing it right now, then you should try something different.
BUT, I am happy with the way we are doing it, because that is what keeps mommy SANE, lol.
I think that the way we are doing it in this campaign...
... Nobody can take an election away the way they're doing it in the Republican primary.»
«The way they're doing it is really the way it should be:... focusing on really excellent candidates» and not spreading the money too thin, Žagrović says.
STEVE: The way we're doing it is to get people passionate and proud of the wildlife in their backyard.
Co-author, Dr Tristan Fletcher, an academic at UCL and founder of quantitative wine asset management firm Invinio, said: «People have been investing in wine for hundreds of years and it's only very recently that the way they are doing it has changed.
That's the beauty of doing things the way we're doing them.
So you might experience pain directly in one transition — for example, when rolling forward or back, shifting your weight from one foot to the other — and this means don't do this in the way you're doing it.
To duplicate the way I'm doing it in the video, hold onto the back of a chair, couch, countertop, wall, etc and curl yourself inward, bring one knee up as you crunch your upper body down to meet it.
The way I'm doing them today takes out the push - up though you'll still be using your upper body to control the move.
MY AB WORKOUT Not rated yet I Agree with this guy about his ab story, I really tend to overdo it but if I don't do it the way I am doing it I feel like I did my abs no justice otherwise.
The way you are doing it can work just fine but it's hard to estimate the amount of calories burned.
Yes, technically you are tracking calories...... But the way you're doing it is highly inaccurate.
Being on the treadmill can improve your overall body structure, what if, you will make use of the treadmill and make few changes in the usual and regular way you are doing it?
Her goal is to reach 150 lbs and the way she is doing it, I'm sure she can achieve it.
I like the way you are doing it better, because you can see both looks in the same post.
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