Sentences with phrase «way someone have presented something»

While I totally respect what you have to say and the way you've presented it, I doubt there's any fixing this per se.
This is such a pretty, refreshing salad, Natalie (we're peach salad twins this week — I made one too, but quite a bit different; — RRB - I love the way you've presented it with the peaches around the edge.
I've never tried to cook spinach before, but it looks so pretty on the plate the way you've presented it!
Love love the way you have presented it.
I always fall in love with your photos * sigh * Really love the way you've presented it inside the pumpkin, this would be such a gorgeous dish for a dinner party.
This Fantastic recipe is really mouth - watering... & I love the way you have presented it so wonderfully... Thanks for sharing & your kind attention to detail!!!
So I don't agree with the way he has presented it and in him saying that the cap bill is on the table.
The way he has presented himself throughout this process really demonstrates that he doesn't hold himself in overly high regard, but rather knows he's a normal human being like everyone else and isn't afraid to show emotion when his hard work pays off.
More so than, I think the way you've presented it.
I just sent this post to a bunch of my friends as I agree with most of what you're saying here and the way you've presented it is awesome.
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