Sentences with phrase «way someone is portrayed»

I want to think that the famously macho film director took it well and appreciated the unsentimental way he was portrayed.
The sad thing is that we have built a culture based on entertainment that portrays s — as entertainment, and that if it doesn't conform to the way it is portrayed in movies, that you can not have a fulfilling relationship with someone else.
The problem, however, is that we have built a culture based on entertainment that portrays s - x as entertainment, and that if s - x doesn't conform to the way it is portrayed in movies or p - rn, that you can not have a fulfilling relationship with someone else.
I can tell that you like Italy... it just saddens me to see so many stereotypes and sweeping characterizations made of people from a culture that is — outside of the way it is portrayed, mainly in English - speaking venues — quite rich and complex.
In fact, I think the way he was portrayed by Brad Pitt was not at all accurate.
It needs to be seen to be normal by society at large, and in the way it's portrayed in popular culture.
I hadn't seen that the interviewees were surprised by the way it was portrayed.
Bishop also suggested that Farage would not be too upset by the way he is portrayed on the small screen.
What he went after the way it was portrayed is not what the issue is.
They'll also discuss some of the tough choices made to balance spending, his thoughts about the way he was portrayed in Saturday Night Live skits and much more.
«We are beginning to think of eukaryotic origins as a slow process of growing intimacy — the result of a long, slow dance between kingdoms, and not a quick tryst, which is the way it is portrayed in textbooks,» says Mukund Thattai of the National Centre for Biological Sciences in India.
But the way they are portrayed is not very flattering to the profession.
That goes double for the vegan lifestyle because of the way it is portrayed on media outlets.
However, after watching «Mon Oncle», I have to say that Alice is quite possible the way she is portrayed.
His sycophantic servant, LaFou (Josh Gad) has caused a stir in some parts of the country for the way he is portrayed.
The audience doesn't get a sense of the percentage of criminals that are staying there, it might as well be 100 % the way it's portrayed in the film.
Other lead characters looks less smart the way they are portrayed in the game.
The wolves in the film basically act as the antagonist of a slasher film the way they are portrayed in the film and there are some really incredible shots of peril - the plane crash being the standout.
Speaking with a child - like voice and causing drama in every situation, the way she's portrayed in Turner's memoir.
On the other hand, the way he's portrayed, George isn't exactly a laugh riot either when he's performing.
While the story at the heart of 20th Century Women is lovely, what's even more impressive is the way it's portrayed by Mills.
It doesn't exist the way it's portrayed or even the way you think it's happening based on your own reading of blogs.
At worst, the way he's portrayed in the first book, he's totally nuts and a danger to not only Ana but to himself.
I felt like a doctor, perhaps the way they were portrayed in old movies: like a family confidante, like a friend.
Then there are people who grew up watching batman and saw the Dark Knight.The idea of having batman the way he is portrayed in the comics (dark and gritty) instead of cartoonish is extremely preferred.Not only that but most batman games have failed.The reassurance in this game was the demo and videos showing exactly what this game will deliver.
It's a simple story that is full of mystery and dark secrets that fits the game's theme which by the way is portrayed extremely well from the beginning to the end thanks to its art design and lighting engine.
By inviting the subjects to select a work of art, Wiley gives them a measure of control over the way they're portrayed.
«The problem isn't only the way we perceive the «Other,» it's the way in which these places then become the way they are portrayed,» she says.
On Greenland, the picture is far more complex than the way it is portrayed here.
Who are nurses in contrast to the way they are portrayed in textbooks and in popular culture?
Just look at the way we're portrayed in the media.
Today, online therapy — which falls under the so - called «telehealth» umbrella and is sometimes referred to as distance therapy — is exploding, and it's very different from the way it's portrayed on television.
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