Sentences with phrase «way someone spend one's time»

This affects the way we treat our finances, the way we pursue purity and the way we spend our time.
Draw a circle around your marriage and protect it by guarding your emotions, your interactions, and the way you spend your time.
I don't know if you make New Year's resolutions or not, I really don't, but every year, I challenge myself anew to look at my life, my schedule, and the way I spend my time, and see if there is any way I can spend more time in the Word.
Consider all the ways you spend your time and record them on your pie chart.
Now think about all the ways you spend your time each and every day.
«If we can appreciate that even small doses of nature can have a big effect on our mood for the day, we can start to really change the way we spend our time
Look at the way you spend your time, money, energy.
It requires being mindful of the way you spend your time and the mindset you put yourself in.
We partnered with HomeGoods to style three areas that cater to the way we spend our time.
And we liked the way she spent time photographing the small intimate moments between guests and family, as well as the bride and groom.
If it's starting to dominate your life without remaining fun, then you may need to stop and reassess the way you spend your time.
Then over time they start wanting to not be seen together by friends, finding ways to be intimate in the ways they spend their time together, and eventually they can't contain their feelings for one another and express their passion by way of kissing.
Does their unusual ability make them more or less careful about the way they spend time in the first place?
I wouldn't go as far as to say you'll never need to buy or make another worksheet, but it's sure that this bundle will really change the way you spend your time for the better.
In this exclusive Education World e-interview, Wood talks about his new book and about his ideas for changing the way we spend time in school.
Whether you plan to travel the world, run marathons, serve your community or spend more time with family, retirement will bring radical changes in the ways you spend your time.
I've had dogs who get annoyed when you try to play with them, and I've had dogs who love all the ways you spend your time together.
Is any of this new lounge activity going to change the way you spend time at SFO?
By keeping track of what work I've accomplished throughout the day, I keep myself accountable for the way I spend my time.
Whether you plan to travel the world, run marathons, serve your community or spend more time with family, retirement will bring radical changes in the ways you spend your time.
For iGrad's Alban, it's less about having a good reason for the way you spent your time.
Although it is difficult to find time for exercise in a busy schedule, another way spend time together can be through being active and engaging in an activity like hiking, biking or going to the gym.
It is also important to look at the way they spend time together between conflicts.
«Once you're finished, take a look at the chart and assess whether the way you spend your time causes you to gain or lose energy overall,» she adds.
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