Sentences with phrase «way someone are executed»

Crews: I saw it coming about halfway through the movie, but I was really pleased with the way it was executed, and I appreciated the swerve away from a stereotypical Disney / Marvel cookie - cutter ending.
I saw it coming about halfway through the movie, but I was really pleased with the way it was executed, and I appreciated the swerve away from a stereotypical Disney / Marvel cookie - cutter ending.
Nothing wrong with our style of play or tactics only the way they were executed today, certain players on the pitch aren't up to scratch.
Comey says in a farewell letter that he does not plan to dwell on the decision to fire him or the «way it was executed
There are no plans to change legislation or the letter of the guidance, but rather to shift the way it is executed by social workers.
She added that, «Any citizen can complain about the Electoral Commission, the way they are executing their mandate and preparing towards the upcoming elections.
There is certainly something compelling in the film's ideas, but the way they're executed suggest that any true questions about morality and the law are just grist for the action mill.
There is also a special move called «Extella manoeuvre» that allows the the player to go on a combo frenzy, however the way it is executed is through simple button presses, which makes it far less exciting to use in the middle of battle.
And while the story is filled with every possible police movie / game cliché imaginable, the way it's executed and the dialog is absolutely brilliant.
I think the timing of the release of the films make their perceived quality worlds apart, if not the way they are executed.
KTF said it was both the best and the worst, because it liked the idea but not the way it was executed.
Audi's superb cabins and slick styling have always drawn attention, but the way both are executed on the A6 almost makes the A6 feel as if it deserves to be a little higher on Audi's totem pole than it actually is.
Also, in many instances, this type of loan can help you avoid paying for private mortgage insurance by the way they are executed..
But the way it's executed in this video does make it feel like a gnuinely new feature, and one that could add a lot of value to the iPad.
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