Sentences with phrase «way someone have changed»

The biggest way it has changed is that it is now finally recognized as being a specific and complicated profession needing specific talents, skills, and experience.
way has changed into another dating system which is free chat line.
As I will explain, the first two ways would change nothing for either China or the United States.
In an addendum to his «Keys to the City» platform document, Weiner lists dozens of ways he'd change the way city government works, from altering parking regulations to changing New York's municipal tax code.
The show takes a historical look at strange and experimental buildings since the 60's that have changed the way we
You change them much the same way you would change the wallpaper on your Android phone or tablet, with just a few swipes and taps to make it all happen.
GEOFF COLVIN: What you're saying sounds like well, what you said about customers at the beginning, and the way they have changed applies in a way to the employees, as well.
I love the way I just feel and I love the way I have changed all because of Pure Barre!
It's the way it would change all my relationships with friends and family that worries me above all else.
I am not opposed to the ways he has changed - his changes constantly make me grow and stretch myself along with him, which is good!
Yet the similarities in the way they've changed how we read and think about texts far outweigh their differences.
We're telling our stories of transformation, of the ways we've changed and evolved and grown, the ways we've changed our minds or our hearts in response to the unchanging Christ.
As I wrote for Glennon's site, «I battle with resenting my own body and the way it has changed over the years.
I want to hear your stories of the ways you've changed in your beliefs or opinions over the years and I want to hear why.
Should we talk about the way she has changed the calendar and holy days (times and seasons).
If you'd like to get some ideas to get things started, here are some ways I would change up this spicy sesame zoodles recipe:
If you'd like help getting started, here are some ways I'd change this vegan carrot cake recipe:
I love the way you have changed up your blog.
If you want some ideas to get your creative juices going, here's some ways I'd change this recipe up:
Here's some ways I'd change this recipe up:
That's kind of crazy that just one win along the way would change that conversation so much.
But when he is fully fit the 23 - year old reckons that he has all the inspiration he needs to make up for lost time and it is not just the frustration of all his time on the sidelines either, but the way he has changed as a person since becoming a father.
However it does appear you can teach old dogs new tricks, based on the difference we have seen this calender year, and the way we have changed our tactics to reflect our opposition.
It's amazing to look back on each monthly update to see the way she has changed and all that she has accomplished with each new month.
I love the way I just feel and I love the way I have changed all because of Pure Barre!
My blog started as a craft and fashion blog but has become a representation of me and the ways I have changed over the years.
However, this way has changed in the days many people are using the online social networking sites.
One of the most positive changes that tech has brought about, is the way it has changed long distance relationships.
However, this way has changed into another dating system which is free chat line.
When asked if ebooks and they way they have changed the industry has impacted her, Friedrich responded:
My opinion on this could change, similar to the way it has changed towards basic POD distribution, but for now... this is where I stand.
Three ways you would change the world: If you could make three tweaks to the way things are now, what would they be?
But the internet and the way it would change business models in the future was an incredibly powerful force that people were either right to get excited about, or right to be worried about if their profits depended on a business model that could be disrupted.
He is a new dog we are amazed at the way he has changed.
All the while everybody has to be wary of the fact that they could be aiding the person who has them marked as a rival, either by the way they've changed the board or by giving them capital as a bribe.
Our success is driven by the way we have changed, and continue to change, our relationship with players.
You could burn structures down, but a forest fire would change the map in such a way it would change the feeling of the world and the things that are in there.»
This year's Venice Biennale, which is the first during its long history to be curated by an African curator — Nigerian art critic and historian Okwui Enwezor — focuses on the new wave of African artists and the way they have changed the artistic scene of the continent.
Maybe you start to think about all the ways you've changed, but to you, your partner doesn't seem to be maturing.
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