Sentences with phrase «way someone roll»

Then roll out the dough for the top in the same way you rolled the bottom.
The ex graciously offered to feed me his latest culinary masterpiece when I dashed through his door to collect the kids: some sort of curry roasted chicken and cauliflower and potatoes that I expect involved him hand - grinding the spices before lovingly rubbing them all over everything because that's the gourmet way he rolls on Monday nights these days.
The XJS feels as if it is connected to the road the same way a roller coaster is connected to its tracks.
Team ZBT SR (Matt Siegel)(3 -2-0) are next up on the calendar for Team AEPi SO (Blake Schwartz) on Sunday, April 8th as they look to keep their winning ways rolling.
In 1998, due to durability concerns, the intermediate one - way roller clutch was replaced with a mechanical diode providing extra holding capacity and longer service.
Our client was walking across the street in the crosswalk when a car whose driver was looking the other way rolled forward and struck her in the leg.
So if it's the only way you roll, or if you snagged an amazing deal you just couldn't pass up, here are a few tips for enjoying All Inclusive resorts with kids — babies, toddlers, and preschoolers:
*** Quenelles can be done with one spoon much the same way you roll an ice cream scoop or formed with two spoons to make a perfect oval shaped roll of the custard.
For evidence, Ratner points to the way the rolling monthly trading volume of the Russell 1000 index has doubled in the past 20 years and become more spiky.
«We knew we only had one shot at this, so there was nothing throughout our start - up that we didn't purposely over-deliver on — from the way we pitched our distributors and investors to the way we rolled out in the market.
In fact, The Gear Institute calls the Eagle Creek Gear Warrior 32 «the best bag we tested,» adding that «it excels in every way a roller bag should.»
Any yogurt will do, but I went with a dairy - free variety because that's the way I roll most of the time.
It is the way I roll.
Yep, infused booze is just the way we roll at Bake It with Booze!
I love the way you roll.
Continue rolling until it is all the way rolled up.
I didn't peel them because that's the way I roll, and they were organic apples.
Did he ever deliver in the big games when we needed a goal from someone?For a player of his size and build he was embarrassing at times the way he rolled around on the floor in «agony» at the slightest touch.I never felt he held up the ball particularly well (Alan Smith anyone?)
Doesn't really matter if we go with big oli G or laca Leicester are gonna get smashed either way roll on tonight... Can't wait to see the boys tonight everyone needs to be positive this evening and get behind the team...
because in those aspects he is on a entirely different level (even in this fight, the way he rolled throgh volkov's legs from underneath to take his back..
That's the way we roll around here...
Make up songs to sing while you cook (i.e. this is the way we roll the dough, roll the dough, roll the dough)
And this roll - down - side feature is absolutely safe as the crib body gets attached to your bed and ensures that your baby can in no way roll out and fall off during sleep.
«This is the way they roll.
«Quit» isn't the way we roll in New York City.
Most legislators are convinced by Cuomo's efforts on paid family leave and they see the inclusion of it in his budget and the way he rolled out the issue in the State of the State as a sign of steadfast commitment.
Spolek found that if the manufacturers changed the way they roll the fabric, they could minimize the swirling problem.
The beetles look up, see the stream of stars and think, «That's the way I roll
If you feel that you get stuck on the way rolling up, push through the feet and feel them propel you to a seated position.
It's just not the way I roll.
Also, my family probably said «Mobile, Alabama» approximately 8,756 times because we liked the way it rolled off the tongue!
Love this outfit though, especially the way you rolled up the sleeves to show the long sleeve underneath — I would have never thought of that!
Our house is very traditional, but that's the way I roll.
If nude is the only way you roll, try this formula, which is just as moisturizing and wearable as a gloss, but made to last all day.
He often ends up carrying my luggage (because he wants to), and their all way rolling capabilities are clutch.
I would do anything for you as well because that is just the way we roll!
After all, we need some muscle the way we roll...
Flexible storage for the way you roll in the kitchen, laundry room or craft room.
that skirt is also a perfect length on you, and i love the way you rolled the sleeves of your blouse over the cardigan.
Now, you could make these in glass tumblers too, but we are pretty casual over here so plastic tumblers are the way we roll.
These 3 easy tips literally guide the way I roll out of bed and dress for transition weather.
So, there's probably a better / cleaner way to sew a table runner, but this is the way I rolled.
Notice how Joe talks to his ailing mother (Judith Roberts), the way he rolls up his pants to mop the floor when she gets soapy water everywhere; how he so nonchalantly and apathetically drops a knife toward his toes while talking to her; and how he squishes the green jellybean, his favorite kind, before popping it into his mouth.
It's in love with words, with the sound of them, and with the way they roll off the tongue.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z