Sentences with phrase «way someone were raised»

Remember that, if you offer advice to other moms, that doesn't mean they have to do exactly what you say or raise their babies the same way you're raising yours.
He is Guatemalan and in many ways was raised quite differently than I was.
And in your lifetime, the journey of being a father gives you the opportunity to reflect on your own upbringing and how to pass on the positive ways you were raised and let go of ways that were not so good in your own childhood.
Historically, parents just parent whatever way they were raised.
While our parenting approaches are pretty different — she sticks more closely to the traditional French way we were raised, and I have embraced the American style with open arms — we always agree on one thing: If we were raising our kids together, they'd be perfect!»
The attitude in her work and the images Shear chooses playfully and critically isolate the highly gendered way we are raised and manipulated by the culture at large.
«There's no way I'm raising a $ 500 - million fund later if the first one doesn't hit it out of the park,» he says.
Fault lies with the dominant culture, with the way we were raised.
It was the way I was raised,» he said.
The guy's parents are extremely miserable all the time though — not just in church — but then I guess if that's the way he was raised then this is probably also just a reflection of his experience.
So although my wife I sometimes worry that we are raising our girls different than the way we were raised, we think that in many ways, our way is teaching them to follow Jesus in meaningful and tangible ways which we did not really learn until more recently.
The way I was raised informs my work.
«The way she was raised» is an inaccurate scewing of Smart's remarks.
It's the way I was raised.
I will communicate with God on my own and treat people the way I was raised to treat them.
Even after I became a believer the way I was raised haunted me and the advice I received ranged from trust Jesus more to - Are you sure your a believer.
A person faith is mostly chosen by the way we were raised.
That's the biggest perk of the way we were raised
But I think we realize now looking back on it that the way we were raised definitely shaped us into the guys that we are.
«I think part of [the early publicity] has to do with the way we were raised, the whole good versus evil thing,» Nathan Followill laughs.
Deb Just the way I was raised.
Becuase of the way I was raised, plus my time at the Air Force Academy, I formed a personal honor code that prevents me from lying, cheating, stealing and (this is the one modification I had to make once back in civilian life) am not judgemental towards others.
I generally like to eat my muffins the way I was raised to; sans butter.
This is the way I was raised to cook the chicken.
Look into his past, the way he was raised and where he lived.
Along the way he's raising money and awareness for Ronald McDonald House NZ.
«That's the way I was raised to be as a man.
Still, on some level we know something's not right with the way we're raising our kids.
Her parenting style and the way she was raised bring to the fore areas of child - rearing that many of today's parents keep private because they are not seen as widely acceptable in society, experts say.
These don't always come naturally to us because of the way we were raised and the culture we live in.
The current attachment research also indicates that the way we were raised has significant influence on how we parent our own children, and if raised in a challenging environment, it can interfere with our ability to parent effectively.
The way we are raised can have a monumental impact on how we raise our own kids.
I think it is important to question how you were raised and choose to parent more consciously rather than necessarily simply raising our children on automatic or the way we were raised.
First of all, I was influenced by the way I was raised and by the aunts and uncles who surrounded me.
I knew I didn't want to rule with an iron fist, guilt or criticism the way I was raised.
If this sounds like the way you were raised, you weren't alone.
But, for some reason, our parenting styles often mirror our parents» styles and we end up bringing them up pretty close to the way we were raised - for better or worse.
Most of us either love or hate the way we were raised and, as a result, determine to either raise our children as we were raised or vow that our kids will never experience the childhood we experienced.
Whether you choose to stick strictly to baby led weaning, work with purees and spoon feeding only, or combine the two, it's important to make a decision that meshes well with your lifestyle, the way you're raising your baby, and your child's preferences too.
Jessa Duggar usually makes extreme and bold statements that are founded on her belief system and the way she was raised.
While moms and dads say that the way they were raised is a primary influence on their own parenting, many say they are more positive and present and use fewer harsher discipline tactics that their own parents used with them.
While some parents are affected in such a way by their childhood wounds that they naturally go the very opposite way, most parents who are not actively choosing to do things differently will raise their children the same way they were raised, whether they want to or not.
The overwhelming majority of parents — 9 in 10 — report that the way they were raised is a key influence on their own parenting, and 6 out of 10 say that what they learned from their parents is useful.
This means that when we have a hard day and authoritative parenting frustrates us, it is easy to retreat to what we know and is familiar: the way we were raised.
Shay would never raise her son the way I'm raising my kids and vice versa, but that doesn't mean either of us is doing anything wrong as a parent.
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