Sentences with phrase «way someone think»

You can think of practicing big, challenging poses like this the same way you think about making pancakes — the first one is always a do - over!
When our kids don't act in ways we think they should, it's natural to feel anxious and responsible: we're only human.
Even though she's only in the fifth grade and I'm about to go to college, in a lot of ways I think of her as my best friend.
Spend time before and after the event talking with employees on ways they think the organization can grow and become better.
If tech companies and consumers can start thinking about aesthetics the same way they think about specs, it'll open up a new range of opportunities for fashion - forward devices.
That's literally the only way I thought when I started investing as a teen.
In many ways I think of you very much as one, even though you've been nominated in the lead category before.
While I suspect it is the later, I also wonder which way thinking professionals like lawyers will turn.
In some ways it seems easier these days, but in other ways I think it is harder.
Since I love it so much and worn it styled in different ways I thought I would share with you what I have mixed this dress with and why.
I'm curious what better way you think there is to spend $ 150.
It will also change the very way you think about investing.
This will allow the firm, in whatever way it thinks is most appropriate, to review its management system and ethical guidelines to determine how they can be improved.
That's literally the only way I thought when I started investing as a teen.
I wonder why anyone ever uses cash since leverage is so powerful in rentals (and is the only way I think makes holding rentals worth it).
This seems like the right moment to reset the whole way we think about selling.
The quote simply states, in a clever way I thought, that people who deny their creator in this life will know and believe when they meet him at their death.
In fact, it's not really a cruise in the usual way you think of a cruise.
Every time you do it, you show what a weak argument you have, since it shows the incorrect way you think.
And since I am always looking for ways to obtain elite status or benefits the quick way I thought this card might be worth mentioning.
We'll play direct and beat you whichever way we think is necessary.
Nothing is clear cut but I'm trying to find a good way think about these things.
Because your skin absorbs about 60 percent of what you put on it, you should be thinking of your skin the same way you think of your dinner plate.
And my response was that in many ways I think the Protestant world is worse in responding to sexual abuse within our own churches.
Don't forget to come back and let me know which way you think is best to eat pancakes — one at a time, or three in a stack at once.
Think of your synopsis in the same way you think about your cover.
However things were different then, because there were not wild animals around, and in other ways I think it was a safer environment for a cat outdoors.
I have recently adopted a new way of planning and thought I would share it as I have done planning in so many different ways I think this way is the best so far.
The accompanying room sheet references the potency of language as a political tool and its capacity for shaping the very way we think.
, but it's the only way I thought to describe them properly — because they are exactly what the name says!
This interviewing secret could change the whole way you think about interviewing.
«BYOD has changed that and has forced IT departments to change way they think and the way they engage with employees.
L. 281 (1974)-RRB- may offer a solution by way thinking analogically:
mert ramsey walcott in starting line up makes us a team with 4th place ambitions... throw in flamini and... despite his great goals in mid week... this is tough fixture with leicester the more confident team having the slight edge... do nt think it will be a draw but cld go either way
Party policies are a great place to see WHAT people think, but they rarely cover the spectrum of WHY people think that way
I think it's because since I'm making an effort to wear foundation, I might as well go all the way
Learn how to think differently about preventive pet care and develop stronger client relationships along the way
Since different people are in different places with their walk with God, and each of us have different personalities and different levels of knowledge, God allows each of us to share whatever we know with the people in front of us in whatever way we think best.
One way I think if I close the loan I will be free from Emi & the same amount I can invest in MF via SIP every month.
See what happened to the children of Israel when they strayed from God and worshipped any old way they thought was best.
Well I mean, I think you know the easiest way I think about it is the under two's, it mean it is a very much of an emotional reaction... territorial reaction, kids under two have not yet learnt how to share and they are not developmentally ready to learn how to share and that is appropriate for them.
PS4 came out in 2013, so half way thought its lifespan (5 years) they release ps5.
I think it's really some interesting parallels between the games industry and the self publishing and writing industry, and I think there's some really cool ways that it's going to merge, in a positive way I think for writers and people.
Here are three important ways we think such approaches expand the potential of disruptive innovations in education:
Here are three ways he thinks A.I. could help your office run more smoothly.
But you may not know that the traditional way we think about storytelling — to create a big, sweeping hero story — is not the most effective way to use the technique at work.
Joseph Blasi is the J. Robert Beyster Distinguished Professor at Rutgers University's School of Management and Labor Relations and author of book, The Citizen's Share and the Third Way think tank policy report, Having a Stake.
The U.S. shale revolution is touching the world in ways thought unimaginable by many just a few years ago.
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