Sentences with phrase «way someone are playing»

To be frank, I rarely find the modern way we are playing at all interesting.
Here are a few examples of the different ways this is playing out.
I have been wanting to play with someone crossdressing with me... Open to any and all and would be nice to find someone to show me the ways
A lot of folks claim that the campaign mode was too short, but with the challenging way I was playing it, it took me about 6 to 7 hours to finish on average.
Also for putting in Move support early on (the only way I'm playing MAG anymore), and the great bargains you're offering to Plus Members!
If business was a game, what were the implications of playing it the way it was played in mid-twentieth century America?
Had they been paying enough attention then, they might have recognized the way this is playing out in the broader public is changing, and we should pay attention.
With the way we are playing currently we will be lucky to get a cup and a top 4 finish, wenger shuldnt get an extension on his contract he is done, let another manager give it a go, he can take ramsey, ox, debuchy, sanogo with him, how can one club have so many flops
Middlesbrough (away) The worst possible time to face them and looking at the way we are playing it's going to be another long game.
They way we are playing doesn't shows confidence.
The way he is playing he is going to earn fortunes elsewhere.
And surprise, surprise, Alexis has declared that he loves working with Wenger and leartning the nuances of the way that the Gunners play as well as the differences between football in England and the Premier League and the way it is played in Spain and elsewhere, as reported by the Daily Express.
but the way he is playing now... errrr.ozil time is up and he shld be sold aylest fr 15mil max
The way he's playing, and with the players missing, we need him, so it's good that he's playing confidently and being all nonchalant.
Arsenal are away to Everton and then Man City but the way we are playing as well as the way our opponents are struggling mean that there is a great chance of the Gunners winning both.
I wouldn't bet on it given he picked against the Warriors for years because he didn't like their new style of play and thought that it was an affront to basketball the way it was played in the 80's and 90's.
I wouldn't let Sanchez play at the moment judging the way he's playing.
Without that delay, the potential penalty goal would've stood and from the way we were playing, the result could've been different.
I'm happy that he had a good game against Villa, but if Wenger puts him on LW again, its not excuse to go back to the way he was playing before.
Also, the way we are playing, who knows what could happen in the CL?
«That is not the way we are playing.
Team Maione has an extremely tough schedule to finish the Regular Season but with the way they are playing it may not matter..
But, the way they are playing right now, they'll walk into any Game expecting to win.
«The way he's playing right now, I have said to you before maybe a month or so ago, I'm not particularly as an Arsenal guy seeking Riyad Mahrez to come.
Mickelson is not in ideal position, but with the way he's played recently he could certainly be in line for a mid-60s round on a soft course tomorrow to get back in it heading to the weekend.
Their final 3 Games won't be easy but with the way they are playing, they have a chance to catch a couple of the Teams ahead of them in 15th and 16th.
After the second goal we lost the way we were playing and United scored more goals.
Wenger is going senile, he needs to be relieved, I don't see us winning the league with the way we are playing and If we eventually win, we don't deserve it, for a team that wants to win with this kind of low confidence level and cluelessness from our manager and players, even if we win the league, Wenger should just go, there's nothing spectacular about this side that you can reflect on if we win it, it will just make Wenger more delusional
i thought our injury was the reason why we were on a good run... because it was easy for wenger to choose but ones his favorites are back we started loosing and drawing playing the way we were playing at the beginning of the season... we clearly need a rw badly more than aany oda position i tnk we need rw lb st dm and maybe a goalie but am ok wit ospina szceszney and martinez....
They way we are playing, we can beat any team in the world.
But he is also calling for the players to see the clash with Man United as a chance to start again and get back to the way we were playing, scoring goals for fun and cutting out the defensive mistakes that used to be much more common.
prediction is that Tiger misses the cut this week, even with the way he's played this year.
l certainly do not see us even getting a point from Man U if we do not strengthen our squad and Man U continue playing the way they are playing.
Last time I checked out there were no judges in the sidelinens giving extra points the way you were playing, in figure skating yes, football no, it is ALL about WINNING.
But this is hard to take, the way we are playing.
«I felt like if I was going to be playing the way I was playing, and hurting the way I was hurting, I wasn't going to be able to help us move on to the next round,» Wade said.
If he does keep playing the way he's played lately I worry that the moment fans allow him back in their good books, is the moment when you see Theo operating in one end of the field alone.
Mathematically the title is going no where yet, but the way we're playing (specially the finishing) is simply awful.
The way he is playing, he may be tempted to leave early, which would be heart breaking (no pun intended).
With the way we're playing, I'll pass.
Do you honestly believe that with the current squad we can stand up to Man U or Man City with the way they are playing now?
I know I am jumping the gun a bit here by assuming that Arsenal will continue to be more like the side we saw win away to Crystal Palace last week, rather than the one that slumped to a dismal defeat at home to West Ham, but the end of last season and the way we were playing in pre-season has given us good reason to think that will be the case.
«I'm delighted with the way they're playing.
«I like the way we're playing.
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