Sentences with phrase «way someone shoots»

Gone are the days of the all - too - close - up, arm - in - the - way shots thanks to this compact travel - friendly phone mount.
Being in the center will shoot a four - way shot hitting anything in its path.
If you feel the same way shoot me a message and we can get to know each other.
DoP Daniel Landin doesn't have many feature credits to his name — horror «The Uninvited» and gangster tale «44 - Inch Chest» being the most notable, though he has a long history with Glazer in promos — but the Gordon Willis - like way he shoots in near - complete darkness alone will surely put him in high demand.
I have lots of photo shoots in plans too so new photos are on the way
The perky way she shoots her hand up for the buyout vote declares: Ain't no shame in my game.
it makes the pictures more beautiful and sweet to look at.The way the shots look, this is a work of art..
Our passing was not good enough after the goal conceded we were way shooting outwards wasting the chances.
I literally couldn't feel my hands and face after this photo shoot, it was so cold out, but I didn't let the temps get in the way of shooting this holiday look for you all
I love your choice of beauty shot via DKNY, by the way
He talked about what it's like to be part of a famous filmmaking family and still earn recognition on his own terms, the difficult process of shooting Kill Your Darlings that gives the movie an extra spark, how he prepared to play Kerouac at this stage in his life, his character's arc on Boardwalk Empire, American Hustle and the unusual way they shot the film, upcoming projects including an Errol Flynn biopic and a production of Strangers on a Train in London, and more.
The four buttons on a single JoyCon act as a spare stick, but they limit you to an 8 - way shot style, which can really hinder your precision in a heated battle.
The four - way shooting mechanic is simplistic, but the fun really starts when you begin exploring the numerous power ups, and developing the best strategies to descend the dungeons and kill your own mother (no, really).
if your looking for properties in nevada can i add you to my buyers list and i could shoot something your way
PS — what I'm about to offer is in no way a shot at zigzagzil or the seriously wonderful work he / she did in compiling our team's close - game failures over the past season +.
Have anyone seen / read what Elneny said about Wenger telling him to somehow reduce the way he shoots??? Sums us up!
Most can understand your comment about Biggie was in no way a shot at Painter but to those three there's a narrative.
Members of the New York City Police Department have informed me that the current administration has changed the way shootings victims are calculated.
In support of his earlier claims, Kelly said «active members» of the NYPD have told him that the de Blasio administration «has changed the way shootings victims are calculated.
Wrote Kelly: «Members of the New York City Police Department have informed me that the current administration has changed the way shootings victims are calculated.»
Right on Mary... I love the way you shoot from the hip and just tell everything how it is.
I love the way you shoot all your products!
And sometimes (a lot of times) I really don't like the way I look, or have hated the way a shoot has turned out.
It's just one way of introducing solid foods to baby — I certainly am no expert, but we are going to give this way a shot!
I really like the way you shot the pictures in front of the orange wall!
But clients do book me for my «reportage - y», spontaneous style — it's the way I shoot and they want an essence of that, so I can still have fun.
You can sit back and relax... or Instagram your on - my - way shot!
Just watch the way she shoots a rabbit under the guidance of her new boyfriend.
Do you think that's a question of context or the way you shot the scenes?
The way we shot it, it's just kind of with you on this journey, from our perspective point of view.
Bloom: The way he shot Liv was particular... Arwen and Galadriel were shot very differently than Miranda Otto's character [Eowyn], who was one of the humans.
I can say with certainty that I am always up for being immersed in Andrew Dominik's style, the way he shoots and his camera placement is always refreshing to see.
Pablo, the way he shoots is so organic and spontaneous.
The only unique developments in the visuals comes from the way some shots are presented.
Laserdisks make shot - by - shot analysis infinitely easier than the old stop - action 16 mm projectors did; Donald Richie and I made our way a shot at a time through the Criterion disk of Ozu's Floating Reeds last December at the Hawaii International Film Festival, and every frame seemed to reveal a new visual treasure.
The beautifully - modulated 1.78:1 anamorphic widescreen transfers betray a 35 mm source that overemphasizes neither the plasticity of the Henrickson household nor the bland decay of the Roman Grant household the way a shot - in - HD incarnation of the series might.
The way he shoots through glass or into mirrors, the way the subject is clouded or distorted, is characteristic of the film.»
«The way I shoot is to have the least number of cuts as possible,» added Bates, who said that aside from an incident in which a P.A. suffered a seizure just as they were shooting a «seizure sequence,» most everything went well.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of Cianfrance and think the depth of characters he creates along with the way he shoots is truly unmatched in contemporary film.
In three films, Moverman (The Messenger, Rampart) has shown no hesitance to bring heavily dramatic work to the screen, and he employs a very interesting perspective to Time Out of Mind in the way he shoots Gere on the cold streets.
She's so classically simple in the way she shoots a movie, Nancy Meyers, and it's hard to describe why it's a unique movie.
Hogg's never quite had her U.S. breakthrough, but remains an enormously talented filmmaker — that sound design alone is extraordinary, and the way she shoots the house and its exterior is intermittently fascinating.
«I couldn't have shot this film the way I shot it if I didn't do «Birdman,» «the Mexican director concedes.
Cinematographer Hélène Louvart grants us access to his headspace by emphasising the tactile and the physical in the way she shoots the film.
I really enjoyed the way that Anderson and his cinematographer Robert D. Yeoman decided to be very experimental with the way they shot this film.
Gerwig explains she looked at two films that influenced the way she shot the scene.
I used to love the clear structure of his films and the way every shot was well composed, for me, even better than the images, or shots, by John Ford.
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