Sentences with phrase «way someone were produced»

It was that she began the series by announcing that the scientific community has now concluded that mankind in a significant way is producing the carbon dioxide that is cooking the atmosphere.
The company is improving not only building materials but also the way they are produced.
Some of these communities might be ethnic, and ethnic values might dictate the amount and kinds of goods that were desired as well as the way they were produced.
In fact the way it's produced is the Ducks are forced fed with a tube repeatedly throughout the day to fatten them up.
Unfortunately, many types of chocolate may contain gluten due to additives or contamination in the way they were produced.
They're also high in iodine which we need for healthy thyroid levels, and when you buy from an organic source, they're free of mercury and heavy metals that hurt our health (unlike fish which is incredibly toxic due to the polluted waters it is found in and the way it is produced.)
Trust me when I say that they are tired of hearing other say «you're baby is hungry, just give him a bottle» or «there's no way you're producing enough, you need to supplement with formula».
The cheap hydrocarbon is made using petroleum and natural gas, and the way it is produced emits more carbon dioxide than any other chemical process.
They're also high in iodine which we need for healthy thyroid levels, and when you buy from an organic source, they're free of mercury and heavy metals that hurt our health (unlike fish which is incredibly toxic due to the polluted waters it is found in and the way it is produced.)
So we want to give a full account of why we're not organic so you can feel confident in the premium quality of our products and the way they are produced.
We see this in the way they're produced, from their star power and jump scares to their aspect ratios and sumptuous imagery.
6th Grade Lesson — Diagram the relationship among a final good or service, the way it's produced, and who consumes and produces it.
But this isn't just about eating less meat - there are plenty of fruits, vegetables and grains that take a toll on our environment the way they are produced.
The Social Cost of Carbon (SCC), the calculation of how much carbon pollution hurts us «can be considered a fiction, the way it's produced in the EPA right now.»
In other words, because of the way it's produced and shipped, natural gas is not as environmentally friendly of a fuel source as it may at first seem.
To be complete, it must meet two conditions: it must describe the invention and define the way it is produced or built.
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