Sentences with phrase «way someone are performing»

Since sacraments are the way in which the presence of Jesus is maintained in the Church as a whole, the Church's future is dependent upon the way they are performed.
In this way, we are not doing away with the Lord's Supper, but are allowing the way it is performed today to die a natural death so that it can be raised to new life and new meaning in the church today.
The way he's performed this season we don't have the luxury of playing the guessing game of which Ramsey will show up.
So someone in the top 10 would need to post that kind of number and also hope Spieth just starts giving them away, which looks highly unlikely given the way he's performed all week, and really, all season if you've been paying attention.
The way he's performing this year, as well as the years before that, are proving that unfortunately last year was the exception, not the rule.
But the way we are performing is just pathetic!
Ross Brawn was team principal at Mercedes when Hamilton joined the team in 2013, and he thinks he's definitely earned his place at the top thanks to the way he's performed this year.
His manager doesn't trust him, he'll be seeing our top players leaving, we haven't won a single tough game this season, and we probably won't have any CL football again, maybe even no European football at all, the way we're performing at the moment.
Alex Iwobi has amazed me with the way he's performed for the first team recently.
The ability to breastfeed after breast surgery depends on the reason for the surgery, the type of surgery, and the way it is performed.
There are no lyrics but the way it was performed transformed that song into a message on American militarism.
It's a matter of adjusting your exercise plan, the way you are performing your exercises, what you are eating, or all three.
We try to bring examples of people we like the way they are performing, to say «That's how we like it».
I have started investing in Reliance Small cap from past 6 months and quite happy with the way it is performing.
In this way they are performed and remembered, becoming part of the ground we walk on in 2016.
The Occidental philosophic tradition has had great debates about the gap between the truth and the way it is performed.
Make sure you are mindful of the vehicle you are driving and the way it is performing.
Laying the Foundation «I've always been very frustrated with the inefficiencies surrounding the real estate process and the way it was performed in the prehistoric days,» says Wise, who comes from a full family background of real estate.
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