Sentences with phrase «way something 's delivered»

And maybe the most important thing for my friends on the left is that we would never support delivering health care the same way we deliver education.
Much of it is due, we are sure, to the professional and knowledgeable way you delivered the training sessions.
It's a terrible shame that campaign never gets its act together because in other ways it delivers.
On the issue of the Damongo water problem which the Yagbonwura claims is a headache, it is recalled that somewhere 2013, President Mahama visited Damongo to inspect the ongoing works on the Fufulso - Damongo - Sawla road and during this visit, H.E President Mahama was categorical at the Jakpa palace about his resolve to fix the perennial water problem in Damongo and its environs, since then he has been working to fufill this promise same way he delivered the Fufulso - Damongo - Sawla road.
Classroom training is by far still the number one way we deliver employee training.
It's important to get a good understanding of exactly who your audience is so that you can personalise way you deliver the training to match their needs.
All of us know all relating to the lively way you deliver powerful guidance by means of your web site and in addition boost response from other people on the topic and our child is actually being taught so much.
I love hearing the sarcasm in her voice, the deadpan way she delivers hilarious lines but yes, she does have a «distinctive» voice.
Our helicopters are the most visible way we deliver our care, and almost 3,500 missions were flown last year in response to critically ill and injured patients who needed us.
Vicky was particularly excited about Burma and in many ways it delivered.
However, currently I am acting for a major NGO in the disability sector which is taking discrimination proceedings against the government for the disadvantageous way it delivers education support needs to students with disabilities.
«The relationship is how you present yourself and illustrate value, and the different ways you deliver that value is how to handle a question on commission.»
«By partnering with CVS Health, we will offer our guests industry leading health care services, and at the same time, sharpen our focus on elevating the way we deliver wellness products and experiences to our guests,» Brian Cornell, Target Chairman and CEO, said in a statement.
«The things that work when you're at smaller scale, may not work when you get bigger, and that includes the way you acquire customers, the way you deliver your service, and in this case, the way you park your service,» Behr said.
You have to be willing to adjust and experiment with your offer and everything about the way you deliver it, because the market is voting with their dollars.
It's changed the way we deliver service from reactive to proactive - we can stay ahead of problems for our customers.
The way you deliver your stories genuinely matters.
«What we see from the top performers is the way they deliver the experience to their guests seems to be a big factor,» Fernandez says.
It is really informative and the way you deliver is really interesting too.
«In order for financial services firms to prosper, they need to innovate in the way they deliver services, considering such options as collaboration and «coopetition» with other industry participants,» said analyst firm TowerGroup in its summary of SWIFT's 2009 Sibos conference in Hong Kong.
In this case, the reason is Crutchfield's piercing lyrics and the way she delivers them with such bracing poignancy.
For decades, the U.S. bishops have pushed for an overhaul of our nation's healthcare industry and the way it delivers its services.
With it being Earth Day today, I feel extra good about sharing this Cinnamon Peanut Butter Chia Seed Pudding recipe with you since it includes dairy from an industry that takes special pride and care in the way they deliver their products like milk, cheese and yogurt to you, me and our families.
Please take five minutes to fill out this short survey to help us improve the way we deliver information about the Australian Dietary Guidelines.
Even though Dina and I don't always agree on every kid / food issue, I love the way she delivers sometimes unwelcome truths to parents in a direct, no - nonsense way.
I count myself very lucky to have stumbled across the blossom and berry website, it has honestly changed my life, I have never felt so passionate and enthusiastic about a subject before and that is all down to Gayle and the way she delivers the courses,.
The way you deliver all this information is amazing.
By expanding the way we deliver care, we are reaching kids where and when they need our help the most.
Of course, you will change the way you deliver the science behind each one and make it understandable for the kids you are teaching.
HS2 chief executive Simon Kirby said: «The role of the NAO is to challenge projects such as HS2 and through that challenge improve the way they deliver for the taxpayer.
Sir Peter Gershon's recommendations on how government could improve the way it delivered public services, with total savings of # 21.5 billion a year, were accepted by the Treasury in 2004 and the department has since claimed significant progress towards this.
«It is the Conservatives as the progressive force in British politics now who are thinking seriously about how you change the way you deliver public services so you can improve the quality of service delivery even in a period of budget restraint.»
«Most people have been asking whether this project would change the way we deliver education in the Kingston City School District at Kingston High School, and I think that's a great conversation to be having.»
Oneida County Executive Picente said, «As the program has grown and established itself, and the popularity of ebay has grown, we have found a larger and larger market for office equipment and other items that are either outdated, worn, or no longer needed due to changes in the ways we deliver services.
«I think he could say, «The sky is green,» every day and everyone would say «yay» because of the way he delivers it,» Katko said.
However, the way we deliver these services must be looked at like never before.
«I think he could say, «The sky is green,» every day and everyone would say «yay» because of the way he delivers it,» Katko said of Trump.
Establishing a better approach to the way we deliver regulations and guidance.
«I believe in movement politics because that's the way not just you win support for change, but it's the way you deliver change.
«The way we deliver chemotherapy hasn't changed much in the last 50 years.
Eating less lowers your risk of almost every disease as you age and the body changes the way it delivers your energy and vitality.
I am constantly awed by the way you deliver weight loss in a way that feels good for me — inside AND out.
Something that I really liked about Eat Stop Eat was the way it delivered results.
Transform the way you deliver goods & services.
Oily skin: Be the Skin's pore line for the way it delivers a unique cocktail of luxurious botanical and herbal ingredients deep into the skin's dermis to dramatically boost hydration without any oiliness or heaviness.
Arkin does better work than Goodman, probably due to the way he delivers his juicy one - liners.
Audiences will be entertained by the way she delivers her lines with such naturalistic venom, but it's the way she personifies exhaustion that compels the performance.
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